quinta-feira, 29 de dezembro de 2022

segunda-feira, 26 de dezembro de 2022

Xbox Store, de 27/12 a 02/01

Jogos abaixo entram em promoção esta semana na Xbox Store.

Ainda continua acontecendo a Promoção Contagem Regressiva na Xbox Store.

Confira sistema de cores da tabela de preços:

Amarelo: melhor preço do jogo na Xbox Store até hoje (*)
Azul: melhor preço do jogo na Xbox Store até hoje (*), porém já veio por este preço antes
Branco: jogo já apareceu mais barato na Xbox Store antes

A última coluna do lado direito contém o valor e data mais recente do menor preço. Caso o melhor preço seja agora, ela mostra o segundo menor valor que ele já apareceu.

Acompanhe as promoções também pelas redes sociais:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/promocaogames/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PromocaoGamesBR

Para Xbox 360:

NomeBRUSA%ObsTipoMelhor anteriorCor
Bound By Flame-$ 1,9980%G,RB
Mass EffectR$ 17,25$ 4,9975%G,RB
ScreamRideR$ 22,25$ 4,9975%G,RB

Para Xbox One:

NomeBRUSA%ObsTipoMelhor anteriorCor
Alba: A Wildlife AdventureR$ 33,72$ 8,9955%G,SB
Aliens: Fireteam Elite - Ultimate Edition UpgradeR$ 127,96$ 23,9920%G,A,X,SDLCB
Aliens: Fireteam Elite Ultimate EditionR$ 223,96$ 41,9930%G,A,X,Sjogo + DLC2022-11-08 R$ 207,96W
Ancestors LegacyR$ 36,86$ 9,9975%X2022-03-08 R$ 48,65A
Asteroids RechargedR$ 16,97$ 4,9950%SB
Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance II-$ 23,9920%G,SA
Black LegendR$ 29,98$ 7,9960%XB
Black Widow RechargedR$ 16,97$ 4,9950%SB
Blazing ChromeR$ 24,98$ 6,7960%B
Bloons TD 5-$ 7,4950%A
Blue FireR$ 29,98$ 7,9960%X2022-11-01 R$ 37,47A
Breakout RechargedR$ 16,97$ 4,9950%SB
Call of CthulhuR$ 26,23$ 4,9975%G,XB
Cave DiggerR$ 34,67$ 8,9940%2022-03-08 R$ 5,49W
Centipede RechargedR$ 16,97$ 4,9950%SB
Curse of the Dead GodsR$ 41,98$ 7,9960%GB
DayzR$ 92,47$ 24,9950%X2018-12-21 R$ 67,15W
DayZ LivoniaR$ 36,71$ 9,7930%XDLC2021-12-21 R$ 39,33A
Deliver Us The MoonR$ 32,35$ 8,7465%G,X2022-08-09 R$ 36,98A
DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ - Android 21R$ 15,54$ 2,9940%DLCA
DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ - CoolerR$ 8,00$ 1,9960%DLC2021-12-21 R$ 10,00A
DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ - GokuR$ 8,00$ 1,9960%DLC2021-12-21 R$ 10,00A
DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ - Goku (GT)R$ 10,00$ 2,4950%DLCB
DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ - JirenR$ 10,00$ 2,4950%DLCB
DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ - SSGSS Goku and SSGSS Vegeta UnlockR$ 3,30$ 0,9867%DLC2020-01-14 R$ 5,00A
DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ - Stamps: Girls PackR$ 3,50$ 0,9950%DLCB
DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ - Zamasu (Fused)R$ 8,00$ 1,9960%DLC2021-12-21 R$ 10,00A
DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2 - Pacote Extra 1R$ 17,50$ 4,9950%DLCB
DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2 - Super Pack 1R$ 20,00$ 4,9950%DLCB
DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2 - Super Pack 3R$ 20,00$ 4,9950%DLCB
DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2: Legendary Pack 1R$ 19,95$ 3,9950%DLCB
DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE Resurrection F packR$ 4,99$ 2,4975%DLC2019-05-07 R$ 4,75W
DRAGON BALL Z KAKAROT - DLC3 Future Trunks Arc: HOPE!!R$ 49,95$ 9,9950%DLCB
Droid TriviaR$ 26,56$ 6,9930%2022-08-18 R$ 30,36A
