quinta-feira, 29 de junho de 2023

Xbox Store, Games with Gold

Anunciados os jogos grátis de julho para assinantes Gold.

Darkwood (de 1 a 31 de julho)
When the Past was Around (de 16/07 a 15/08)

Hoje é o último dia para resgatar Adios.

segunda-feira, 26 de junho de 2023

Xbox Store, de 27/06 a 03/07

Jogos abaixo entram em promoção esta semana na Xbox Store.

Além deles, tem o segundo lote da promoção ID@Xbox que começou quinta-feira passada.

Confira sistema de cores da tabela de preços:

Amarelo: melhor preço do jogo na Xbox Store até hoje (*)
Azul: melhor preço do jogo na Xbox Store até hoje (*), porém já veio por este preço antes
Branco: jogo já apareceu mais barato na Xbox Store antes

A última coluna do lado direito contém o valor e data mais recente do menor preço. Caso o melhor preço seja agora, ela mostra o segundo menor valor que ele já apareceu.

Xbox Store, outros descontos

Jogos abaixo entraram em promoção semana passada fora do dia habitual.

Para Xbox One:

NomeBRUSA%ObsTipoMelhor anteriorCor
Football Manager 2023 Console-$ 24,9950%A,X,S2023-05-15 $ 29,99A
Gloomhaven Gold EditionR$ 166,45$ 44,9910%Sjogo + DLCA
Gloomhaven Mercenaries EditionR$ 132,70$ 35,9910%Sjogo + DLCA
TERA Coin 1,000R$ 29,56$ 7,9920%coinB
Tricks MagicianR$ 14,76$ 3,9920%SA

Para Xbox Series:

NomeBRUSA%ObsTipoMelhor anteriorCor
After UsR$ 103,93$ 19,4935%SA
Harmony: The Fall of ReverieR$ 83,20$ 22,4910%SA

A = XBOX Play Anywhere
X = Otimizado para Xbox One X
S = Otimizado para Xbox Series

quinta-feira, 22 de junho de 2023

Xbox Store, de 23 a 30 de junho

Jogos abaixo estão entrando em promoção hoje, dia 22, e ficam em promoção até o dia 30 de junho.

Além deles, está ocorrendo a promoção semanal, e uma promoção da Bethesda, Bandai, Konami, Ubisoft.

Confira sistema de cores da tabela de preços:

Amarelo: melhor preço do jogo na Xbox Store até hoje (*)
Azul: melhor preço do jogo na Xbox Store até hoje (*), porém já veio por este preço antes
Branco: jogo já apareceu mais barato na Xbox Store antes

A última coluna do lado direito contém o valor e data mais recente do menor preço. Caso o melhor preço seja agora, ela mostra o segundo menor valor que ele já apareceu.

Promoções de quinta, 22 de junho

No Magazine Luiza:

Console Xbox Series S por R$ 1.679,98 à vista no cartão Mastercad (desconto só aparece após informar o cartão de crédito)

terça-feira, 20 de junho de 2023

Promoções de terça, 20 de junho

Nas Americanas:

Live Gold 12 meses por R$ 169,99 (use cupom XBOX15)

Xbox Game Pass

Anunciados jogos que entram no Xbox Game Pass nas próximas semanas.

Dia 22/06:

Need for Speed Unbound (Cloud, PC e Xbox Series X|S) EA Play 
The Bookwalker (Console and PC)

Dia 27/06:

Bramble: The Mountain King (Cloud, Console e PC) 
F.I.S.T.: Forged In Shadow Torch (Cloud, PC e Xbox Series X|S)

Dia 29/06:

Dia 03/07:

Arcade Paradise (Console e PC)

Dia 05/07:

E deixam o Xbox Game Pass em 30 de junho:

DJMax Respect V (Cloud, Console e PC)
Empire of Sin (Cloud, Console e PC)
Olija (Cloud, Console e PC)
Omori (Cloud, Console e PC)
Road 96 (Cloud, Console e PC)

segunda-feira, 19 de junho de 2023

Xbox Store, de 20 a 26 de junho

Jogos abaixo entram em promoção esta semana na Xbox Store.

Além deles, continua valendo promoção de jogos da Bethesda, Konami, Ubisoft, Bandai.

Confira sistema de cores da tabela de preços:

Amarelo: melhor preço do jogo na Xbox Store até hoje (*)
Azul: melhor preço do jogo na Xbox Store até hoje (*), porém já veio por este preço antes
Branco: jogo já apareceu mais barato na Xbox Store antes

A última coluna do lado direito contém o valor e data mais recente do menor preço. Caso o melhor preço seja agora, ela mostra o segundo menor valor que ele já apareceu.

Xbox Store, outros descontos

Jogos abaixo entraram em promoção semana passada fora do dia habitual.

Para Xbox One:

NomeBRUSA%ObsTipoMelhor anteriorCor
Alice SistersR$ 17,96$ 4,7920%A
Brave Soldier - Invasion of CyborgsR$ 14,76$ 3,9920%SA
Don't Starve Together Mega Pack 2020R$ 59,97$ 16,2450%jogo + DLCB
Don't Starve: Giant EditionR$ 7,25$ 3,7475%F,EB
Don't Starve: Giant Edition + Shipwrecked ExpansionR$ 9,25$ 4,7475%FB
Don't Starve: HamletR$ 15,57$ 4,1940%ADLC2022-10-25 R$ 19,46A
Don't Starve: Shipwrecked Console EditionR$ 5,00$ 2,4950%DLCB
Dont Starve Together: Console EditionR$ 10,15$ 5,2465%2023-05-02 R$ 2,90W
Ghost Files: The Face of GuiltR$ 43,96$ 11,9920%X,SA
GriftlandsR$ 41,22$ 10,9945%2022-12-06 R$ 50,21A
Mark of the Ninja: RemasteredR$ 15,60$ 7,9960%XB
Mixx Island: Remix PlusR$ 41,96$ 11,1920%A
Shark PinballR$ 9,30$ 2,5415%A,SA
Skautfold: UsurperR$ 49,45$ 13,4910%SA
Speed or DeathR$ 23,96$ 6,3920%SA
The Fairy's SongR$ 29,56$ 7,9920%SA
XEL - Complete EditionR$ 65,96$ 17,5920%A,Sjogo + DLCA

Para Xbox Series:

NomeBRUSA%ObsTipoMelhor anteriorCor
Crime Boss: Rockay CityR$ 129,59$ 31,9920%SA
Layers of Fear (2023)R$ 95,58$ 25,4915%SA

A = XBOX Play Anywhere
X = Otimizado para Xbox One X
S = Otimizado para Xbox Series

quinta-feira, 15 de junho de 2023

Xbox Store, Games with Gold

Hoje é o último dia para assinantes Gold pegarem de graça:

Já foi liberado o jogo da segunda quinzena:

E continua grátis até o final do mês:

Adios (de 1 a 30 de junho)

segunda-feira, 12 de junho de 2023

Xbox Store, de 13 a 19 de junho

Jogos abaixo entram em promoção esta semana na Xbox Store.

Além deles, continua acontecendo o saldão Deals Unlocked com quase 700 jogos em promoção.

