quarta-feira, 31 de março de 2021

Xbox Store, Spring Sale 2021

Começa hoje e vai até o dia 15 de abril a Spring Sale da Xbox Store.

Além destes jogos, também tem mais alguns na promoção semanal.

Confira sistema de cores da tabela de preços:

Amarelo: melhor preço do jogo na Xbox Live até hoje (*)
Azul: melhor preço do jogo na Xbox Live até hoje (*), porém já veio por este preço antes
Branco: jogo já apareceu mais barato na Xbox Live antes

A última coluna do lado direito contém o valor e data mais recente do menor preço. Caso o melhor preço seja agora, ela mostra o segundo menor valor que ele já apareceu.

Acompanhe as promoções também pelas redes sociais:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/promocaogames/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PromocaoGamesBR

Para Xbox 360:

NomeBRUSA%ObsTipoMelhor anterior
Brave: The Video GameR$ 22,77$ 6,5967%RR$ 20,70 21/05/2019
Cars 2: The Video GameR$ 22,77$ 6,5967%RR$ 17,25 16/05/2017
Cars Mater-NationalR$ 22,77$ 6,5967%R
Castlevania Harmony of Despair-$ 4,9467%R$ 3,74 12/04/2019
Castlevania Lords of ShadowR$ 42,88$ 6,6067%RR$ 42,57 30/06/2020
Castlevania Mirror of Fate HDR$ 10,04$ 4,9467%RR$ 6,00 07/06/2018
Castlevania Symphony of the NightR$ 20,47$ 5,0050%RR$ 19,95 30/06/2020
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2R$ 32,48$ 10,0075%RR$ 25,80 07/06/2018
Disney BoltR$ 24,50$ 4,9950%R
Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of TwoR$ 22,77$ 6,5967%R
Disney UniverseR$ 32,67$ 6,5967%
Fallout 3R$ 34,97$ 7,4950%X,RR$ 20,98 20/11/2020
Fallout: New VegasR$ 14,72$ 7,4950%RR$ 8,95 20/11/2020
Goosebumps: The GameR$ 4,75$ 2,4975%
Guncraft: Blocked And LoadedR$ 4,75$ 2,4975%R$ 2,85 22/12/2020
Indiana Jones & Emperor's TombR$ 24,50$ 4,9950%R,X
LEGO Indiana Jones-$ 6,5967%R$ 4,99 16/05/2017
LEGO Indiana Jones 2: The Adventure ContinuesR$ 22,77$ 6,5967%R
LEGO Piratas do CaribeR$ 22,77$ 6,5967%RR$ 17,25 16/05/2017
Meet the Robinsons-$ 6,5967%R$ 4,99 16/05/2017
Mercenaries: Playground of DestructionR$ 24,50$ 4,9950%R
METAL GEAR RISING: REVENGEANCER$ 17,48$ 5,0075%RR$ 17,25 28/04/2020
Metal Gear Solid HD CollectionR$ 20,47$ 10,0050%RR$ 9,75 28/04/2020
Oblivion-$ 5,9960%X,R$ 4,49 20/11/2020
Orc Attack: Flatulent Rebellion-$ 2,4975%$ 1,49 29/12/2020
RAGER$ 29,97$ 7,4950%RR$ 14,75 22/08/2017
Silent Hill: HD CollectionR$ 19,98$ 7,5075%RR$ 19,75 30/06/2020
SKATE.3R$ 15,99$ 3,9980%R,XR$ 19,75 07/07/2020
Split/SecondR$ 22,77$ 6,5967%R
The Curse of Monkey Island 2: Special EditionR$ 24,50$ 4,9950%RR$ 12,25 16/05/2017
The Curse of Monkey Island: Special EditionR$ 9,50$ 4,9950%RR$ 4,75 16/05/2017
Toy Story 3R$ 24,50$ 4,9950%R
Tron: EvolutionR$ 19,47$ 4,9467%RR$ 14,75 16/05/2017

Para Xbox One:

NomeBRUSA%ObsTipoMelhor anterior
11-11 Memories RetoldR$ 19,50$ 4,5085%X
9 Monkeys of ShaolinR$ 49,97$ 15,0050%
AbzuR$ 19,50$ 9,9950%R$ 11,70 14/08/2020
Ace Combat 7: Skies Unkown: Deluxe EditionR$ 115,50$ 28,0467%jogo + DLC
Adventure Time: Pirates of the EnchiridionR$ 29,50$ 20,0050%R$ 14,75 23/06/2020
Agents of Mayhem - Total Mayhem BundleR$ 8,85$ 4,5085%Xjogo + DLC
American Ninja Warrior: Challenge-$ 7,4975%$ 4,50 18/12/2020
Ancestors: The Humankind OdysseyR$ 52,36$ 16,0060%
Apex Champion Content BundleR$ 139,30$ 27,9930%DLC
Apex Legends - Bloodhound Edition for Apex LegendsR$ 79,20$ 15,9920%DLCR$ 43,45 14/08/2020
Apex Legends - Lifeline and Bloodhound Double PackR$ 123,20$ 31,1920%XR$ 84,70 14/08/2020
Apex Legends - Lifeline Edition for Apex LegendsR$ 79,20$ 15,9920%DLCR$ 43,45 14/08/2020
Apex Legends - Octane EditionR$ 79,20$ 15,9920%DLCR$ 51,35 18/12/2020
APEX LEGENDS - PATHFINDER CONTENT BUNDLER$ 79,20$ 15,9920%XDLCR$ 51,35 18/12/2020
Arcade Game Series: 3-in-1 PackR$ 15,00$ 4,0050%R$ 7,50 22/05/2018
ARK: Survival EvolvedR$ 34,80$ 9,9980%A,X,SR$ 27,60 11/04/2017
ARK: Survival Evolved Explorer’s EditionR$ 62,25$ 22,4975%A,X,Sjogo + DLC
Arkane Anniversary CollectionR$ 74,98$ 29,9970%
Ary and the Secret of SeasonsR$ 79,97$ 20,0050%
Assassin's Creed Odyssey - Gold EditionR$ 69,75$ 24,9975%Xjogo + DLCR$ 55,80 06/10/2020
Assassin's Creed Odyssey - Ultimate EditionR$ 74,75$ 29,9975%Xjogo + DLC
Assassin's Creed Origins - GOLD EDITIONR$ 59,80$ 19,9980%Xjogo + DLC
Assassin's Creed Syndicate Gold EditionR$ 47,98$ 14,9970%jogo + DLC
Assassin's Creed ValhallaR$ 187,56$ 40,1933%X,SR$ 167,97 02/03/2021
Assassin’s Creed Antiquity PackR$ 82,50$ 24,9975%X
Assassin’s Creed Origins - DELUXE EDITIONR$ 45,80$ 13,9980%Xjogo + DLC
Assetto CorsaR$ 11,80$ 5,9980%R$ 14,75 12/05/2020
Assetto Corsa CompetizioneR$ 76,83$ 29,9925%R$ 51,22 18/12/2020
Assetto Corsa Competizione - GT4 DLCR$ 47,40$ 11,9940%DLCR$ 63,20 19/01/2021
Assetto Corsa Competizione - 2020 GT World Challenge Pack DLCR$ 27,96$ 7,1920%DLC
Assetto Corsa Competizione Intercontinetnal GT PackR$ 26,67$ 8,9940%DLCR$ 35,56 19/01/2021
Assetto Corsa Competizione Season PassR$ 61,80$ 14,9940%DLCR$ 82,40 18/12/2020
Assetto Corsa Ultimate EditionR$ 31,60$ 15,9960%jogo + DLCR$ 15,80 18/12/2020