ENDER LILIES: Quietus of the KnightsR$ 82,55$ 16,2435%G,S2022-06-28 R$ 88,90A
Everreach: Project EdenR$ 13,86$ 3,7485%B
Evil WestR$ 239,96$ 47,9920%G,SA
Family Feud-$ 14,9950%GB
Far Cry 3 Classic EditionR$ 26,07$ 9,8967%G,X2022-11-16 R$ 7,90W
Far Cry 5 Gold Edition + Far Cry New Dawn Deluxe Edition BundleR$ 100,00$ 32,4975%G,X,Fjogo + DLC2021-08-10 R$ 80,00W
Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue DXR$ 33,72$ 8,9950%G,SA
Five Nights at Freddy's: Security BreachR$ 73,72$ 19,9950%SA
FlaskomanR$ 9,70$ 2,4950%2022-08-16 R$ 10,67A
FOCUS INDIES BUNDLE: Curse of the Dead Gods + Shady Part of Me + Aeon Must Die!R$ 85,98$ 15,9960%GB
Gas Station SimulatorR$ 59,96$ 15,9920%GB
Gravitar RechargedR$ 22,74$ 6,6933%SA
Grip Digital DeluxeR$ 14,25$ 7,1985%XB
Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship EditionR$ 6,75$ 3,7475%2022-09-06 R$ 5,40W
Hasbro Family Fun Pack-$ 11,9970%GB
Hasbro Family Fun Pack Conquest Edition-$ 11,9970%GB
Hell PieR$ 69,33$ 18,7425%G,SA
Infinite LinksR$ 35,71$ 9,7435%A,S2022-07-26 R$ 38,46A
Instant Sports Summer Games Ultimate EditionR$ 60,09$ 16,2435%SB
KombineraR$ 28,72$ 7,4950%SB
Legend of IxtonaR$ 35,71$ 9,7435%A,SB
MONOPOLY PLUSR$ 8,70$ 4,4970%G2020-06-04 R$ 7,25W
Monster ViatorR$ 27,47$ 7,4950%G,AB
MudRunner - American Wilds EditionR$ 28,99$ 6,9980%G,Xjogo + DLC2022-11-22 R$ 36,23A
MudRunner – American Wilds ExpansionR$ 10,85$ 3,4965%G,XDLC2022-11-22 R$ 12,40A
Murder on the Marine ExpressR$ 9,22$ 2,4950%SA
New Super Lucky's TaleR$ 39,02$ 9,8967%X,A,F2022-09-27 R$ 59,13A
OutbreakR$ 3,69$ 0,9990%B
Outbreak Palladium CollectionR$ 102,48$ 27,4975%G,X,S2022-09-13 R$ 204,97A
PGA TOUR 2K23 x NBA 2K23 BundleR$ 249,75$ 49,9950%B
Phantom DoctrineR$ 11,85$ 5,9985%A
Police StoriesR$ 28,89$ 7,4950%G2022-09-27 R$ 31,78A
Pong QuestR$ 34,67$ 8,9940%X2022-08-16 R$ 28,89W
ProdeusR$ 101,21$ 18,7425%G,AA
Pumpkin JackR$ 44,98$ 11,9960%XB
Pyramid QuestR$ 25,86$ 6,9930%B
Rainbow Six Siege Ops Y7R$ 104,98$ 27,9965%GB
Rayman LegendsR$ 14,98$ 4,9975%GB
Realpolitiks New PowerR$ 9,24$ 2,4990%AB
Robo Revenge SquadR$ 47,39$ 11,9940%GA
RPG Time: The Legend of WrightR$ 86,45$ 20,9930%G,A,SA
Ruvato: Original ComplexR$ 28,89$ 7,4950%G,X2022-02-08 R$ 27,47W
SaturnaliaR$ 59,96$ 15,9920%S2022-10-28 R$ 67,45A
Scott PilgrimR$ 23,08$ 4,9467%GB
Seduction: A Monk's FateR$ 20,96$ 5,5930%S2022-07-21 R$ 23,96A
Sleepin' DeeplyR$ 5,90$ 1,4975%X2022-08-16 R$ 7,08A
Slender: The ArrivalR$ 1,99$ 0,9990%2021-12-21 R$ 1,90W
SRX: The GameR$ 138,71$ 29,9925%G,S2021-12-21 R$ 129,46W
STAR WARS Episode I RacerR$ 27,47$ 7,4950%G2022-09-06 R$ 21,98W
STEEPR$ 19,75$ 7,4975%G,X,FB
Strategic Mind: Fight For FreedomR$ 84,33$ 22,4925%GA
Surviving Mars - Digital Deluxe EditionR$ 23,70$ 11,9970%G,Xjogo + DLCB
Surviving Mars - Season PassR$ 34,50$ 17,4950%DLCB
Tempest 4000-$ 14,9950%B
THE CREW 2 - Standard EditionR$ 35,99$ 9,9980%G,XB
The Diabolical TrilogyR$ 29,98$ 7,9960%G2022-09-06 R$ 44,97A
The FalconeerR$ 29,98$ 7,9960%S2022-10-11 R$ 33,72A
Trek to YomiR$ 52,46$ 13,9930%G,SA
TY the Tasmanian Tiger HDR$ 65,70$ 14,9950%2022-03-22 R$ 62,47W
VampyrR$ 41,23$ 9,9975%G,X,SB
Warhammer 40,000: Space WolfR$ 37,09$ 9,8945%2022-11-08 R$ 40,47A
Wheel Of FortuneR$ 15,58$ 7,9960%G2020-06-04 R$ 9,73W
Who Pressed Mute on Uncle MarcusR$ 38,76$ 10,3920%A2022-09-27 R$ 33,91W
Wizard of LegendR$ 12,40$ 6,3960%X2022-09-06 R$ 9,30W
X-Force GenesisR$ 12,97$ 3,4950%B
Yars RechargedR$ 27,16$ 7,9920%A
Young SoulsR$ 32,51$ 17,4930%G,AB