Confira sistema de cores da tabela de preços:

Amarelo: melhor preço do jogo na Xbox Store até hoje (*)
Azul: melhor preço do jogo na Xbox Store até hoje (*), porém já veio por este preço antes
Branco: jogo já apareceu mais barato na Xbox Store antes

A última coluna do lado direito contém o valor e data mais recente do menor preço. Caso o melhor preço seja agora, ela mostra o segundo menor valor que ele já apareceu.

Xbox Store, outros descontos

Jogos abaixo, entraram em promoção semana passada fora do dia habitual. Além deles, também começou durante a semana passada, uma promoção de jogos da Obsidian.

Para Xbox One:

NomeBRUSA%ObsTipoMelhor anteriorCor
Cat SoulsR$ 14,76$ 3,9920%SA
Cyberpunk 2077R$ 124,50$ 29,9950%X,SB
Cyberpunk 2077 + Phantom LibertyR$ 230,99$ 55,9930%X,Sjogo + DLCA
Dead GroundR$ 14,76$ 3,9920%SA
Nova LandsR$ 67,45$ 17,9910%A
SENSEs: MidnightR$ 43,96$ 11,9920%SA
Smite 1500 GemsR$ 55,20$ 19,9920%Fcoins2017-07-11 R$ 28,81W
Smite 2500 GemsR$ 72,00$ 26,2425%Fcoins2017-07-11 R$ 44,89W
Smite 3500 GemsR$ 96,60$ 34,9930%Fcoins2017-07-11 R$ 58,96W
Smite 400 GemsR$ 19,80$ 7,1910%Fcoins2017-07-11 R$ 9,38W
Smite 800 GemsR$ 34,85$ 12,7415%Fcoins2017-07-11 R$ 16,75W
Smite: 8000 GemsR$ 184,25$ 66,9933%Fcoins2018-09-04 R$ 120,25W
Time Of War, Arkano'90R$ 43,96$ 11,9920%A
We Were Here ForeverR$ 47,21$ 12,5930%SA

A = XBOX Play Anywhere
X = Otimizado para Xbox One X
S = Otimizado para Xbox Series
F = FPS Boost

sexta-feira, 9 de junho de 2023

Xbox Store, promoção Obsidian

Começou hoje e vai até o dia 15 de junho, uma promoção de jogos da Obsidian.

Para Xbox 360:

NomeBRUSA%ObsTipoMelhor anteriorCor
Dungeon Siege III-$ 2,9980%RB
Dungeon Siege III: Treasures of the Sun-$ 1,4985%RDLCA
Fallout: New VegasR$ 11,08$ 2,9970%R2022-12-15 R$ 7,25W
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith LordsR$ 17,15$ 3,4965%R,XB

Para Xbox One:

NomeBRUSA%ObsTipoMelhor anteriorCor
GroundedR$ 133,33$ 26,7933%B
PentimentR$ 66,96$ 13,3933%AB
Pillars of Eternity: Complete EditionR$ 39,75$ 12,4975%2022-12-06 R$ 31,80W

R = retrocompatível
A = XBOX Play Anywhere
X = Otimizado para Xbox One X
S = Otimizado para Xbox Series
F = FPS Boost

segunda-feira, 5 de junho de 2023

Xbox Store, de 6 a 12 de junho

Jogos abaixo entram em promoção esta semana na Xbox Store. A maior parte deles faz parte do saldão Deals Unlocked, que vai até o dia 20 de junho.

Confira sistema de cores da tabela de preços:

Amarelo: melhor preço do jogo na Xbox Store até hoje (*)
Azul: melhor preço do jogo na Xbox Store até hoje (*), porém já veio por este preço antes
Branco: jogo já apareceu mais barato na Xbox Store antes

A última coluna do lado direito contém o valor e data mais recente do menor preço. Caso o melhor preço seja agora, ela mostra o segundo menor valor que ele já apareceu.

Acompanhe as promoções também pelas redes sociais:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/promocaogames/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PromocaoGamesBR

Para Xbox 360:

NomeBRUSA%ObsTipoMelhor anteriorCor
A Kingdom for KeflingsR$ 5,00$ 2,4975%RB
A World of KeflingsR$ 5,00$ 2,4975%RB
Age of Booty-$ 0,9980%RB
Alan WakeR$ 22,77$ 6,5967%R2023-05-09 R$ 17,25W
Alan Wake's American NightmareR$ 5,00$ 2,4975%RB
Alien Hominid HDR$ 5,00$ 2,4975%RB
Asura's WrathR$ 11,80$ 3,9980%RB
Asura's Wrath Episode 11.5R$ 2,00$ 0,9950%RDLCB
Asura's Wrath Episode PackR$ 7,00$ 3,4950%RDLC2020-02-11 R$ 2,80W
Asura's Wrath Epsiode 15.5R$ 2,00$ 0,9950%RDLCB
Asura's Wrath Lost Episode 1R$ 2,00$ 0,9950%RDLCB
Asura's Wrath Lost Episode 2R$ 2,00$ 0,9950%RDLCB
BattleBlock TheaterR$ 9,90$ 4,9467%R2023-05-09 R$ 7,50W
Beyond Good & Evil HDR$ 6,00$ 2,9970%R2020-06-23 R$ 5,00W
Bionic Commando Rearmed 2-$ 2,9980%RB
BioshockR$ 15,60$ 7,9960%G,R2017-12-22 R$ 9,75W
Bioshock 2R$ 14,75$ 4,9975%G,RB
Bioshock 2 - Minerva's DenR$ 9,50$ 4,9950%G,RDLCB
Bioshock InfiniteR$ 53,70$ 8,9970%G,R2017-12-22 R$ 44,75W
Blue DragonR$ 22,77$ 6,5967%R2023-05-09 R$ 17,25W
Brutal LegendR$ 17,70$ 4,4970%R2022-11-16 R$ 14,75W
Capcom Arcade Cabinet All-In-One PackR$ 10,00$ 4,9980%RDLCB
Costume QuestR$ 14,70$ 4,4970%R2020-08-04 R$ 9,80W
Crimson Skies: High Road to RevengeR$ 12,48$ 2,4975%XB
Dark VoidR$ 11,95$ 2,9980%R2020-07-14 R$ 11,80W
Darwinia+-$ 3,7475%R2022-04-19 $ 2,99W
Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of MystaraR$ 6,00$ 2,9980%RB
Dust: An Elysian TailR$ 6,00$ 2,9980%2022-09-20 R$ 7,50A
F.E.A.R. 2: Project OriginR$ 24,99$ 4,9975%RB
Fable AnniversaryR$ 24,75$ 9,9975%R,X2017-11-17 R$ 24,74W
Fable IIR$ 34,95$ 9,9950%R,X2018-09-18 R$ 17,25W
Fable IIIR$ 34,95$ 9,9950%R,X2018-09-18 R$ 17,25W
Fallout 3R$ 11,08$ 2,9970%R2022-12-15 R$ 17,25A
Fallout: New VegasR$ 11,08$ 2,9970%R2022-12-15 R$ 7,25W
Feeding Frenzy-$ 1,2475%RB
Flock!-$ 2,9980%RB
Frogger-$ 1,2475%RB
Fuzion FrenzyR$ 16,48$ 3,2967%R2023-05-09 R$ 12,48W
Galaga-$ 1,2475%RB
Hydrothunder HurricaneR$ 7,50$ 3,7475%RB
Insanely Twisted Shadow PlanetR$ 7,25$ 3,7475%R2017-05-16 R$ 5,00W
Jade EmpireR$ 12,48$ 2,4975%R,XB
Joy Ride TurboR$ 5,00$ 2,4975%RB
LEGO Batman 2R$ 9,75$ 4,9975%R2022-04-07 R$ 2,43W
Lost OdysseyR$ 26,38$ 8,2467%R2017-06-30 R$ 18,96W
Lost Planet 2R$ 35,80$ 3,9980%RB
Lost Planet 3R$ 11,80$ 3,9980%RB
Lost Planet Lost ColoniesR$ 7,80$ 3,9980%RB
Mafia IIR$ 22,25$ 7,4975%G,R2017-06-30 R$ 17,80W
Mass EffectR$ 13,80$ 3,9980%RB
MEGA MAN 10-$ 1,9980%RB
MEGA MAN 9-$ 1,9980%RB
Oblivion-$ 4,4970%R2022-10-04 $ 3,74W
Pac-Man-$ 1,2475%RB
Portal: Still AliveR$ 7,50$ 3,7475%R,XB
Resident Evil CODE: Veronica XR$ 7,80$ 3,9980%RB
ScreamRideR$ 22,25$ 4,9975%RB
StackingR$ 14,70$ 4,4970%R2020-08-10 R$ 9,80W
Super Meat BoyR$ 7,50$ 3,7475%R2022-09-06 R$ 3,00W