ATLAS (Game Preview)R$ 56,22$ 15,0050%R$ 37,10 14/08/2020
Attack on Titan 2R$ 71,40$ 35,9940%XR$ 59,50 20/11/2020
Attack on Titan 2 Deluxe EditionR$ 119,40$ 59,9940%Xjogo + DLCR$ 99,50 20/11/2020
Attack on Titan 2: Final BattleR$ 83,30$ 41,9930%Xjogo + DLC
Attack on Titan 2: Final Battle Upgrade PackR$ 55,30$ 27,9930%XDLC
Baja: Edge of ControlR$ 14,75$ 7,4975%R$ 8,85 10/12/2019
Batman: Arkham CollectionR$ 62,50$ 14,9975%jogo + DLCR$ 50,00 18/12/2020
Batman: Arkham KnightR$ 45,00$ 4,9975%
Batman: Arkham Knight Premium EditionR$ 70,00$ 10,0075%jogo + DLC
Batman: Arkham Knight Season PassR$ 25,00$ 4,9975%DLC
Batman: Return to ArkhamR$ 30,00$ 5,9970%XR$ 25,00 21/12/2018
BATTLEFIELD VR$ 49,75$ 9,9975%X
BATTLEFIELD V Definitive EDITIONR$ 89,70$ 14,9970%Xjogo + DLC
BATTLESHIPR$ 11,60$ 6,0060%R$ 7,25 04/06/2020
BattletoadsR$ 24,98$ 4,9975%AR$ 49,97 18/12/2020
Bear With Me: The Complete CollectionR$ 8,98$ 4,5070%jogo + DLC
Bear With Me: The Complete Collection UnlockR$ 3,45$ 2,9970%DLC
Bear With Me: The Lost RobotsR$ 5,53$ 1,5070%
Beast QuestR$ 22,49$ 5,9980%R$ 16,86 14/04/2020
Ben 10 and Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion BundleR$ 63,98$ 17,1960%R$ 47,98 08/10/2020
Ben 10 and Crayola Scoot BundleR$ 51,60$ 13,9965%R$ 44,23 08/10/2020
Big Buck Hunter ArcadeR$ 9,75$ 4,9975%R$ 5,85 18/12/2020
BioShock: The CollectionR$ 41,58$ 9,9980%jogo + DLC
Black Desert: Conqueror EditionR$ 207,45$ 49,9550%R$ 165,96 18/12/2020
Black Desert: Traveler EditionR$ 62,45$ 15,0050%R$ 49,96 18/12/2020
Black the FallR$ 13,80$ 4,4970%
Blackguards 2R$ 22,48$ 5,9970%R$ 24,73 27/10/2020
Bleeding EdgeR$ 32,25$ 7,4975%R$ 64,50 09/02/2021
Bloodstained IGA's Back Pack DLCR$ 14,31$ 6,9930%XDLCR$ 13,70 19/01/2021
Bloodstained: Ritual of the NightR$ 89,97$ 19,9950%XR$ 71,98 18/12/2020
Book of DemonsR$ 51,50$ 12,5050%
Borderlands 3R$ 82,50$ 19,8067%X,S
Borderlands 3 Super Deluxe EditionR$ 149,85$ 36,0055%X,Sjogo + DLC
Borderlands Legendary CollectionR$ 83,16$ 40,0060%
Borderlands: Game of the Year EditionR$ 42,90$ 9,9067%X
Borderlands: The Handsome CollectionR$ 41,22$ 9,9975%R$ 29,85 07/06/2019
Brothers: a Tale of Two SonsR$ 16,00$ 3,9980%
Bulletstorm: Full Clip EditionR$ 17,75$ 9,9975%XR$ 7,10 14/08/2020
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Digital Pro EditionR$ 103,60$ 39,9960%jogo + DLCR$ 77,70 15/09/2020
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Gold EditionR$ 65,67$ 19,8067%jogo + DLC
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 - Black Ops PassR$ 76,80$ 19,9960%XDLC
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 - Spectre Rising EditionR$ 115,00$ 30,0050%XR$ 75,90 14/08/2020
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Digital Deluxe EditionR$ 119,60$ 39,9960%Xjogo + DLCR$ 98,67 28/04/2020
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Edição Zombies ChroniclesR$ 99,50$ 29,9950%Xjogo + DLCR$ 65,67 14/08/2020
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Zombies DeluxeR$ 119,60$ 39,9960%Xjogo + DLCR$ 89,70 14/08/2020
Call of Duty: GhostsR$ 65,67$ 19,8067%
Call of Duty: Ghosts Digital Hardened EditionR$ 131,60$ 39,9960%jogo + DLCR$ 98,70 15/09/2020
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare - Digital Deluxe EditionR$ 151,60$ 39,9960%Xjogo + DLCR$ 113,70 15/09/2020
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare - Launch EditionR$ 82,17$ 19,8067%X
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare - Edição Digital PadrãoR$ 171,75$ 44,9925%XR$ 148,85 15/09/2020
Call of Duty: WWII - Digital DeluxeR$ 119,60$ 39,9960%Xjogo + DLCR$ 89,70 28/04/2020
Call of Duty: WWII - Gold EditionR$ 114,50$ 30,0050%Xjogo + DLCR$ 75,57 14/08/2020
Car Mechanic SimulatorR$ 61,84$ 16,4945%R$ 56,22 08/12/2020
Car Mechanic Simulator - DLC MegaPackR$ 85,47$ 23,0940%DLCR$ 113,96 14/01/2020
Car Mechanic Simulator Deluxe EditionR$ 165,79$ 44,5433%jogo + DLCR$ 173,21 19/01/2021
Cars 3: Driven to WinR$ 24,00$ 8,0080%
Cartoon Network: Battle CrashersR$ 9,75$ 5,0075%R$ 5,85 18/12/2020
CarX Drift Racing OnlineR$ 61,84$ 16,4945%R$ 73,09 02/02/2021
Chronos: Before the AshesR$ 48,96$ 20,9930%R$ 55,96 26/01/2021
Cobra Kai: The Karate Kid Saga ContinuesR$ 73,72$ 19,9950%R$ 95,84 09/02/2021
Code VeinR$ 82,46$ 19,8067%X
Commandos 2 & Praetorians: HD Remaster Double PackR$ 98,79$ 26,7933%R$ 110,58 18/12/2020
Conjunto de Jogos LEGOR$ 99,75$ 24,9975%R$ 119,70 09/02/2021
Contra Anniversary CollectionR$ 26,07$ 6,5967%R$ 31,60 14/04/2020
CONTRA: ROGUE CORPSR$ 39,97$ 9,9975%X
Control Ultimate EditionR$ 89,50$ 20,0050%Xjogo + DLC
Cooking SimulatorR$ 52,46$ 13,9930%X
Crackdown 3R$ 74,97$ 14,9950%XR$ 59,98 08/10/2019
Crash Bandicoot N. Sane TrilogyR$ 75,00$ 19,9950%X
Crash Team Racing Nitro-FueledR$ 72,00$ 15,9960%XR$ 63,00 18/12/2020
Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled - Nitros Oxide EditionR$ 92,00$ 23,9960%Xjogo + DLCR$ 80,50 18/12/2020
Crayola ScootR$ 11,80$ 5,9980%XR$ 8,85 23/06/2020
Crysis RemasteredR$ 67,47$ 17,9940%X
CupheadR$ 56,21$ 14,9925%AR$ 52,46 18/12/2020
Dakar 18R$ 15,38$ 5,0080%