Para Xbox Series:

NomeBRUSA%ObsTipoMelhor anteriorCor
A Plague Tale: RequiemR$ 224,96$ 44,9925%G,S2022-12-08 R$ 239,96A
A Tale of Paper: RefoldedR$ 56,21$ 14,9925%G,S,AA
Hardspace: ShipbreakerR$ 161,21$ 29,9925%G,SB
IndustriaR$ 52,46$ 13,9930%G,SA
Last Days of LazarusR$ 56,21$ 14,9925%G,SA
Lethis: Path of ProgressR$ 56,21$ 14,9925%G,SA
Serious Sam: Siberian MayhemR$ 56,21$ 14,9925%G,SA
The Riftbreaker Deluxe EditionR$ 87,71$ 23,3935%Sjogo + DLCB

G = desconto para assinantes Gold
R = retrocompatível
A = XBOX Play Anywhere
X = Otimizado para Xbox One X
S = Otimizado para Xbox Series
F = FPS Boost

terça-feira, 20 de dezembro de 2022

Promoções de terça, 20 de dezembro

Não costumo postar promoções de PC, mas está rolando um saldão na Nuuvem com descontos de até 95%. Tem jogos muito baratos.

segunda-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2022

Xbox Store, de 20 a 26 de dezembro

Jogos abaixo entram em promoção esta semana na Xbox Store.

Além deles, já está rolando a promoção de final de ano da Xbox Store.

Confira sistema de cores da tabela de preços:

Amarelo: melhor preço do jogo na Xbox Store até hoje (*)
Azul: melhor preço do jogo na Xbox Store até hoje (*), porém já veio por este preço antes
Branco: jogo já apareceu mais barato na Xbox Store antes

A última coluna do lado direito contém o valor e data mais recente do menor preço. Caso o melhor preço seja agora, ela mostra o segundo menor valor que ele já apareceu.