Para Xbox One:

NomeBRUSA%ObsTipoMelhor anteriorCor
35MMR$ 24,01$ 6,4935%G,X2022-08-09 R$ 22,17W
890BR$ 9,22$ 2,4950%2022-10-18 R$ 11,07A
Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown - Top Gun: Maverick EditionR$ 61,98$ 14,9980%jogo + DLCB
Aces of the Luftwaffe - SquadronR$ 9,57$ 4,9467%2023-01-24 R$ 5,80W
Aery - Calm Mind 2R$ 24,75$ 6,6933%G,XB
Aery - Last Day of EarthR$ 24,75$ 6,6933%G,X2023-02-21 R$ 25,86A
AfterimageR$ 59,19$ 19,9920%G,SA
Agatha Christie - The A.B.C. MURDERSR$ 5,85$ 2,9985%2023-04-06 R$ 7,80A
Alfred Hitchcock - VertigoR$ 88,47$ 23,9940%A,P2023-04-06 R$ 73,72W
Alphaset by POWGIR$ 14,97$ 3,9950%SB
An Evil ExistenceR$ 9,34$ 1,9980%GB
Anthem: Legion of Dawn EditionR$ 14,90$ 2,9990%X,Fjogo + DLC2022-12-15 R$ 13,95W
Arkane Anniversary CollectionR$ 119,23$ 23,9970%2021-04-02 R$ 74,98W
Ary and the Secret of SeasonsR$ 31,99$ 7,9980%2023-04-21 R$ 23,99W
As Dusk FallsR$ 56,08$ 9,8967%SB
Assassin's Creed Chronicles: IndiaR$ 7,60$ 3,9960%GB
Assassin's Creed Chronicles: RussiaR$ 7,60$ 3,9960%GB
Assassin's Creed IV Black FlagR$ 29,70$ 8,9970%2023-05-30 R$ 24,75W
Assassin's Creed Odyssey - Deluxe EditionR$ 45,80$ 15,9980%X,Pjogo + DLCB
Assassin's Creed Odyssey - Season PassR$ 50,00$ 19,9950%X,SDLC2023-05-30 R$ 40,00W
Assassin's Creed Odyssey - Ultimate EditionR$ 59,80$ 23,9980%Xjogo + DLC2023-01-31 R$ 38,87W
Assassin's Creed Origins - GOLD EDITIONR$ 59,80$ 19,9980%Xjogo + DLCB
Assassin's Creed Origins - Season PassR$ 29,70$ 11,9970%XDLCB
Assassin's Creed Rogue RemasteredR$ 23,70$ 8,9970%G,X,FB
Assassin's Creed UnityR$ 29,70$ 8,9970%G,FB
Assassin's Creed ValhallaR$ 69,98$ 14,9975%X,S,PB
Assassin's Creed Valhalla + Immortals Fenyx Rising BundleR$ 124,98$ 27,4975%X,SB
Assassin's Creed Valhalla - Season PassR$ 65,98$ 15,9960%X,SDLCB
Assassin's Creed Valhalla Ragnarok ExpansionR$ 79,98$ 15,9960%X,SDLCB
Assassin's Creed Valhalla, Assassin's Creed Odyssey e Assassin's Creed OriginsR$ 166,23$ 39,9975%XB
Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag – Freedom CryR$ 4,75$ 2,4975%GDLCB
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla + Watch Dogs: Legion BundleR$ 124,98$ 27,4975%X,SB
Assetto CorsaR$ 20,65$ 10,4965%2023-04-06 R$ 11,80W
Assetto Corsa - DLC Season PassR$ 19,50$ 9,9950%DLC2022-05-10 R$ 9,75W
Assetto Corsa - Ferrari 70th Anniversary DLCR$ 5,60$ 2,7960%DLC2018-08-14 R$ 4,62W
Assetto Corsa - Japanese Pack DLCR$ 4,00$ 1,9960%DLC2018-08-14 R$ 3,30W
Assetto Corsa - Pacote de DLC de prestígioR$ 5,60$ 2,7960%DLC2018-08-14 R$ 4,62W
Assetto Corsa - Pacote de DLC Porsche #1R$ 5,60$ 2,7960%DLC2018-08-14 R$ 4,62W
Assetto Corsa - Pacote de DLC Porsche Vol. 2R$ 5,60$ 2,7960%DLC2018-08-14 R$ 4,62W
Assetto Corsa - Pacote DLC de melhoria de desempenhoR$ 4,00$ 1,9960%DLC2018-08-14 R$ 3,30W
Assetto Corsa - Porsche Pack Vol.3 DLCR$ 5,60$ 2,7960%DLC2018-08-14 R$ 4,62W
Assetto Corsa - Ready To Race DLCR$ 6,32$ 3,1960%DLC2022-05-10 R$ 3,95W
Assetto Corsa - Red Pack DLCR$ 7,60$ 3,9960%DLC2022-05-10 R$ 4,75W
Assetto Corsa CompetizioneR$ 35,85$ 13,9965%2022-12-15 R$ 25,61W
Assetto Corsa Competizione - GT4 DLCR$ 39,50$ 9,9950%DLC2022-01-11 R$ 31,60W
Assetto Corsa Competizione - 2020 GT World Challenge Pack DLCR$ 17,47$ 4,4950%DLCB
Assetto Corsa Competizione - American Track PackR$ 62,99$ 16,1910%SDLCA
Assetto Corsa Competizione - Challengers PackR$ 28,39$ 8,7920%SDLCA
Assetto Corsa Competizione Intercontinetnal GT PackR$ 22,22$ 7,4950%DLCB
Assetto Corsa Competizione: British GT Pack DLCR$ 25,50$ 6,4950%DLCB
Atomic Heart Gold EditionR$ 374,96$ 74,9925%G,X,Sjogo + DLCB
Aven ColonyR$ 31,98$ 5,9980%2022-08-23 R$ 24,50W
Back 4 Blood Children of the WormR$ 12,99$ 2,9980%A,X,SDLC2023-04-25 R$ 16,24A
Back 4 Blood River of BloodR$ 12,99$ 2,9980%A,X,SDLC2023-04-25 R$ 16,24A
Back 4 Blood Season PassR$ 39,80$ 7,9980%X,S,PDLCB
Back 4 Blood Tunnels of TerrorR$ 12,99$ 2,9980%A,X,SDLC2023-04-25 R$ 16,24A
Back 4 Blood UltimateR$ 99,99$ 19,9980%X,Sjogo + DLC2023-04-06 R$ 124,99A
Batbarian: Testament of the PrimordialsR$ 38,46$ 10,4930%G2023-01-10 R$ 29,98W
Batman: Arkham CollectionR$ 37,50$ 8,9985%jogo + DLCB
Batman: Arkham Knight Premium EditionR$ 42,00$ 5,9985%jogo + DLC2022-12-15 R$ 28,00W
Battlefield 1 RevolutionR$ 39,75$ 9,9975%X,Fjogo + DLC2022-12-15 R$ 23,85W
Battlefield 2042 (Xbox One e Xbox Series X|S)R$ 101,70$ 20,9970%X,SB