Dark Souls IIIR$ 62,25$ 14,9975%
Dark Souls III - Deluxe EditionR$ 87,25$ 21,2475%jogo + DLC
Dark Souls III - Season PassR$ 49,50$ 12,5050%DLCR$ 39,60 17/11/2017
Dark Souls: RemasteredR$ 90,00$ 19,9950%XR$ 54,00 13/11/2020
Darksiders Fury's Collection - War and DeathR$ 19,75$ 9,9975%R$ 15,80 21/04/2020
Darksiders III – Blades & Whip EditionR$ 104,70$ 29,9970%Xjogo + DLC
Darksiders III Deluxe EditionR$ 89,70$ 23,9970%Xjogo + DLC
DayzR$ 110,97$ 29,9940%XR$ 67,15 21/12/2018
Dead AllianceR$ 22,49$ 5,9980%R$ 16,86 25/02/2020
Dead Alliance: Multiplayer EditionR$ 14,99$ 3,9980%R$ 11,24 25/02/2020
Dead By Daylight: Special EditionR$ 31,60$ 12,0060%S
Dead Island Definitive CollectionR$ 15,80$ 5,9980%jogo + DLC
Dead or Alive 6R$ 35,70$ 18,0070%X
DEAD OR ALIVE 6 Digital Deluxe EditionR$ 47,70$ 24,0070%Xjogo + DLC
DEAD OR ALIVE 6 Season Pass 3R$ 208,21$ 55,9930%DLCR$ 223,08 09/02/2021
DEAD OR ALIVE 6 Season Pass 4R$ 234,46$ 62,9930%DLCR$ 251,21 09/02/2021
Deadbeat HeroesR$ 8,70$ 4,4970%
Degrees of SeparationR$ 13,80$ 3,9980%R$ 10,35 14/04/2020
Desperados III Deluxe EditionR$ 86,22$ 34,9950%Sjogo + DLCR$ 103,47 26/01/2021
Destiny 2: Beyond LightR$ 80,39$ 26,7933%X,SDLC
Destiny 2: Beyond Light +1 SeasonR$ 100,49$ 33,4933%X,SDLC
Destiny 2: Beyond Light Deluxe EditionR$ 149,99$ 52,4925%X,SDLC
Destiny 2: Legendary EditionR$ 161,99$ 47,9940%X,Sjogo + DLC
Destiny 2: RenegadosR$ 46,22$ 12,4950%XR$ 30,50 18/12/2020
Destiny 2: ShadowkeepR$ 46,22$ 12,5050%XDLCR$ 30,50 18/12/2020
Deus Ex: Mankind DividedR$ 16,05$ 4,4985%
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - Digital Deluxe EditionR$ 25,95$ 6,7485%jogo + DLC
Diablo III: Eternal CollectionR$ 65,67$ 19,8067%Xjogo + DLC
Dirt 5R$ 103,98$ 23,9960%X,SR$ 129,97 09/02/2021
DIRT 5 Year One EditionR$ 133,98$ 31,9960%X,Sjogo + DLCR$ 167,47 09/02/2021
DiRT Rally 2.0R$ 32,48$ 8,7475%X
DiRT Rally 2.0 Super Deluxe EditionR$ 51,23$ 13,7475%Xjogo + DLC
DisintegrationR$ 79,95$ 14,9950%X
DisjunctionR$ 44,96$ 11,9925%
Disney Classic Games: Aladdin and The Lion King-$ 9,9950%$ 12,00 04/01/2021
Disneyland AdventuresR$ 29,98$ 7,9960%AR$ 18,73 04/06/2020
DOOMR$ 31,00$ 9,9950%XR$ 18,60 18/12/2020
DOOM + Wolfenstein II BundleR$ 97,68$ 26,4067%XR$ 67,48 18/12/2020
DOOM + Wolfenstein II BundleR$ 74,23$ 17,8167%XR$ 67,48 18/12/2020
DOOM Eternal Deluxe EditionR$ 115,17$ 29,7067%Xjogo + DLC
DOOM Eternal Season PassR$ 74,96$ 22,4925%XDLC
DOOM Slayers CollectionR$ 57,47$ 14,9950%R$ 37,93 18/12/2020
Dragon Ball FighterzR$ 37,50$ 8,9985%X
DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ - FighterZ PassR$ 75,00$ 17,5050%DLC
DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ - FighterZ Pass 2R$ 50,00$ 12,4950%DLC
Dragon Ball FighterZ: Edição UltimateR$ 67,50$ 16,4985%Xjogo + DLC
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2R$ 37,50$ 8,9985%
DRAGON BALL Z: KAKAROTR$ 99,96$ 24,0060%
DRAGON BALL Z: KAKAROT Ultimate EditionR$ 194,95$ 47,5050%jogo + DLCR$ 155,96 13/10/2020
Dragons Dawn of New RidersR$ 31,60$ 16,0060%R$ 19,75 18/12/2020
Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World TourR$ 9,75$ 4,9975%R$ 3,90 14/08/2020
Dungeons 3 Complete CollectionR$ 88,47$ 23,9940%jogo + DLC
Dying Light: Season PassR$ 36,80$ 11,9960%DLC
Dying Light: The FollowingR$ 24,80$ 7,9960%DLC
Dying Light: The Following - Enhanced EditionR$ 84,50$ 19,4935%jogo + DLCR$ 42,90 22/12/2017
eFootball PES 2021 SEASON UPDATER$ 59,36$ 9,8967%R$ 89,95 18/12/2020
ElexR$ 49,75$ 15,0075%X
Elite Dangerous Standard EditionR$ 14,75$ 7,4975%XR$ 17,70 09/02/2021
Empire of SinR$ 103,21$ 27,9930%
Empire of Sin - Deluxe EditionR$ 129,46$ 48,9930%jogo + DLC
Empire of Sin - Premium EditionR$ 181,96$ 34,9930%jogo + DLC
Era do Gelo Aventura Maluca do Scrat!R$ 73,72$ 20,0050%R$ 58,98 18/12/2020
ExtinctionR$ 22,49$ 5,9980%R$ 16,86 11/02/2020
Extinction: Days of Dolorum Season PassR$ 13,80$ 2,9980%DLCR$ 10,35 11/02/2020
Extinction: Deluxe EditionR$ 29,49$ 7,9980%jogo + DLCR$ 22,11 11/02/2020
F1 2020R$ 77,98$ 17,9970%XR$ 103,98 09/02/2021
F1 2020 Deluxe Schumacher EditionR$ 89,23$ 20,9970%Xjogo + DLCR$ 118,98 09/02/2021
Fade to SilenceR$ 18,95$ 9,8967%R$ 17,23 04/06/2020
Fallout 4R$ 28,00$ 11,9960%XR$ 21,00 18/12/2020
Fallout 4: Game of the Year EditionR$ 49,50$ 19,7967%Xjogo + DLCR$ 45,00 20/10/2020
Fallout 76R$ 51,13$ 13,2067%X
Fallout 76 Recruitment BundleR$ 65,97$ 11,9940%XDLC
Fallout 76: Steel Dawn Deluxe EditionR$ 149,97$ 35,9940%Xjogo + DLCR$ 99,98 18/12/2020
FAR CRY 4 GOLD EDITIONR$ 42,88$ 11,5467%jogo + DLCR$ 32,25 15/01/2018
Far Cry 5 - Gold EditionR$ 69,98$ 22,4975%Xjogo + DLC
Far Cry New Dawn Deluxe EditionR$ 54,00$ 34,9970%Xjogo + DLC
Fear Effect SednaR$ 10,80$ 2,9985%
FIFA 21 Edição BeckhamR$ 119,60$ 23,9960%X,SR$ 98,67 16/02/2021
FIFA 21 Edição dos CampeõesR$ 79,80$ 15,9980%X,S,UR$ 99,75 16/02/2021
FIFA 21 Edição UltimateR$ 99,80$ 19,9980%X,S,UR$ 124,75 16/02/2021
FOOTBALL MANAGER 2021-$ 29,9925%X,S,A$ 31,99 26/01/2021
Forgotton AnneR$ 24,80$ 7,9960%
Fortnite - Last Laugh Digital PackR$ 66,33$ 20,0933%DLC