Acompanhe as promoções também pelas redes sociais:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/promocaogames/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PromocaoGamesBR

Para Xbox 360:

NomeBRUSA%ObsTipoMelhor anteriorCor
Assassin's CreedR$ 17,70$ 5,9970%G,R,X2017-12-22 R$ 14,75W
Call of Juarez: Bound in BloodR$ 24,50$ 4,9950%G,RB
Call of Juarez: GunslingerR$ 10,50$ 5,2465%G,R2018-03-27 R$ 7,50W
Call of Juarez: The CartelR$ 11,80$ 5,9980%G,RB
Civilization RevolutionR$ 19,75$ 7,4975%G,R,X2017-12-22 R$ 15,80W
PAC-MAN CE DX+: All You Can Eat Add-on PackR$ 7,90$ 3,9950%RDLC2019-05-07 R$ 3,95W
Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare PackR$ 10,00$ 4,9950%G,R,XDLC2019-10-24 R$ 8,00W
Sid Meier's Pirates!R$ 12,48$ 2,4975%G,X2020-02-11 R$ 12,25W
Splinter Cell BlacklistR$ 20,70$ 5,9970%G,R,X2020-06-23 R$ 17,25W
XCOM Enemy WithinR$ 35,80$ 7,9980%G,RB

Para Xbox One:

NomeBRUSA%ObsTipoMelhor anteriorCor
8-Ball PocketR$ 19,08$ 5,0915%A,SA
ACE COMBAT 7: SKIES UNKNOWN - ADF-11F Raven SetR$ 10,00$ 2,4950%DLCB
ACE COMBAT 7: SKIES UNKNOWN - ADFX-01 Morgan SetR$ 10,00$ 2,4950%DLCB
Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown - DLC13 F/A-18 XT Advanced Super Hornet SetR$ 12,45$ 2,4950%DLCB
ACE COMBAT 7: SKIES UNKNOWN – Ten Million Relief PlanR$ 10,00$ 2,4950%DLCB
Adventure Time: Pirates of the EnchiridionR$ 36,98$ 9,9960%G2020-06-23 R$ 14,75W
Aery Series BundleR$ 98,79$ 26,7933%2021-01-19 R$ 69,33W
Aliens: Fireteam EliteR$ 89,97$ 17,9940%G,SB
Arcade ParadiseR$ 59,96$ 15,9920%G,SA
Assassin's Creed OriginsR$ 39,80$ 11,9980%G,X2022-09-09 R$ 29,85W
Assassin's Creed SyndicateR$ 26,98$ 8,9970%GB
Assassin's Creed UnityR$ 29,70$ 8,9970%G,FB
Aven ColonyR$ 31,98$ 5,9980%2022-08-23 R$ 24,50W
Baldur's Gate: Dark AllianceR$ 94,61$ 23,9920%G,X2022-03-08 R$ 89,96W
Before We LeaveR$ 39,99$ 7,9960%A,S2022-11-12 R$ 49,99A
Ben 10R$ 36,98$ 9,9960%G2020-06-23 R$ 9,75W
Blacksmith of the Sand KingdomR$ 37,47$ 9,9950%G,S,AB
BreathedgeR$ 48,61$ 12,4950%G2022-08-09 R$ 43,74W
Chivalry 2 King's EditionR$ 111,22$ 29,9950%G,X,Sjogo + DLCA
Conan Chop ChopR$ 27,49$ 9,9950%GB
Crown TrickR$ 26,22$ 4,9975%A2022-08-23 R$ 23,99W
Cursed to GolfR$ 52,46$ 13,9930%G,SA
Death's DoorR$ 37,47$ 9,9950%G,S2022-10-11 R$ 44,97A
DolmenR$ 53,75$ 9,9975%G,X,S2022-10-18 R$ 86,00A
Dragons Dawn of New RidersR$ 56,22$ 14,9950%G2020-12-18 R$ 19,75W
Epic ChefR$ 53,56$ 9,9960%B
Evil Genius 2 DeluxeR$ 88,98$ 23,9960%G,A,Sjogo + DLC2022-09-27 R$ 111,22A
Evil Genius 2 Deluxe EditionR$ 88,98$ 23,9960%A,Sjogo + DLC2022-09-27 R$ 111,22A
Far Cry 4 + Far Cry Primal BundleR$ 63,98$ 19,9960%G,F2021-06-18 R$ 31,99W
Far Cry New DawnR$ 37,50$ 9,9975%G,X,FB
Far Cry PrimalR$ 32,98$ 9,8967%G,F2021-06-18 R$ 19,99W
FIFA 23 UltimateR$ 249,50$ 49,9950%X,SB
Floppy KnightsR$ 52,46$ 13,9930%A2022-08-30 R$ 59,96A
Fluffy HordeR$ 29,56$ 7,9920%A
Football Manager 2023 Console-$ 44,9910%A,X,SA
Fortnite - Deep FreezeR$ 26,60$ 8,3930%DLCA
Fortnite - Frozen LegendsR$ 27,00$ 8,9940%DLCA
Fortnite - Polar LegendsR$ 37,20$ 11,9940%DLCA
Frostpunk: Complete CollectionR$ 50,23$ 13,4970%Gjogo + DLCB
Gale of WindoriaR$ 38,46$ 10,4930%AA
Garden StoryR$ 37,47$ 9,9950%A2022-08-30 R$ 50,21A
Genesis Alpha OneR$ 8,85$ 4,4985%2022-11-08 R$ 14,75A
GreedFallR$ 46,48$ 10,4970%G,X2021-12-14 R$ 38,73W
Headbangers in Holiday HellR$ 17,96$ 4,7920%SA
HeliborneR$ 56,22$ 14,9950%B
Hood: Outlaws & Legends: Forest Lords PackR$ 18,05$ 3,3433%DLCB
Hotel Transylvania 3: Monsters OverboardR$ 32,35$ 8,7465%G2020-10-27 R$ 14,75W
Hotel Transylvania: Scary-Tale AdventuresR$ 58,98$ 15,9960%GB
Hunt: Showdown Deluxe Edition-$ 12,4975%Gjogo + DLCB
Hunt: Showdown Gold Edition-$ 13,9980%jogo + DLCB
Hunt: Showdown Platinum Edition-$ 17,9980%Gjogo + DLCB