Battlefield 2042 (Xbox One)R$ 89,70$ 17,9970%X2023-04-21 R$ 104,65A
Battlefield 4 PremiumR$ 39,75$ 9,9975%FDLC2018-12-11 R$ 14,85W
Battlefield Hardline Ultimate Edition-$ 9,9975%Fjogo + DLC2022-12-15 $ 7,99W
BATTLEFIELD V Definitive EDITIONR$ 59,75$ 12,4975%X,Fjogo + DLC2022-12-15 R$ 35,85W
BATTLESHIPR$ 8,70$ 4,4970%G2020-06-04 R$ 7,25W
BattletoadsR$ 24,98$ 4,9975%AB
BayonettaR$ 32,98$ 7,4970%X2023-04-06 R$ 38,48A
Bayonetta & Vanquish 10th Anniversary BundleR$ 44,98$ 11,9970%X2023-04-06 R$ 52,48A
Before We LeaveR$ 24,99$ 4,9975%A,SB
Ben 10R$ 36,98$ 9,9960%2020-06-23 R$ 9,75W
Beyond a Steel SkyR$ 73,72$ 19,9950%2023-04-06 R$ 51,60W
BioShock: The CollectionR$ 41,58$ 9,9980%jogo + DLCB
Bleeding EdgeR$ 32,25$ 7,4975%B
Blood Bowl 3R$ 103,21$ 27,9930%X,SA
Blood WavesR$ 18,47$ 4,9950%B
Bloodstained IGA's Back Pack DLCR$ 10,22$ 4,9950%XDLC2021-12-10 R$ 8,18W
Bloodstained: Ritual of the NightR$ 71,98$ 15,9960%X2023-04-06 R$ 62,98W
Book of DemonsR$ 36,05$ 8,7465%2023-04-06 R$ 30,90W
Borderlands 3R$ 37,50$ 8,9985%X,SB
Borderlands 3 Season Pass 1 + 2 BundleR$ 79,96$ 27,9960%X,SDLCB
Borderlands 3 Super Deluxe EditionR$ 83,25$ 19,9975%X,Sjogo + DLCB
Borderlands Legendary CollectionR$ 83,16$ 19,9960%B
Borderlands: Game of the Year EditionR$ 42,90$ 9,8967%XB
Broken AgeR$ 4,35$ 2,2485%B
Bundle: Monoploly Madness + Monopoly PlusR$ 56,98$ 14,9970%Gjogo + DLCB
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Digital Pro EditionR$ 103,60$ 39,9960%jogo + DLC2020-09-15 R$ 77,70W
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Digital Deluxe EditionR$ 119,60$ 39,9960%Xjogo + DLC2020-04-28 R$ 98,67W
Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War - Cross-GenR$ 127,96$ 27,9960%X,Sjogo + DLCB
Call Of Duty: Black Ops III - Zombies ChroniclesR$ 46,00$ 14,9950%XDLC2023-05-02 R$ 36,80W
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Zombies DeluxeR$ 119,60$ 39,9960%Xjogo + DLC2020-08-14 R$ 89,70W
Call of Duty: Ghosts Digital Hardened EditionR$ 131,60$ 39,9960%jogo + DLC2020-09-15 R$ 98,70W
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare - Digital Legacy EditionR$ 119,60$ 31,9960%Xjogo + DLCB
Call of Duty: Vanguard - Pacote Multi-geraçãoR$ 159,50$ 34,9950%X,Sjogo + DLCB
Capcom Arcade 2nd Stadium BundleR$ 99,50$ 19,9950%jogo + DLC2023-04-28 R$ 149,25A
Capcom Arcade Stadium Game Packs 1, 2, 3R$ 71,09$ 15,9960%jogo + DLC2023-04-28 R$ 88,86A
Capcom Beat Em Up BundleR$ 32,07$ 9,9950%2022-02-15 R$ 30,50W
Capcom Fighting BundleR$ 134,55$ 26,9955%jogo + DLCB
Capcom Fighting CollectionR$ 99,50$ 19,9950%jogo + DLCB
Carnival GamesR$ 28,80$ 7,9980%B
CaterpillarR$ 11,07$ 2,9940%S2023-01-31 R$ 13,83A
CatmazeR$ 18,47$ 4,9950%G,S2022-09-10 R$ 29,56A
Chef Life : A Restaurant SimulatorR$ 103,21$ 27,9930%SA
Choice of Life: Middle AgesR$ 6,45$ 1,7465%2023-01-31 R$ 9,22A
Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers EditionR$ 73,46$ 13,9930%B
Clash Artifacts of ChaosR$ 103,21$ 27,9930%SA
CODE VEIN - Edição DeluxeR$ 52,04$ 11,9985%Xjogo + DLCB
Colossus DownR$ 35,46$ 8,9950%G2023-02-14 R$ 21,27W
Conjunto de Jogos LEGOR$ 39,90$ 9,9990%B
ControlR$ 38,70$ 8,9970%X2021-05-25 R$ 32,25W
Control - AWE DLCR$ 8,08$ 2,9970%XDLCB
Control - Foundation DLCR$ 8,23$ 2,9970%XDLCB
Control - Season PassR$ 18,75$ 4,4970%XDLCB
Corra com o Ryan Viagem na Estrada Edição DeluxeR$ 44,98$ 11,9960%jogo + DLC2022-01-03 R$ 39,35W
Crackdown 3R$ 37,48$ 7,4975%XB
Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About TimeR$ 82,50$ 19,7967%SB
Crash Team Racing Nitro-FueledR$ 63,00$ 13,9965%XB
Cricket 22R$ 103,98$ 23,9960%S2023-03-14 R$ 129,97A
Crimson DragonR$ 9,57$ 4,9467%2023-05-09 R$ 7,25W
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII ReunionR$ 174,65$ 34,9930%B
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Digital Deluxe EditionR$ 244,93$ 48,9930%B
Crossovers by POWGIR$ 14,97$ 3,9950%SA
Crown TrickR$ 31,47$ 5,9970%A2022-08-23 R$ 23,99W
Crypto by POWGIR$ 14,97$ 3,9950%X,S2021-08-24 R$ 11,98W
Cult of the LambR$ 60,09$ 16,2435%S2023-02-14 R$ 69,33A
Cult of the Lamb: Cultist EditionR$ 73,09$ 19,4935%Sjogo + DLCB
Cult of the Lamb: Cultist PackR$ 16,86$ 4,5435%DLC2023-02-14 R$ 19,46A
Cult of the Lamb: Heretic PackR$ 19,46$ 5,2425%SDLCA
Curved SpaceR$ 14,99$ 3,9980%2023-04-21 R$ 11,24W
CyberHiveR$ 6,10$ 3,1465%2023-01-31 R$ 8,72A
D4: Dark Dreams Don't DieR$ 9,57$ 4,9467%2023-05-09 R$ 7,25W