Fortnite - Machinist Mina PackR$ 37,50$ 11,9925%DLC
Forza Horizon 4R$ 161,85$ 38,9935%A,X,SR$ 97,47 11/11/2020
Forza Horizon 4 - Pacote de Complementos SupremoR$ 99,50$ 24,9950%A,XDLCR$ 71,60 11/11/2020
Forza Horizon 4 Car PassR$ 59,50$ 14,9950%A,XDLCR$ 47,60 09/02/2021
Forza Horizon 4 Deluxe EditionR$ 185,40$ 47,9940%A,Xjogo + DLCR$ 121,22 11/11/2020
Forza Horizon 4 Fortune IslandR$ 37,00$ 9,9950%A,XDLCR$ 22,98 08/09/2020
Forza Horizon 4 LEGO Speed ChampionsR$ 37,00$ 9,9950%A,XDLCR$ 23,98 08/09/2020
Forza Horizon 4 Ultimate EditionR$ 219,45$ 54,9945%A,X,Sjogo + DLCR$ 156,22 11/11/2020
Forza Motorsport 7 Car PassR$ 47,60$ 11,9960%A,XDLCR$ 28,11 05/11/2019
Forza Motorsport 7 Deluxe EditionR$ 99,60$ 23,9960%A,Xjogo + DLCR$ 114,50 11/11/2020
Forza Motorsport 7 Standard EditionR$ 99,50$ 19,9950%A,XR$ 84,50 11/11/2020
Forza Motorsport 7 Ultimate EditionR$ 108,15$ 28,0065%A,Xjogo + DLC
Fuser Standard EditionR$ 174,97$ 29,9950%R$ 227,46 23/02/2021
Fuser VIP EditionR$ 412,96$ 69,9930%jogo + DLCR$ 471,96 23/02/2021
G.I. Joe: Operation BlackoutR$ 58,98$ 15,9960%R$ 95,84 09/02/2021
G.I. Joe: Operation Blackout - Digital DeluxeR$ 64,73$ 17,4965%jogo + DLCR$ 120,21 09/02/2021
Gang BeastsR$ 19,50$ 10,0050%
Gears 5R$ 79,60$ 16,0060%X,S,AR$ 49,75 04/01/2021
Gears 5 Game of the YearR$ 99,60$ 24,0060%X,S,Ajogo + DLC
Gears of War 4R$ 49,50$ 9,9950%A,XR$ 36,86 12/04/2019
Gears of War: Ultimate Edition Deluxe VersionR$ 49,50$ 9,9950%
Gears TacticsR$ 99,60$ 24,0060%A,X,SR$ 124,50 09/02/2021
Generation ZeroR$ 39,35$ 10,4965%XR$ 37,10 16/02/2021
Generation Zero: Unrest BundleR$ 74,97$ 19,9950%jogo + DLCR$ 49,48 16/02/2021
Ghost Recon Breakpoint - Gold EditionR$ 94,98$ 24,9975%Xjogo + DLCR$ 75,99 21/01/2021
Ghost Recon Breakpoint - Ultimate EditionR$ 114,98$ 29,9975%Xjogo + DLC
Ghost Recon Wildlands Year 2 Gold EditionR$ 68,70$ 23,9970%Xjogo + DLC
Ghost Recon Wildlands: Ultimate EditionR$ 89,70$ 35,9970%Xjogo + DLC
GhostrunnerR$ 66,33$ 20,0933%R$ 74,25 09/02/2021
Gigantosaurus: The GameR$ 73,72$ 20,0050%R$ 58,98 18/12/2020
Gods will FallR$ 58,08$ 18,7425%
Goosebumps: The GameR$ 7,25$ 3,7575%R$ 4,35 18/12/2020
GRIDR$ 32,48$ 8,7475%X
GRID Ultimate EditionR$ 41,86$ 11,2475%Xjogo + DLC
GTA V: Pacote dinheiro MegalodonteR$ 169,15$ 84,9915%coinR$ 159,20 10/10/2017
GTA V: Premium Online EditionR$ 74,97$ 14,9950%R$ 49,48 21/11/2019
GTA V: Premium Online Edition & Megalodon Shark Card BundleR$ 149,98$ 35,9960%R$ 124,50 07/06/2019
GTA V: Premium Online Edition & Whale Shark Card BundleR$ 99,98$ 23,9960%R$ 62,48 10/03/2020
Halo 3: ODSTR$ 5,00$ 2,4950%X,SDLC
Halo 5: GuardiansR$ 49,50$ 9,9950%XR$ 39,50 14/10/2020
Halo Wars 2R$ 55,60$ 15,9960%A,XR$ 54,98 20/11/2020
Halo Wars 2: Complete EditionR$ 79,60$ 23,9960%A,Xjogo + DLC
Halo: ReachR$ 24,50$ 4,9950%X,SDLC
Halo: The Master Chief CollectionR$ 64,50$ 19,9950%X,SR$ 77,40 09/02/2021
Hasbro Family Fun Pack Conquest Edition-$ 11,9970%$ 12,00 02/03/2021
Hellblade: Senua's SacrificeR$ 14,75$ 7,4975%X
HITMAN 2R$ 49,80$ 11,9980%X
HITMAN 2 - Gold EditionR$ 70,00$ 19,9980%Xjogo + DLCR$ 52,50 18/12/2020
Hitman 2 Season PassR$ 37,25$ 9,9975%XDLCR$ 29,80 21/07/2020
Hitman 3 Deluxe EditionR$ 277,46$ 59,9925%X,Sjogo + DLC
Hitman 3 Standard EditionR$ 187,46$ 44,9925%X,S
Hitman HD Enhanced CollectionR$ 45,80$ 12,0080%
Homefront: The Revolution 'Freedom Fighter' BundleR$ 11,85$ 5,9985%Xjogo + DLC
Hotel Transylvania 3: Monsters OverboardR$ 29,50$ 9,9950%R$ 14,75 27/10/2020
How To Survive 2R$ 7,25$ 3,7475%R$ 5,80 14/08/2020
Human Fall FlatR$ 13,05$ 6,7455%R$ 11,60 18/12/2020
Immortal Realms: Vampire WarsR$ 110,97$ 29,9940%R$ 138,71 18/12/2020
IndivisibleR$ 89,97$ 19,9950%
Indivisible: Razmi ChallengesR$ 20,96$ 5,5930%DLCR$ 20,06 19/01/2021
Injustice 2R$ 30,00$ 9,9975%X
Injustice 2 - Legendary EditionR$ 39,80$ 11,9980%Xjogo + DLC
Injustice 2: Pack UltimateR$ 30,60$ 7,9980%XDLC
Jackbox Party Pack 7R$ 78,71$ 20,9930%X
Jeopardy!R$ 9,75$ 4,9975%
Journey to the Savage PlanetR$ 74,97$ 14,9950%
Journey to the Savage Planet:Hot Garbage DLCR$ 20,96$ 5,5930%DLC
Jumanji: The Video GameR$ 73,72$ 19,9950%XR$ 58,98 18/12/2020
Jump ForceR$ 62,50$ 15,0075%X
Jump Force: Ultimate EditionR$ 100,00$ 25,0075%Xjogo + DLC
Jurassic World EvolutionR$ 24,75$ 12,4975%X
Jurassic World Evolution - Deluxe BundleR$ 27,25$ 13,7575%Xjogo + DLC
Jurassic World Evolution: Expansion CollectionR$ 73,72$ 19,9950%DLCR$ 58,98 18/12/2020
Jurassic World Evolution: Return to Jurassic ParkR$ 33,72$ 9,0055%DLC
Just Cause 3R$ 14,20$ 3,9980%
Just Cause 3: XXL EditionR$ 21,40$ 6,0080%jogo + DLC
Just Cause 4 - Edição CompletaR$ 73,11$ 17,5075%Xjogo + DLC
Just Cause 4 - Gold EditionR$ 62,48$ 9,9975%Xjogo + DLC
Just Cause 4: ReloadedR$ 37,48$ 10,0075%Xjogo + DLC
Just Dance 2020R$ 119,96$ 29,9925%R$ 63,98 08/10/2020
Kerbal Space Program Complete EditionR$ 94,32$ 27,0055%jogo + DLC
Kerbal Space Program Enhanced EditionR$ 37,25$ 9,9975%R$ 19,75 14/04/2020
Killer Instinct: Definitive EditionR$ 19,75$ 10,0075%A,Xjogo + DLC
Kingdom Come Deliverance Royal EditionR$ 38,70$ 12,0070%Xjogo + DLC