INDIE BUNDLE: Shiness and Seasons after FallR$ 6,19$ 2,9980%GB
InsideR$ 18,73$ 4,9975%2022-03-22 R$ 9,75W
Insurgency Sandstorm Gold EditionR$ 214,97$ 39,9950%G,Sjogo + DLCB
IsonzoR$ 91,96$ 23,9920%S2022-08-30 R$ 103,45A
Kao the Kangaroo A Well Good BundleR$ 103,47$ 20,9940%jogo + DLCA
Kentucky Route ZeroR$ 55,47$ 14,9940%GB
Killing Floor 2 - Ultimate EditionR$ 189,08$ 50,9915%jogo + DLC2022-10-18 R$ 166,83W
King of SeasR$ 46,93$ 8,7465%B
Kingdom Come Deliverance Royal EditionR$ 25,80$ 7,9980%G,Xjogo + DLCB
Klonoa Phantasy Reverie Series: Special BundleR$ 52,45$ 9,9950%SDLC2022-09-13 R$ 73,43A
Let's Sing 2023 Platinum EditionR$ 420,80$ 71,9920%Gjogo + DLCA
LimboR$ 4,99$ 2,4975%
2018-05-22 R$ 3,80W
Little Nightmares - The DepthsR$ 7,88$ 1,9950%DLC2021-10-19 R$ 7,50W
Lonesome VillageR$ 59,96$ 15,9920%G,SA
ManeaterR$ 73,72$ 19,9950%G,X,S,A2021-07-06 R$ 51,60W
Mars HorizonR$ 18,99$ 9,9950%GB
Midnight Fight ExpressR$ 88,08$ 14,9925%G,AA
Minecraft Dungeons Ultimate EditionR$ 95,84$ 25,9935%X,Sjogo + DLCB
MugstersR$ 5,38$ 0,9980%B
Narita BoyR$ 33,47$ 6,2475%2022-08-02 R$ 50,80A
Necromunda: Hired GunR$ 85,98$ 15,9960%G,S2022-10-11 R$ 107,47A
Necromunda: Underhive Wars - Cawdor GangR$ 13,47$ 2,4950%DLCB
Necromunda: Underhive Wars - Gangs BundleR$ 24,22$ 4,4950%DLCB
Necromunda: Underhive Wars - Van Saar GangR$ 13,47$ 2,4950%DLCB
Neverwinter 1000 ZenR$ 29,56$ 7,9920%coin2020-07-28 R$ 15,20W
Neverwinter 5300 ZenR$ 147,96$ 39,9920%coins2018-12-21 R$ 74,25W
Nobody Saves the World + Frozen HearthR$ 73,46$ 19,5930%A,Sjogo + DLCA
ONE PUNCH MAN: A HERO NOBODY KNOWS: DLC Pack 1: SuiryuR$ 13,09$ 2,9950%DLCA
ONE PUNCH MAN: A HERO NOBODY KNOWS: DLC Pack 4: GarouR$ 13,09$ 2,9950%DLCA
OneShot: World Machine EditionR$ 43,96$ 11,9920%GA
Outbreak: Lost Hope Definitive CollectionR$ 73,96$ 19,9920%SA
Overcooked! + Overcooked! 2R$ 32,48$ 8,7475%FB
Oxide Room 104R$ 64,71$ 17,4930%S2022-10-18 R$ 73,96A
PGA TOUR 2K23 x NBA 2K23 BundleR$ 249,75$ 49,9950%GA
Phantom Breaker: OmniaR$ 77,53$ 19,9950%G2022-09-27 R$ 93,04A
Phoenotopia: AwakeningR$ 55,17$ 13,9930%G,A,S2021-12-07 R$ 52,46W
Poker ClubR$ 48,96$ 13,9930%SB
Project WingmanR$ 69,33$ 18,7425%A2022-09-27 R$ 64,71W
Race with RyanR$ 36,98$ 9,9960%G2021-07-13 R$ 33,73W
Ryan's Rescue SquadR$ 58,98$ 15,9960%G,S2022-10-18 R$ 88,47A
Sail ForthR$ 67,45$ 17,9910%SA
Saints RowR$ 149,99$ 29,9950%X,S2022-12-15 R$ 200,99A
Saints Row IV: Re-ElectedR$ 7,80$ 3,9980%G2022-08-30 R$ 5,85W
Saints Row the Third RemasteredR$ 15,49$ 7,9980%G,S2022-08-09 R$ 19,36A
Scarlet Nexus - Pacote de Melhoria de Amizade 2R$ 19,95$ 3,9950%ADLCB
ScourgeBringerR$ 34,34$ 9,3445%A2022-02-08 R$ 31,22W
Severed SteelR$ 60,09$ 16,2435%GA
SnakeybusR$ 13,33$ 3,5970%2021-06-22 R$ 14,66A
South Park: The Fractured but WholeR$ 47,98$ 14,9970%G2021-12-28 R$ 39,98W
SteamWorld DigR$ 3,99$ 1,9980%B