Dakar Desert RallyR$ 88,47$ 23,9940%G,S2023-03-28 R$ 103,21A
Dakar Desert Rally - Classics Vehicle Pack #1R$ 25,86$ 6,9930%SDLCA
Dakar Desert Rally - Deluxe EditionR$ 133,47$ 35,9940%Gjogo + DLC2023-04-06 R$ 144,59A
Dakar Desert Rally - Legends PackR$ 25,86$ 6,9930%DLCB
Dakar Desert Rally - Season PassR$ 84,33$ 22,4925%DLC2023-04-06 R$ 73,09W
Dakar Desert Rally - SnowRunner Trucks PackR$ 25,86$ 6,9930%SDLCA
Day of the Tentacle RemasteredR$ 19,98$ 3,7475%AB
Dead AgeR$ 2,90$ 1,4990%2023-04-25 R$ 5,80A
Dead by Daylight - Demise of the FaithfulR$ 7,90$ 3,9950%DLCB
Dead by Daylight - Shattered BloodlineR$ 7,90$ 3,9950%DLCB
Dead by Daylight: A BINDING OF KINR$ 7,90$ 3,9950%DLCB
Dead by Daylight: ALL-KILL ChapterR$ 7,90$ 3,9950%DLCB
Dead by Daylight: Capítulo A Nightmare on Elm StreetR$ 7,90$ 3,9950%PDLCB
Dead by Daylight: Cursed Legacy ChapterR$ 7,90$ 3,9950%DLCB
Dead by Daylight: CURTAIN CALL ChapterR$ 7,90$ 3,9950%DLCB
Dead By Daylight: Darkness Among UsR$ 7,90$ 3,9950%PDLCB
Dead by Daylight: DESCEND BEYOND ChapterR$ 7,90$ 3,9950%DLCB
Dead by Daylight: Forged in Fog ChapterR$ 12,64$ 6,3920%PDLCB
Dead by Daylight: Ghost FaceR$ 12,91$ 3,4930%PDLC2023-04-25 R$ 9,22W
Dead by Daylight: Head CaseR$ 4,00$ 1,9950%DLCB
Dead by Daylight: Hellraiser ChapterR$ 5,00$ 2,4950%DLCB
Dead by Daylight: Hour of the Witch ChapterR$ 5,00$ 2,4950%DLCB
Dead by Daylight: LeatherfaceR$ 5,00$ 2,4950%DLCB
Dead by Daylight: PACOTE DE EXPANSÃO DE ASSASSINOSR$ 43,45$ 16,4945%DLCB
Dead by Daylight: Portrait of a Murder ChapterR$ 7,90$ 3,9950%DLCB
Dead by Daylight: PROJECT W ChapterR$ 31,11$ 8,3930%PDLCB
Dead by Daylight: Resident Evil ChapterR$ 31,11$ 8,3930%PDLC2023-03-07 R$ 22,22W
Dead by Daylight: ROOTS OF DREAD ChapterR$ 7,90$ 3,9950%DLCB
Dead by Daylight: SADAKO RISING ChapterR$ 11,06$ 5,5930%PDLC2023-04-25 R$ 9,48W
Dead by Daylight: Silent HillR$ 7,90$ 3,9950%PDLCB
Dead by Daylight: Silent Hill EditionR$ 110,97$ 29,9940%Sjogo + DLCB
Dead By Daylight: Special EditionR$ 39,50$ 14,9950%E2023-04-25 R$ 31,60W
Dead by Daylight: Special Edition: Ash vs Evil DeadR$ 5,00$ 2,4950%DLCB
Dead by Daylight: Special Edition:Chains of Hate ChapterR$ 7,90$ 3,9950%DLCB
Dead by Daylight: The Halloween ChapterR$ 11,06$ 5,5930%DLC2020-09-08 R$ 7,80W
Dead by Daylight: The SAW ChapterR$ 7,90$ 3,9950%PDLCB
Dead by Daylight: ULTIMATE EDITIONR$ 84,29$ 41,9940%Sjogo + DLCB
Dead Island 2R$ 312,00$ 55,9920%X,SA
Dead Island Definitive CollectionR$ 11,85$ 4,4985%jogo + DLCB
Dead Island Definitive EditionR$ 5,85$ 2,9985%FB
Dead Island: Riptide Definitive EditionR$ 5,85$ 2,9985%FB
Dead RisingR$ 47,32$ 5,9970%2021-05-11 R$ 45,00W
Dead Rising 2R$ 47,32$ 5,9970%2021-05-11 R$ 45,00W
Dead Rising 2 Off the RecordR$ 19,24$ 5,9970%2021-05-11 R$ 18,30W
Dead Rising 3: Apocalypse EditionR$ 39,12$ 8,9970%jogo + DLC2017-10-23 R$ 31,00W
Dead Rising 4R$ 40,08$ 9,9975%X2022-02-08 R$ 22,86W
Dead Rising Triple Bundle PackR$ 78,61$ 14,8775%2022-02-08 R$ 74,75W
Death ParkR$ 14,59$ 3,8935%XB
Defense Grid 2R$ 7,62$ 3,7475%2019-04-12 R$ 4,35W
Demon Slayer -Kimetsu no Yaiba- The Hinokami Chronicles Digital Deluxe EditionR$ 174,97$ 34,9950%Sjogo + DLCB
Deus Ex: Mankind DividedR$ 16,05$ 4,4985%FB
Devil May Cry 4 Special EditionR$ 15,46$ 7,4970%2022-04-26 R$ 14,70W
Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition Demon Hunter BundleR$ 28,91$ 8,9975%jogo + DLC2021-09-07 R$ 27,50W
Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition: 5 Blue OrbsR$ 5,04$ 2,3920%DLC2018-04-27 R$ 3,00W
Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition: Orbes Vermelhos (300.000)R$ 3,36$ 1,5920%DLC2018-04-27 R$ 2,00W
Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition: Pacote de Roupas de Lady e TrishR$ 5,05$ 2,3940%DLC2022-08-09 R$ 4,80W
Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition: Proud Souls (200.000)R$ 4,10$ 1,9435%DLC2018-04-27 R$ 3,00W
Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition: Super Nero/Super Dante/Super VergilR$ 6,31$ 2,9940%DLC2022-08-09 R$ 6,00W
Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition: Unlock All ModesR$ 2,20$ 1,0430%DLC2018-04-27 R$ 2,10W
Devil May Cry 5 + VergilR$ 44,76$ 9,8967%B
Devil May Cry 5 - Playable Character: VergilR$ 21,29$ 3,7425%DLC2022-08-09 R$ 20,25W
Devil May Cry 5 - Super Vergil UnlockR$ 13,09$ 2,2425%DLCB
Devil May Cry 5 - V & Vergil Alt ColorsR$ 5,88$ 1,5920%DLC2022-03-22 R$ 5,60W