Kingdom Come: DeliveranceR$ 38,70$ 9,0070%X
Kingdoms of Amalur Re-ReckoningR$ 56,97$ 23,9940%
Kingdoms of Amalur Re-Reckoning: Fate EditionR$ 79,47$ 32,9940%
L.A. NoireR$ 99,50$ 19,9950%X
LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham Deluxe EditionR$ 25,80$ 6,9980%jogo + DLC
LEGO DC Super-Villains Deluxe EditionR$ 56,00$ 15,0080%Xjogo + DLC
LEGO Harry Potter CollectionR$ 30,00$ 7,9980%XR$ 37,50 09/02/2021
LEGO Jurassic WorldR$ 45,00$ 5,0075%
Lego Marvel CollectionR$ 45,80$ 12,0080%jogo + DLC
Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2 Deluxe EditionR$ 32,25$ 8,7475%Xjogo + DLC
LEGO Marvel’s Avengers Deluxe EditionR$ 50,00$ 7,5075%jogo + DLC
LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens Deluxe EditionR$ 26,00$ 5,9980%jogo + DLCR$ 32,50 10/12/2020
LEGO WorldsR$ 26,00$ 5,9980%R$ 32,50 10/12/2019
Lego: The IncrediblesR$ 40,00$ 12,0080%
Life is Strange 2 - Episódio 2R$ 12,00$ 4,0050%
Life is Strange 2 - Episódio 3R$ 12,00$ 4,0050%
Life is Strange 2 - Episódio 5R$ 12,00$ 4,0050%
Life Is Strange 2 Complete SeasonR$ 38,40$ 12,7860%X
Life is Strange 2 Episode 4R$ 12,00$ 4,0050%
Life is Strange Complete Season (Episodes 1-5)R$ 7,80$ 3,9980%
Life is Strange: Before the Storm - Temporada CompletaR$ 11,80$ 3,3980%X
Life is Strange: Before the Storm Deluxe EditionR$ 17,80$ 4,9980%X
Little Big WorkshopR$ 50,21$ 13,3933%
Little Nightmares Complete EditionR$ 25,00$ 7,4975%jogo + DLCR$ 15,00 19/12/2019
Mad MaxR$ 45,00$ 5,0075%
MADDEN 2021R$ 134,55$ 26,9955%X,SR$ 149,50 16/02/2021
MADDEN NFL 21 Superstar EditionR$ 139,65$ 27,9965%S,Xjogo + DLCR$ 159,60 16/02/2021
Mafia Definitive EditionR$ 123,71$ 29,9925%
Mafia: TrilogyR$ 162,43$ 38,9935%X
ManeaterR$ 73,72$ 19,9950%X,SR$ 95,84 18/12/2020
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - Deluxe EditionR$ 88,98$ 23,9960%Ajogo + DLCR$ 73,40 08/10/2019
Marvel's AvengersR$ 124,97$ 30,0050%X
Marvel's Avengers: Deluxe EditionR$ 154,97$ 40,0050%Xjogo + DLC
Mega Man Legacy Collection 1 & 2 Combo PackR$ 79,50$ 15,0050%
Mega Man X Legacy Collection 1+2R$ 89,50$ 19,9950%
Memories of MarsR$ 37,47$ 10,0050%
Metal Gear SurviveR$ 32,67$ 9,9067%X
Metro ExodusR$ 47,98$ 12,0070%X
Metro Exodus - Expansion PassR$ 30,98$ 10,0060%XDLC
Metro Exodus Gold EditionR$ 70,48$ 19,5070%Xjogo + DLC
Metro Redux BundleR$ 11,80$ 6,0080%
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Digital DeluxeR$ 102,51$ 26,7933%XDLCR$ 91,80 14/08/2020
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Master EditionR$ 114,75$ 29,9925%Xjogo + DLC
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Master Edition Digital DeluxeR$ 155,25$ 37,4925%Xjogo + DLC
Monster Jam Steel TitansR$ 31,60$ 16,0060%X
Monster SanctuaryR$ 40,19$ 13,3933%
Mortal Kombat 11R$ 59,99$ 15,0070%X,S
Mortal Kombat 11 - Pacote de Kombate 2R$ 29,50$ 7,4950%X,SDLCR$ 35,40 09/02/2021
Mortal Kombat 11 AftermathR$ 63,60$ 16,0060%X,SDLC
Mortal Kombat 11 DLC BundleR$ 99,99$ 24,9950%X,SDLCR$ 119,99 02/02/2021
Mortal Kombat 11 UltimateR$ 139,50$ 29,9950%X,Sjogo + DLCR$ 167,40 02/02/2021
Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate + Injustice 2 Ed. LendáriaR$ 179,60$ 39,9960%Xjogo + DLC
Mortal Kombat XR$ 32,50$ 4,9975%R$ 39,00 21/07/2020
Mortal Kombat XLR$ 36,00$ 5,9970%jogo + DLC
Mortal ShellR$ 89,96$ 23,9920%R$ 78,71 18/12/2020
MotoGP 20R$ 46,23$ 12,4975%R$ 55,48 02/02/2021
MX vs ATV All OutR$ 17,70$ 8,9970%XR$ 14,75 20/10/2020
MX vs. ATV Supercross Encore-$ 7,4975%$ 5,99 24/09/2019
MXGP 2020 - The Official Motocross VideogameR$ 137,97$ 29,9940%R$ 160,96 09/02/2021
MY HERO ONE'S JUSTICE 2R$ 124,95$ 29,9950%
MY HERO ONE'S JUSTICE 2 Deluxe EditionR$ 159,95$ 40,0050%jogo + DLC
NAMCO MUSEUM ARCHIVES Vol 1R$ 39,95$ 9,9950%
NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 4R$ 31,35$ 9,8967%R$ 23,75 31/01/2020
NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 4 ROAD TO BORUTOR$ 60,00$ 14,9970%jogo + DLCR$ 50,00 15/02/2021
NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM TrilogyR$ 70,00$ 19,9950%R$ 35,00 15/02/2019
NASCAR Heat 5R$ 56,22$ 14,9950%R$ 73,98 18/12/2020
NBA 2K21R$ 82,46$ 19,8067%X
NBA 2K21 Mamba Forever EditionR$ 277,98$ 66,9933%X,S
NBA 2K21 Next Generation Mamba Forever Edition BundleR$ 404,92$ 74,9925%X,SR$ 458,91 10/12/2020
Need for Speed HeatR$ 59,75$ 14,9975%XR$ 71,70 16/02/2021
Need for Speed Heat Edição DeluxeR$ 69,75$ 17,4975%Xjogo + DLCR$ 83,70 16/02/2021
Need for Speed™ Hot Pursuit RemasteredR$ 99,50$ 19,9950%
NHL 21R$ 119,60$ 23,9960%XR$ 149,50 16/02/2021
NHL 21 DELUXE EDITIONR$ 135,60$ 27,9960%XR$ 152,55 16/02/2021
NHL 21 Great Eight EditionR$ 159,60$ 31,9960%XR$ 179,55 16/02/2021
NHL 21: Rewind BundleR$ 127,60$ 25,9960%R$ 159,50 16/02/2021
Nickelodeon Kart Racers 2: Grand PrixR$ 73,72$ 20,0050%
Nickelodeon: Kart RacersR$ 19,75$ 9,9975%R$ 11,85 18/12/2020
No Man's SkyR$ 111,22$ 29,9950%XR$ 49,50 22/09/2020
No Straight RoadsR$ 98,79$ 26,7933%
OctahedronR$ 20,00$ 6,4950%R$ 16,00 21/01/2020
Oh My GodheadsR$ 9,20$ 2,9980%
ONE PIECE World SeekerR$ 62,50$ 14,9975%X