SteamWorld Dig 2R$ 27,58$ 6,9965%AB
Streets of Rage 4R$ 46,22$ 12,4950%G,AB
Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a PulseR$ 18,73$ 4,9975%B
SWORD ART ONLINE Alicization Lycoris: Blooming of Forget-me-notR$ 65,67$ 12,4950%DLCA
SWORD ART ONLINE Alicization Lycoris: Month 1 BonusR$ 7,88$ 1,9950%DLCA
Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet - Collapse of BalanceR$ 21,03$ 4,9950%XDLC2021-10-05 R$ 20,00W
Terminator ResistanceR$ 62,02$ 15,9960%GB
TerratechR$ 55,47$ 14,9940%B
TerraTech: Falcon GenesisR$ 8,97$ 2,3940%DLCA
TerraTech: Fantabulous ContraptionsR$ 8,97$ 2,3940%DLCA
TerraTech: R&D LabsR$ 22,17$ 5,9940%DLCA
TerraTech: To the Stars PackR$ 8,97$ 2,3940%DLCA
TerraTech: Warriors of Future PastR$ 8,97$ 2,3940%DLCA
TerraTech: Weapons of War PackR$ 8,97$ 2,3940%DLCA
The Artful EscapeR$ 44,97$ 11,9940%G,S,A2022-06-17 R$ 50,21A
The Council - Complete SeasonR$ 23,98$ 4,4970%Gjogo + DLC2021-05-18 R$ 21,86W
THE CREW 2 - Gold EditionR$ 59,99$ 17,9980%G,X,Sjogo + DLCB
The Division 2R$ 29,98$ 8,9970%G,X,S2020-02-25 R$ 9,95W
The Dungeon Of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet Of Chaos - Chicken EditionR$ 48,71$ 25,9935%SB
The Escapists & The Escapists: The Walking DeadR$ 12,75$ 6,4975%jogo + DLC2020-10-27 R$ 10,12W
The Escapists: The Walking DeadR$ 7,80$ 3,9980%B
The Eternal CylinderR$ 46,22$ 12,4950%SA
The Forgotten CityR$ 73,09$ 19,4935%G,X,S,AB
The GunkR$ 68,05$ 17,4930%G,X,S,AA
They Always RunR$ 59,96$ 15,9920%B
Tony Stewart's All American RacingR$ 84,33$ 22,4925%G2021-06-22 R$ 78,71W
TRANSFORMERS: BATTLEGROUNDSR$ 27,73$ 7,4970%G2022-03-01 R$ 37,47A
Trollhunters: Defenders of ArcadiaR$ 36,98$ 9,9960%G2022-05-24 R$ 44,23A
Warframe 3125 Platinum + Triple Rare ModR$ 129,50$ 74,9950%DLCB
Warframe: 1000 Platinum + Rare ModR$ 69,30$ 34,9930%coins2021-04-02 R$ 59,40W
Warframe: 2100 Platinum + Dual Rare ModsR$ 119,40$ 59,9940%coins2021-04-02 R$ 109,45W
Warframe: Veilbreaker Warrior PackR$ 78,71$ 20,9930%DLCA
Watch Dogs LegionR$ 69,98$ 14,9975%G,X,SB
Wave BreakR$ 63,70$ 16,9915%SA
We Were Here TogetherR$ 17,83$ 4,5465%2022-11-01 R$ 20,38A
Weedcraft IncR$ 69,33$ 18,7425%G2022-09-29 R$ 83,20A
Weird WestR$ 73,72$ 19,9950%GB
Windjammers 2R$ 52,46$ 13,9930%G,A,SB
Worms RumbleR$ 7,45$ 1,4990%S,A2022-10-11 R$ 14,90A
Yoku's Island ExpressR$ 20,98$ 3,9980%2022-09-27 R$ 9,75W
Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible LairR$ 16,86$ 4,4985%X2022-11-11 R$ 28,11A

Para Xbox Series:

NomeBRUSA%ObsTipoMelhor anteriorCor
DeathloopR$ 98,98$ 19,7967%A,SB
DEATHLOOP: Deluxe EditionR$ 131,15$ 26,3967%S,Ajogo + DLCB
ShreddersR$ 86,20$ 22,4925%G,A,SA
The Serpent RogueR$ 52,45$ 9,9950%B

G = desconto para assinantes Gold
R = retrocompatível
A = XBOX Play Anywhere
X = Otimizado para Xbox One X
S = Otimizado para Xbox Series
F = FPS Boost