Devil May Cry 5 - Vergil Battle Track 4-PackR$ 9,26$ 1,5920%DLC2021-09-07 R$ 8,80W
Devil May Cry 5 - Vergil Early Unlock PackR$ 17,67$ 3,1920%DLC2022-08-09 R$ 16,80W
Devil May Cry 5 - Vergil EX ProvocationR$ 9,26$ 1,5920%DLC2022-03-22 R$ 8,80W
Devil May Cry 5 Alt Hero ColorsR$ 5,88$ 1,5920%DLC2022-03-22 R$ 5,60W
Devil May Cry 5 Alt Heroine ColorsR$ 8,40$ 2,3920%DLCA
Devil May Cry 5 Deluxe + VergilR$ 71,09$ 15,9960%2022-04-26 R$ 84,50A
Devil May Cry 5 Deluxe UpgradeR$ 37,84$ 11,9920%XDLC2022-06-28 R$ 30,75W
Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition - 100,000 Red OrbR$ 5,79$ 0,9950%coin2022-03-15 R$ 5,50W
Devil May Cry 5 Taunt TrioR$ 16,56$ 2,9925%DLCA
Devil May Cry 5: 1 orbe azulR$ 3,36$ 0,7920%DLC2022-03-22 R$ 3,20W
Devil May Cry 5: 3 orbes azuisR$ 5,88$ 1,5920%DLC2022-03-22 R$ 5,60W
Devil May Cry 5: Cavaliere RR$ 8,40$ 2,3920%XDLC2022-08-09 R$ 8,00W
Devil May Cry 5: Cenas de Jogo com AtoresR$ 10,93$ 3,1920%XDLC2022-08-09 R$ 10,40W
Devil May Cry 5: DMC1 Trilha Sonora Pacote TriploR$ 5,88$ 1,5920%XDLC2022-03-22 R$ 5,60W
Devil May Cry 5: DMC2 Trilha Sonora Pacote TriploR$ 5,88$ 1,5920%XDLC2022-03-22 R$ 5,60W
Devil May Cry 5: DMC3 Trilha Sonora Pacote TriploR$ 5,88$ 1,5920%XDLC2022-03-22 R$ 5,60W
Devil May Cry 5: DMC4 Trilha Sonora Pacote TriploR$ 5,88$ 1,5920%XDLC2022-03-22 R$ 5,60W
Devil May Cry 5: Gerbera GP01R$ 3,36$ 0,7920%XDLC2022-03-22 R$ 3,20W
Devil May Cry 5: Mega BusterR$ 8,40$ 2,3920%XDLC2022-08-09 R$ 8,00W
Devil May Cry 5: Narração Alternativa de EstiloR$ 3,36$ 0,7920%XDLC2022-03-22 R$ 3,20W
Devil May Cry 5: Narração Alternativa de TítulosR$ 3,36$ 0,7920%XDLC2022-03-22 R$ 3,20W
Devil May Cry 5: Pasta BreakerR$ 3,36$ 0,7920%XDLC2022-03-22 R$ 3,20W
Devil May Cry 5:Sweet SurrenderR$ 7,88$ 2,2425%XDLC2022-08-09 R$ 8,00A
Devil May Cry HD CollectionR$ 51,70$ 9,8967%2022-03-22 R$ 49,17W
Devil May Cry HD Collection & 4SE BundleR$ 59,69$ 14,8467%B
Devil May Cry V - 5 Orbes AzuisR$ 8,40$ 2,3920%XDLC2022-08-09 R$ 8,00W
Devil May Cry V - Superpacote com 3 personagensR$ 26,03$ 4,4925%XDLCB
Devil May Cry V: 100.000 Orbes VermelhosR$ 3,67$ 0,9950%coin2022-08-09 R$ 3,50W
Devil May Cry V: Pacote de liberação no jogoR$ 31,98$ 5,5920%DLC2022-08-09 R$ 30,40W
DIGIMON SURVIVER$ 209,30$ 41,9930%B
Discovery Tour: Viking AgeR$ 59,97$ 11,9940%G,SB
Dishonored 2R$ 29,99$ 5,9980%X2021-08-10 R$ 22,49W
Dishonored Definitive EditionR$ 24,98$ 4,9975%Fjogo + DLC2022-07-15 R$ 19,99W
Dishonored: Death of the OutsiderR$ 29,99$ 5,9980%X,FDLC2019-12-19 R$ 17,50W
Disney Dreamlight ValleyR$ 84,33$ 22,4925%S,AB
Disney Dreamlight Valley - Edição DefinitivaR$ 181,96$ 48,9930%A,X,SB
Disneyland AdventuresR$ 24,73$ 6,5967%A2023-05-09 R$ 18,73W
Divination: Console EditionR$ 11,07$ 2,9940%S2022-10-18 R$ 12,91A
Divine Knockout (DKO) - Founders EditionR$ 34,50$ 12,4950%SB
Divine Knockout (DKO) - Ultimate EditionR$ 69,00$ 24,9950%SB
DmC Devil May Cry: Definitive EditionR$ 52,68$ 8,9970%jogo + DLCB
DOOMR$ 15,50$ 4,9975%XB
DOOM (1993)R$ 3,98$ 1,9960%2022-08-16 R$ 2,48W
DOOM 3R$ 7,58$ 3,9960%X2022-08-16 R$ 4,73W
DOOM 64R$ 3,28$ 1,6467%2022-08-16 R$ 2,48W
DOOM Eternal Deluxe EditionR$ 115,48$ 23,0967%Xjogo + DLC2021-11-19 R$ 87,25W
DOOM Eternal Standard EditionR$ 65,98$ 13,1967%X2022-12-15 R$ 49,98W
DOOM II (Classic)R$ 3,98$ 1,9960%2022-08-16 R$ 2,48W
DOOM Slayers CollectionR$ 45,98$ 11,9960%2022-12-15 R$ 28,73W
Dragon Age: Inquisition - Game of the Year Edition-$ 9,9975%F2022-12-15 $ 5,99W
DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZZ - FighterZ EditionR$ 60,00$ 14,2485%Xjogo + DLCB
Dragon Ball Xenoverse Super BundleR$ 52,35$ 12,7485%B
DRAGON BALL Z: KAKAROT - Season PassR$ 66,95$ 12,4950%DLC2023-01-10 R$ 49,95W
DRAGON BALL Z: KAKAROT Deluxe EditionR$ 113,72$ 21,2475%jogo + DLC2022-12-15 R$ 87,47W
Dragon Ball: The Breakers - Special EditionR$ 74,75$ 14,9950%jogo + DLCB
Dragon's Dogma: Dark ArisenR$ 23,50$ 4,4985%B
Dragons Dawn of New RidersR$ 44,98$ 11,9960%2020-12-18 R$ 19,75W
Drunken FistR$ 10,48$ 2,7965%2022-10-18 R$ 11,98A
Drunken Fist 2: Zombie HangoverR$ 17,97$ 4,7940%S2022-10-18 R$ 20,96A
Dying Light 2 Stay Human Standard EditionR$ 132,47$ 29,9950%X,SB
Dying Light 2 Stay Human Ultimate EditionR$ 300,96$ 69,9930%X,Sjogo + DLCB
Dying Light 2 Stay Human: Bloody TiesR$ 49,45$ 8,9910%SDLCB
Eiyuden Chronicle: RisingR$ 40,16$ 10,0433%A2023-04-06 R$ 35,97W