ONE PIECE: PIRATE WARRIORS 4R$ 124,95$ 30,0050%
ONE PIECE: PIRATE WARRIORS 4 Deluxe EditionR$ 181,44$ 49,4945%jogo + DLC
Ori and the Will of the WispsR$ 64,50$ 15,0050%A,X,SR$ 42,57 09/02/2021
Ori: The CollectionR$ 89,97$ 17,4950%X,SR$ 59,38 09/02/2021
OutwardR$ 37,25$ 10,0075%X
Outward - The SoroboreansR$ 41,22$ 10,0050%DLC
Overcooked! 2R$ 24,50$ 12,5050%
Overcooked! All You Can EatR$ 80,40$ 26,7933%SR$ 91,49 18/12/2020
Overwatch: Legendary EditionR$ 73,40$ 19,7967%
PAC-MAN CHAMPIONSHIP EDITION 2R$ 20,00$ 5,2060%R$ 12,50 21/01/2020
Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Definitive EditionR$ 53,14$ 19,9960%jogo + DLCR$ 76,22 02/02/2021
Paw Patrol: On a Roll and Crayola ScootR$ 85,98$ 22,9960%
PAYDAY 2: CRIMEWAVE EDITIONR$ 15,60$ 8,0060%R$ 9,75 08/10/2020
PES21 ArsenalR$ 65,96$ 11,5467%DLCR$ 99,95 18/12/2020
PES21 BarcelonaR$ 65,96$ 11,5467%DLCR$ 99,95 18/12/2020
PES21 BayernR$ 65,96$ 11,5467%DLCR$ 99,95 18/12/2020
PES21 JuventusR$ 65,96$ 11,5467%DLCR$ 99,95 18/12/2020
PES21 ManchesterR$ 65,96$ 11,5467%DLCR$ 99,95 18/12/2020
PGA Tour 2K21R$ 82,46$ 19,7967%XR$ 124,95 08/02/2021
Planet Coaster: Console EditionR$ 129,46$ 34,9930%X,SR$ 138,71 09/02/2021
Planet Coaster: Deluxe EditionR$ 155,71$ 41,9930%Sjogo + DLCR$ 166,83 09/02/2021
Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for NeighborvilleR$ 31,80$ 7,9980%XR$ 39,75 26/01/2021
Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville™ Deluxe EditionR$ 39,80$ 9,9980%jogo + DLCR$ 49,75 26/01/2021
Port Royale 4 Extended CutR$ 169,71$ 45,4930%jogo + DLCR$ 193,96 18/12/2020
Portal KnightsR$ 15,60$ 8,0060%XR$ 13,65 14/04/2020
Portal Knights - Legendary EditionR$ 89,96$ 23,9920%jogo + DLC
PreyR$ 28,00$ 11,9960%XR$ 17,50 21/02/2020
Prey + Dishonored 2 BundleR$ 48,18$ 21,4467%XR$ 36,50 18/12/2020
Prey: Digital Deluxe EditionR$ 29,70$ 13,1967%Xjogo + DLCR$ 22,50 21/02/2020
Project CARS 3R$ 124,95$ 29,9950%X
Project CARS 3 - Deluxe EditionR$ 197,45$ 47,4950%Xjogo + DLC
Project Highrise: Architect's EditionR$ 33,73$ 8,9970%R$ 28,11 25/02/2020
Puyo Puyo Tetris 2R$ 149,96$ 29,9925%S
Quantum BreakR$ 19,50$ 9,9975%X
Race with RyanR$ 56,22$ 15,0050%
Rad RodgersR$ 7,80$ 3,9980%
Rage 2R$ 65,67$ 19,7967%XR$ 39,80 04/08/2020
RAGE 2: Deluxe EditionR$ 88,77$ 26,3967%Xjogo + DLCR$ 53,80 04/08/2020
Railway EmpireR$ 56,22$ 14,9950%XR$ 47,60 28/04/2020
Railway Empire - Crossing the AndesR$ 7,90$ 3,9950%DLC
Railway Empire - GermanyR$ 18,47$ 4,9950%DLCR$ 7,50 08/09/2020
Railway Empire - Great Britain & IrelandR$ 18,47$ 4,9950%DLCR$ 7,50 08/09/2020
Railway Empire - Great LakesR$ 7,90$ 3,9950%DLC
Railway Empire Complete EditionR$ 95,84$ 25,9935%jogo + DLC
Railway Empire: FranceR$ 18,47$ 4,9950%DLCR$ 14,53 08/09/2020
Railway Empire: MexicoR$ 7,90$ 3,9950%DLC
Railway Empire:Down UnderR$ 19,46$ 5,1935%DLCR$ 17,97 08/09/2020
Railway Empire:Northern EuropeR$ 19,46$ 5,1935%DLCR$ 17,97 08/09/2020
Rainbow Six Siege Deluxe EditionR$ 37,48$ 9,9975%Sjogo + DLC
Rainbow Six Siege Operator EditionR$ 134,97$ 36,0055%Sjogo + DLC
Rainbow Six Siege Ultimate EditionR$ 208,97$ 54,9945%Sjogo + DLC
Rapala Fishing Pro SeriesR$ 9,75$ 4,9975%R$ 5,85 18/12/2020
Rapala Fishing: Pro Series – Lake Okeechobee PackR$ 1,86$ 0,4975%DLC
Rare ReplayR$ 24,75$ 7,5075%
ReCore Definitive EditionR$ 9,73$ 4,9975%A,X
Red Dead Redemption 2R$ 112,47$ 27,0055%X
Red Dead Redemption 2: Story ModeR$ 136,46$ 25,9935%X
Red Dead Redemption 2: Story Mode and Ultimate Edition ContentR$ 179,99$ 35,9955%X
Red Dead Redemption 2: Ultimate EditionR$ 199,98$ 39,9960%G,Xjogo + DLCR$ 139,60 22/09/2020
Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-teredR$ 11,80$ 6,0080%
Remnant: From the AshesR$ 73,72$ 20,0050%X
Remnant: From the Ashes Complete EditionR$ 110,97$ 29,9940%jogo + DLC
Remothered: Broken PorcelainR$ 65,45$ 15,0050%
RESIDENT EVIL 2 Deluxe EditionR$ 79,60$ 19,9960%Xjogo + DLC
RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard Gold EditionR$ 79,50$ 19,9950%A,Xjogo + DLC
Resident Evil Revelations 1 & 2 BundleR$ 71,60$ 16,0060%jogo + DLC
Resident Evil Triple PackR$ 98,67$ 19,6367%jogo + DLCR$ 119,60 19/01/2021
Resident Evil: Deluxe Origins BundleR$ 30,75$ 9,9975%
Resident Evil: RACCOON CITY EDITIONR$ 131,40$ 31,9960%X
RIDE 4R$ 137,97$ 29,9940%SR$ 160,96 02/02/2021
RIDE 4 - Special EditionR$ 221,97$ 47,9940%Sjogo + DLCR$ 240,46 02/02/2021
Rise of the Tomb Raider Season PassR$ 16,38$ 3,9960%DLC
Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20 Year CelebrationR$ 25,99$ 5,9980%Xjogo + DLC
Risk of RainR$ 9,99$ 4,9950%R$ 6,59 14/08/2020
Risk of Rain 1 + 2 BundleR$ 43,99$ 11,9960%R$ 41,25 14/08/2020
Risk of Rain 2R$ 39,99$ 9,9960%R$ 35,47 14/08/2020
Road RageR$ 14,99$ 3,9980%R$ 11,24 28/04/2020
Rock of Ages 3: Make & BreakR$ 43,19$ 9,8967%R$ 65,45 09/02/2021
Rush: A Disney Pixar AdventureR$ 29,98$ 7,9960%A,XR$ 18,73 04/06/2020
Ryse: Legendary EditionR$ 49,75$ 7,4975%jogo + DLC
Saints Row IV: Re-ElectedR$ 7,80$ 3,9980%
Saints Row the Third RemasteredR$ 30,98$ 16,0060%
Samurai Jack: Battle Through TimeR$ 88,47$ 23,9940%R$ 103,21 18/12/2020