Evil Dead The Game - Army of Darkness Medieval BundleR$ 14,97$ 3,9950%SDLCB
Evil Dead: The GameR$ 75,34$ 20,0933%G,S2023-03-28 R$ 73,72W
Evil Dead: The Game - 2013 BundleR$ 18,47$ 4,9950%SDLCB
Evil Dead: The Game - Ash Williams Employee S-Mart OutfitR$ 7,33$ 2,0033%SDLC2023-03-28 R$ 5,47W
Evil Dead: The Game - Ash Williams Gallant Knight OutfitR$ 7,33$ 2,0033%SDLC2023-03-28 R$ 5,47W
Evil Dead: The Game - Game of the Year EditionR$ 92,47$ 24,9950%Gjogo + DLCA
Evil Dead: The Game - Game of the Year Edition UpgradeR$ 56,22$ 14,9950%DLCA
Evil Dead: The Game - Hail to the King BundleR$ 18,47$ 4,9950%SDLCB
Evil Dead: The Game - Immortal Power BundleR$ 18,47$ 4,9950%DLCA
Evil Dead: The Game - Savini Varian SkinR$ 7,33$ 2,0033%DLCA
Evil Dead: The Game - Who's Your Daddy BundleR$ 18,47$ 4,9950%DLCA
Evil Dead: The Game: The Classics BundleR$ 18,47$ 4,9950%SDLCB
ExtinctionR$ 11,24$ 2,9990%2023-04-21 R$ 16,86A
Extinction: Deluxe EditionR$ 14,74$ 3,9990%jogo + DLC2023-01-03 R$ 22,11A
Fall Guys - Otter Delights PackR$ 23,25$ 7,4925%DLCA
Fall Guys - Pegwin PackR$ 23,25$ 7,4925%DLCA
Fall Guys - Season 1 Starter PackR$ 23,25$ 7,4925%DLC2023-01-03 R$ 24,80A
Fall Guys - Season 2 Starter PackR$ 23,25$ 7,4925%DLC2023-01-03 R$ 24,80A
Fall Guys - Stunning Sealife PackR$ 46,50$ 14,9925%DLCA
Fall Guys - Wildfire PackR$ 46,50$ 14,9925%DLCB
Fallout 4R$ 32,98$ 6,5967%F,X2020-12-18 R$ 21,00W
Fallout 4: Game of the Year EditionR$ 49,98$ 9,9975%X,Fjogo + DLC2020-10-20 R$ 45,00W
Fallout 76R$ 49,98$ 9,9975%X,F2022-07-15 R$ 38,73W
Fallout 76 The Pitt DeluxeR$ 119,98$ 23,9960%Xjogo + DLC2023-04-06 R$ 74,98W
Far Cry - Pacote InsanidadeR$ 59,99$ 17,9980%B
Far Cry 3-4-5-6R$ 137,48$ 37,4975%B
Far Cry 4 + Far Cry Primal BundleR$ 39,98$ 12,4975%F2021-06-18 R$ 31,99W
FAR CRY 4 GOLD EDITIONR$ 42,88$ 11,5467%Fjogo + DLC2018-01-15 R$ 32,25W
Far Cry 5 + Far Cry New Dawn Deluxe EditionR$ 52,50$ 14,9985%X,Fjogo + DLCB
Far Cry 5 - Gold EditionR$ 41,99$ 13,4985%X,Sjogo + DLCB
Far Cry 5 Gold Edition + Far Cry New Dawn Deluxe Edition BundleR$ 60,00$ 19,4985%X,Fjogo + DLCB
Far Cry 6 Deluxe EditionR$ 84,98$ 19,9975%X,Sjogo + DLCB
Far Cry 6 Gold EditionR$ 103,11$ 24,9975%X,Sjogo + DLC2023-01-31 R$ 53,61W
Far Cry PrimalR$ 24,98$ 7,4975%F2021-06-18 R$ 19,99W
Far Cry Primal - Apex EditionR$ 39,58$ 11,5467%Fjogo + DLC2021-06-18 R$ 23,99W
Fast & Furious: Spy Racers Rise of SH1FT3R - Complete EditionR$ 67,98$ 18,3960%X,Sjogo + DLCB
FIFA 23 UltimateR$ 199,60$ 39,9960%X,SB
FIFA 23 Xbox OneR$ 89,70$ 17,9970%XB
FlockersR$ 9,23$ 2,4975%2023-04-21 R$ 3,69W
Fobia: St. Dinfna HotelR$ 56,22$ 14,9950%SB
For Honor Complete EditionR$ 74,98$ 24,9975%X,Sjogo + DLC2022-12-15 R$ 59,99W
For the KingR$ 18,49$ 4,9980%2023-04-04 R$ 23,11A
Forza Horizon 4R$ 82,17$ 19,7967%A,X,SB
Forza Horizon 4 + 5 Premium Upgrade BundleR$ 139,30$ 34,9965%A,X,SDLC2023-05-09 R$ 159,20A
Forza Horizon 4 + Forza Horizon 5 - Edições PremiumR$ 239,40$ 59,9970%A,X,Sjogo + DLC2023-05-09 R$ 263,34A
Forza Horizon 4 Deluxe EditionR$ 108,15$ 27,9965%A,X,Sjogo + DLCB
Forza Horizon 4 Ultimate EditionR$ 139,65$ 34,9965%A,X,Sjogo + DLCB
Forza Horizon 5R$ 124,50$ 29,9950%A,X,S,PB
Forza Horizon 5 - Rally AdventureR$ 63,20$ 15,9920%A,X,SDLCA
Forza Horizon 5 Deluxe EditionR$ 154,50$ 39,9950%A,X,S,Pjogo + DLCB
Forza Horizon 5 Hot WheelsR$ 39,50$ 9,9950%A,X,SDLC2023-05-09 R$ 59,25A
Forza Horizon 5 Premium EditionR$ 199,50$ 49,9950%A,X,S,Pjogo + DLCB
Forza Horizon 5: Pacote de Complementos SupremoR$ 99,50$ 24,9950%A,X,SDLC2023-05-09 R$ 119,40A
Fruit Ninja Kinect 2R$ 7,25$ 3,7475%B
Full Throttle RemasteredR$ 19,98$ 3,7475%AB
Gaijin Charenji 1 : Kiss or KillR$ 4,23$ 1,1275%2022-03-22 R$ 3,69W
Gears 5R$ 59,70$ 11,9970%X,S,A2021-11-19 R$ 49,75W
Gears 5 Game of the YearR$ 82,17$ 19,7967%X,S,Ajogo + DLC2021-12-17 R$ 62,25W
Gears 5: HivebustersR$ 49,50$ 9,9950%X,S,ADLCB
Gears of War 4R$ 32,67$ 6,5967%A,X,F2019-04-12 R$ 36,86A
Gears TacticsR$ 65,67$ 13,1967%A,X,S2021-12-17 R$ 49,75W
Gears Triple BundleR$ 154,50$ 39,9950%X,S,A2021-12-17 R$ 77,25W
Gems of War - Starter Pack 2R$ 34,97$ 9,9950%coinB
Gems of War - Weapon Upgrade PackR$ 52,50$ 14,9940%coins2022-11-11 R$ 35,00W
Gems of War: Pacote WildR$ 13,42$ 3,7425%coin2020-01-07 R$ 4,00W
Genesis Alpha OneR$ 14,75$ 7,4975%2022-12-20 R$ 8,85W
Ghost Recon Breakpoint - Gold EditionR$ 75,99$ 19,9980%X,Sjogo + DLC2023-01-31 R$ 30,39W