ScreamRideR$ 34,75$ 7,5075%
Scribblenauts Mega PackR$ 30,00$ 8,0080%
Scribblenauts: ShowdownR$ 40,00$ 8,0080%
Sea of ThievesR$ 99,97$ 19,9950%X,S,AR$ 74,97 17/09/2020
SEGA Genesis ClassicsR$ 52,50$ 10,4965%R$ 60,00 18/12/2020
Serious Sam CollectionR$ 56,22$ 14,9950%XR$ 95,58 18/12/2020
Shadows: AwakeningR$ 56,22$ 14,9950%R$ 33,73 14/08/2020
Sid Meier's Civilization VIR$ 82,48$ 19,8067%X
Skater XLR$ 117,96$ 31,9920%
SkelattackR$ 22,47$ 5,0075%
SkullyR$ 39,27$ 8,9970%R$ 65,45 09/02/2021
Skyrim + Fallout 4 GOTY BundleR$ 148,00$ 40,0050%Xjogo + DLCR$ 118,40 18/12/2020
Skyrim Special EditionR$ 36,00$ 16,0060%Xjogo + DLCR$ 29,70 14/08/2020
Sleeping Dogs Definitive EditionR$ 29,85$ 4,4985%
Sniper Elite 3 ULTIMATE EDITIONR$ 16,00$ 3,9990%jogo + DLCR$ 40,00 09/02/2021
SnowRunnerR$ 119,97$ 29,9940%X
Snowrunner - Premium EditionR$ 173,97$ 41,9940%G,Xjogo + DLC
Snowrunner - Season PassR$ 66,96$ 16,7433%G,XDLC
Sombras da GuerraR$ 29,49$ 10,0080%X,A
Sombras da Guerra Edição DefinitivaR$ 38,99$ 11,9980%X,Ajogo + DLCR$ 29,24 18/12/2020
Sombras da Guerra: Expansion PassR$ 25,49$ 8,0080%X,ADLC
Sombras de Mordor: GOTYR$ 45,00$ 4,9975%jogo + DLCR$ 36,00 11/07/2017
SONIC FORCES Digital Standard EditionR$ 24,97$ 9,9950%X
Sonic ManiaR$ 19,50$ 9,9950%X
Soulcalibur VIR$ 37,50$ 9,0085%X
South Park: The Fractured but Whole - Gold EditionR$ 68,98$ 23,9970%jogo + DLCR$ 64,75 15/11/2018
Space EngineersR$ 52,46$ 13,9930%
Space Engineers Ultimate Edition 2020R$ 103,21$ 24,4930%jogo + DLC
SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom - RehydratedR$ 38,49$ 20,0933%XR$ 40,21 26/01/2021
Spyro Reignited TrilogyR$ 72,00$ 16,0060%R$ 63,00 18/12/2020
STAR WARS JEDI: FALLEN ORDERR$ 119,50$ 29,9950%XR$ 95,60 18/12/2020
STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order Edição DeluxeR$ 139,50$ 34,9950%XR$ 111,60 18/12/2020
STAR WARS TRIPLE BUNDLER$ 199,50$ 44,9950%
STAR WARS: SQUADRONSR$ 99,50$ 19,9950%X,SR$ 119,40 16/02/2021
Starlink: Battle for AtlasR$ 39,80$ 11,9980%X
State of Decay 2: Juggernaut EditionR$ 95,58$ 22,4925%A,X,SR$ 63,72 21/11/2019
State of Decay: Year-One Survival EditionR$ 24,75$ 7,5075%G
Stranded DeepR$ 44,97$ 11,9940%R$ 48,71 18/12/2020
Street OutlawsR$ 36,86$ 9,9975%R$ 22,11 18/12/2020
SubnauticaR$ 38,35$ 19,4935%G,XR$ 26,13 22/12/2017
Sudden Strike 4 Complete CollectionR$ 73,98$ 19,9960%X
Sunset OverdriveR$ 24,75$ 4,9975%
Sunset Overdrive Deluxe EditionR$ 37,25$ 7,4975%jogo + DLC
Super Bomberman RR$ 37,50$ 9,9975%
Super Monkey Ball: Banana BlitzR$ 48,71$ 19,4935%R$ 52,46 18/12/2020
SWORD ART ONLINE Alicization LycorisR$ 124,95$ 29,9950%
SWORD ART ONLINE Alicization Lycoris - Deluxe EditionR$ 279,93$ 73,4930%jogo + DLC
SWORD ART ONLINE: FATAL BULLET Complete EditionR$ 70,00$ 17,4975%Xjogo + DLCR$ 56,00 14/07/2020
Tales of Vesperia: Edição DefinitivaR$ 50,00$ 12,5075%X
Team Sonic RacingR$ 48,71$ 19,4935%X
Tekken 7R$ 40,00$ 9,9980%
TEKKEN 7 - Season PassR$ 30,00$ 7,5070%DLC
TEKKEN 7 - Season Pass 2R$ 40,00$ 12,0060%XDLC
TEKKEN 7 - Season Pass 3R$ 34,95$ 12,5050%DLC
Tell Me WhyR$ 49,97$ 9,9950%R$ 84,97 09/03/2021
TerrariaR$ 19,50$ 10,0050%R$ 7,80 30/06/2017
Tetris Effect: ConnectedR$ 110,58$ 29,9925%X,S
THE CREW 2 - Gold EditionR$ 74,98$ 22,4975%Xjogo + DLCR$ 59,99 08/10/2020
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little HopeR$ 107,13$ 20,0933%R$ 103,93 18/12/2020
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man Of MedanR$ 52,78$ 9,9067%X
The Division 2 - Warlords of New York - Ultimate EditionR$ 83,98$ 24,0070%X,Sjogo + DLC
The Division 2 - Warlords of New York EditionR$ 68,98$ 17,9970%X,Sjogo + DLC
The Division Franchise BundleR$ 59,98$ 16,4970%XR$ 49,98 26/05/2020
The Division Gold EditionR$ 44,98$ 12,4975%Xjogo + DLC
The Elder Scrolls OnlineR$ 24,80$ 7,9960%X
The Elder Scrolls Online: 14000 CrownsR$ 214,50$ 64,9935%coinsR$ 198,00 22/12/2017
The Elder Scrolls Online: 1500 CrownsR$ 40,00$ 11,9920%coinsR$ 21,75 22/08/2017
The Elder Scrolls Online: 21000 CrownsR$ 300,00$ 89,9940%coinsR$ 250,00 22/12/2017
The Elder Scrolls Online: 3000 CrownsR$ 63,00$ 18,7425%coinsR$ 32,83 22/08/2017
The Elder Scrolls Online: 5500 CrownsR$ 91,00$ 27,9930%coinR$ 47,40 22/08/2017
The Elder Scrolls Online: GreymoorR$ 75,88$ 19,8067%jogo + DLC
The Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor Collector's Ed. UpgradeR$ 62,68$ 16,5067%DLC
The Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor Collector's EditionR$ 100,63$ 26,4067%jogo + DLC
The Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor UpgradeR$ 52,78$ 9,8967%DLCR$ 51,13 18/12/2020
The Jackbox Party Pack 6R$ 67,47$ 17,9940%XR$ 73,09 18/12/2020
The Last CampfireR$ 48,96$ 10,4930%
The LEGO Movie 2 VideogameR$ 31,80$ 7,9980%R$ 39,75 09/02/2021
The Outer WorldsR$ 99,98$ 24,0060%X
The Sims 4R$ 39,75$ 10,0075%R$ 15,90 16/06/2020
The Sims 4 + Gatos e Cães – BundleR$ 99,50$ 25,0050%Xjogo + DLCR$ 49,75 18/12/2020
The Sims 4 Aventuras na SelvaR$ 59,25$ 14,9925%DLC
The Sims 4 Bundle - Ao Trabalho, Escapada Gourmet, Cozinha Maneira Coleção de ObjetosR$ 99,50$ 25,0050%DLCR$ 84,50 01/10/2019
The Sims 4 Bundle - Vida na Cidade, Vampiros, Glamour Vintage Coleção de ObjetosR$ 84,50$ 25,0050%DLC
The Sims 4 Deluxe Party EditionR$ 49,75$ 12,4975%jogo + DLCR$ 19,90 16/06/2020
The Sims 4 Dia de SpaR$ 59,25$ 14,9925%DLCR$ 39,50 01/10/2019
The Sims 4 Dine OutR$ 59,25$ 14,9925%DLCR$ 39,50 01/10/2019
The Sims 4 Eco LifestyleR$ 79,50$ 19,9950%DLC
The Sims 4 Get to WorkR$ 79,50$ 19,9950%DLCR$ 39,75 07/06/2019
The Sims 4 Ilhas TropicaisR$ 79,50$ 19,9950%DLC
The Sims 4 Retiro ao Ar LivreR$ 59,25$ 14,9925%DLCR$ 39,50 01/10/2019
The Sims 4 SeasonsR$ 79,50$ 19,9950%DLCR$ 74,50 13/10/2020
The SIMS 4 Snowy Escape Expansion PackR$ 99,50$ 20,0050%DLCR$ 79,60 09/02/2021
The Sims 4 Star Wars: Journey to Batuu Game PackR$ 74,25$ 14,9925%DLC
The Sims 4 StrangerVilleR$ 59,25$ 14,9925%DLCR$ 39,50 01/10/2019
The Sims 4 VampiresR$ 59,25$ 14,9925%DLCR$ 39,50 01/10/2019
The Sims 4 Vida em FamíliaR$ 51,75$ 14,9925%DLC
The Sims 4: Cats and Dogs Plus My First Pet Stuff BundleR$ 79,50$ 19,9950%DLC
The Sims™ 4 Discover UniversityR$ 79,50$ 19,9950%DLC
The Surge - Augmented EditionR$ 36,73$ 8,9970%Xjogo + DLCR$ 30,61 20/11/2020
The Surge 2R$ 46,00$ 12,4975%X
The Surge 2: Season PassR$ 31,22$ 7,4950%XDLCR$ 18,73 08/09/2020
The Survivalists - Deluxe EditionR$ 35,16$ 18,0833%jogo + DLCR$ 41,99 18/12/2020
The Telltale Batman Shadows EditionR$ 28,11$ 7,4975%R$ 56,22 09/03/2021
The Ultimate Sonic BundleR$ 149,97$ 35,9940%R$ 187,46 20/11/2020
The Witcher 3R$ 28,60$ 8,0080%X
The Witcher 3: Blood and WineR$ 16,80$ 6,0070%XDLC
The Witcher 3: Complete EditionR$ 38,00$ 10,0080%Xjogo + DLC
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Hearts Of StoneR$ 8,40$ 3,0070%XDLC
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Expansion PassR$ 19,50$ 7,5070%XDLC
theHunter: Call of the Wild - 2021 EditionR$ 121,22$ 32,5050%jogo + DLC
Thornebreaker: The Witcher TalesR$ 16,79$ 5,9970%R$ 27,99 18/12/2020
Titan QuestR$ 20,65$ 10,4965%XR$ 14,75 14/04/2020
Tomb Raider: Definitive EditionR$ 12,36$ 2,9985%
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 + 2 Standard EditionR$ 149,25$ 29,9925%X
Tony Stewart's All American RacingR$ 78,71$ 20,9930%R$ 89,96 18/12/2020
Torchlight IIIR$ 73,72$ 15,0050%
Tour de France 2017R$ 6,19$ 3,0080%
Tour de France 2018R$ 12,49$ 4,0080%
Townsmen - A Kingdom RebuiltR$ 37,10$ 9,8967%R$ 44,98 26/01/2021
Trine 4: The Nightmare PrinceR$ 32,48$ 7,5075%
Trine: Ultimate CollectionR$ 68,98$ 14,9970%
TWIN MIRRORR$ 120,59$ 20,0933%X
UFC 4 DELUXE HOLIDAY EDITIONR$ 152,55$ 31,4955%Xjogo + DLCR$ 169,50 02/03/2021
Ugly Dolls Uma Aventura ImperfeitaR$ 11,85$ 5,9985%
Underworld AscendantR$ 28,11$ 7,5075%
UnturnedR$ 51,95$ 12,4950%R$ 77,92 09/02/2021
VirginiaR$ 4,75$ 2,5075%R$ 3,80 14/08/2020
Warframe 1000 Platinum + Rare ModR$ 59,40$ 29,9940%DLC
Warframe 2100 Platinum + Dual Rare ModR$ 109,45$ 54,9945%DLC
Warframe: 370 PlatinumR$ 25,35$ 12,9935%coins
Warhammer 40.000 MechanicusR$ 88,47$ 23,9940%R$ 98,79 20/11/2020
Wasteland 3R$ 111,22$ 29,9950%X
Watch Dogs 2 - Gold EditionR$ 47,99$ 17,9980%jogo + DLCR$ 35,99 08/10/2020
Watch Dogs Complete EditionR$ 37,48$ 9,8970%jogo + DLC
Watch Dogs LegionR$ 139,97$ 30,0050%X,SR$ 92,38 23/03/2021
Watch Dogs Legion - ULTIMATE EDITIONR$ 229,97$ 60,0050%X,Sjogo + DLCR$ 183,98 23/03/2021
We Happy FewR$ 62,25$ 15,0075%A,XR$ 37,35 29/12/2020
We Happy Few Digital DeluxeR$ 76,75$ 20,0075%A,Xjogo + DLCR$ 46,05 29/12/2020
Wheel Of FortuneR$ 15,58$ 7,9960%R$ 9,73 04/06/2020
WindboundR$ 42,72$ 13,4955%R$ 47,47 02/02/2021
Wolfenstein Alt History CollectionR$ 174,97$ 40,0050%R$ 139,98 13/10/2020
Wolfenstein IIR$ 61,98$ 15,9960%XR$ 46,48 14/08/2020
Wolfenstein: The New OrderR$ 32,00$ 8,0060%R$ 24,00 14/08/2020
Wolfenstein: The Old BloodR$ 25,60$ 8,0060%R$ 19,20 18/12/2020
Wolfenstein: YoungbloodR$ 37,95$ 9,8967%XR$ 34,50 18/12/2020
Wolfenstein: Youngblood Deluxe EditionR$ 51,15$ 13,1967%XR$ 46,50 18/12/2020
WreckfestR$ 55,24$ 20,0933%R$ 57,71 26/01/2021
Wreckfest Complete EditionR$ 92,09$ 33,4933%jogo + DLCR$ 89,34 20/11/2020
WWE 2K BattlegroundsR$ 111,99$ 20,0050%
XCOM 2 Digital Deluxe EditionR$ 73,75$ 18,7475%Xjogo + DLC
Yakuza 0R$ 41,22$ 9,9950%
Yakuza: Like a DragonR$ 174,96$ 41,9930%X,S
Yakuza: Like a Dragon Hero EditionR$ 202,93$ 48,9930%X,Sjogo + DLC
Yakuza: Like a Dragon Legendary Hero EditionR$ 243,03$ 58,4935%X,Sjogo + DLC
Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the DuelistR$ 15,60$ 8,0060%
Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist:Link EvolutionR$ 71,96$ 16,0060%
Zombieland: Double Tap - Road TripR$ 36,86$ 10,0075%R$ 22,11 18/12/2020
Zoo Tycoon: Ultimate Animal CollectionR$ 29,98$ 7,9960%AR$ 18,73 04/06/2020

Para Xbox Series:

NomeBRUSA%ObsTipoMelhor anterior
Control - Ultimate Edition - Xbox Series X|SR$ 64,50$ 19,9950%SR$ 90,30 02/02/2021
NBA 2K21 Next GenerationR$ 217,12$ 52,4925%SR$ 246,07 10/12/2020

G = desconto para assinantes Gold
R = retrocompatível
A = XBOX Play Anywhere
X = Otimizado para Xbox One X
S = Otimizado para Xbox Series