Ghost Recon Breakpoint UltimateR$ 91,99$ 23,9980%X,Sjogo + DLC2023-01-31 R$ 45,99W
Ghost Recon Wildlands Year 2 Gold EditionR$ 45,80$ 15,9980%Xjogo + DLC2023-01-31 R$ 18,32W
Ghost Runner: Complete EditionR$ 121,49$ 29,9925%Sjogo + DLCB
Ghostbusters: The Video Game RemasteredR$ 44,98$ 11,9960%G2023-03-28 R$ 28,11W
GhostrunnerR$ 39,60$ 11,9960%S2022-12-15 R$ 24,75W
Ghostrunner - Metal OX Pack DLCR$ 9,95$ 2,4950%DLCB
Ghostrunner - Neon DLCR$ 10,49$ 2,4950%DLCB
Ghostrunner Winter PackR$ 3,95$ 0,9950%DLCB
Ghostrunner: Halloween PackR$ 10,49$ 2,4950%DLCB
Ghostrunner: Jack's BundleR$ 14,97$ 3,9950%DLCB
Ghostrunner: Project_HelR$ 45,59$ 11,9920%DLC2022-08-09 R$ 42,74W
Ghosts 'n Goblins ResurrectionR$ 67,83$ 14,9950%B
GravelR$ 9,95$ 1,9990%XB
Gravel Special EditionR$ 14,95$ 2,9990%Xjogo + DLCB
Greak: Memories of AzurR$ 31,47$ 5,9970%S2022-08-02 R$ 29,99W
Grim Fandango RemasteredR$ 23,98$ 4,4970%AB
GroundedR$ 133,33$ 26,7933%B
GTA The Trilogy The Definitive EditionR$ 149,95$ 29,9950%SB
GTA V: Pacote dinheiro MegalodonteR$ 169,15$ 84,9915%coin2017-10-10 R$ 159,20W
GTA V: Premium Online EditionR$ 100,46$ 20,0933%2019-11-21 R$ 49,48W
HadesR$ 58,33$ 14,9940%S,AB
Halo 3: ODSTR$ 2,50$ 1,2475%X,SDLC2023-05-09 R$ 4,00A
Halo 5: GuardiansR$ 24,75$ 4,9975%XB
Halo Infinite (Campaign)R$ 124,50$ 29,9950%A,X,SB
Halo Wars 2R$ 34,75$ 9,9975%A,X,FB
Halo Wars 2: Complete EditionR$ 49,75$ 14,9975%A,X,Fjogo + DLCB
Halo: ReachR$ 12,25$ 2,4975%X,SDLC2023-05-09 R$ 19,60A
Halo: The Master Chief CollectionR$ 32,25$ 9,9975%X,S2023-05-09 R$ 51,60A
Hasbro Family Fun Pack - Super EditionR$ 44,75$ 14,9975%GB
Hazelight BundleR$ 98,67$ 19,7967%B
Hell WardersR$ 8,24$ 2,2485%2023-04-25 R$ 10,99A
Hellblade: Senua's SacrificeR$ 14,75$ 7,4975%XB
Hero DefenseR$ 22,49$ 5,9980%2021-01-05 R$ 17,70W
High On LifeR$ 166,83$ 44,9925%A,X,SA
HITMAN TrilogyR$ 129,97$ 34,9950%S2022-11-16 R$ 130,35A
HORROR OF THE DEEPR$ 19,43$ 4,9950%XB
Hotel Transylvania 3: Monsters OverboardR$ 36,98$ 9,9960%2020-10-27 R$ 14,75W
How To Survive 2R$ 5,80$ 2,9980%B
How to Survive 2 - Abandoned BackpackR$ 1,00$ 0,4975%DLCA
How To Survive 2 - Elite Soldier Skin PackR$ 2,00$ 0,9950%DLCA
How To Survive 2 - Musketeer Skin PackR$ 2,00$ 0,9950%DLCA
How To Survive 2 - Norse God Skin PackR$ 2,00$ 0,9950%DLCA
How to Survive: Storm Warning EditionR$ 9,75$ 4,9975%2022-05-24 R$ 7,80W
Hunting Simulator 2 Deluxe EditionR$ 38,99$ 8,9985%jogo + DLCB
IMMORTALS FENYX RISING GOLDR$ 103,11$ 24,9975%X,S2023-04-25 R$ 82,49W
Immortus TemporusR$ 9,22$ 2,4950%2022-10-11 R$ 11,07A
IndivisibleR$ 44,98$ 9,9975%B
Indivisible: Razmi ChallengesR$ 14,97$ 3,9950%DLCB
Injustice 2 - Legendary EditionR$ 19,90$ 5,9990%Xjogo + DLCB
Injustice 2: Pack UltimateR$ 22,95$ 5,9985%X,PDLCB
Insurgency Sandstorm Deluxe EditionR$ 139,98$ 27,9960%G,Sjogo + DLC2023-04-21 R$ 174,97A
Island FarmerR$ 9,16$ 2,3920%AB
Jagged Alliance: Rage!R$ 14,75$ 7,4975%X2023-01-24 R$ 11,80W
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R Deluxe EditionR$ 194,93$ 45,4935%Sjogo + DLCB
Journey to the Savage Planet:Hot Garbage DLCR$ 14,97$ 3,9950%DLCB
Kao the Kangaroo - Anniversary editionR$ 118,59$ 24,0435%G,Sjogo + DLCA
Kerbal Space Program Complete EditionR$ 69,17$ 19,7967%jogo + DLCB
Killer Instinct: Definitive EditionR$ 48,65$ 13,1967%Ajogo + DLC2021-04-02 R$ 19,75W
King of SeasR$ 33,52$ 6,2475%2023-04-06 R$ 26,81W
Kingdom Come Deliverance Royal EditionR$ 25,80$ 7,9980%Xjogo + DLCB
Kingdom Come: DeliveranceR$ 25,80$ 5,9980%XB
Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris & Season Pass PackR$ 17,55$ 4,3485%jogo + DLCB
Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Manager: Feed the TrollR$ 12,91$ 3,4930%DLC2023-01-31 R$ 13,83A
Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Manager: Legend of Keepers - Supporter PackR$ 18,16$ 4,8930%DLC2023-01-31 R$ 19,46A
Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Manager: Return of the GoddessR$ 12,91$ 3,4930%DLC2023-01-31 R$ 13,83A
Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Manager: Soul SmugglersR$ 12,91$ 3,4930%DLC2023-01-31 R$ 13,83A
LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham Deluxe EditionR$ 19,35$ 5,2485%Fjogo + DLCB
LEGO DC Super-Villains Deluxe EditionR$ 42,00$ 11,2485%Xjogo + DLC2023-04-06 R$ 28,00W
LEGO Harry Potter CollectionR$ 22,50$ 5,9985%X2023-04-06 R$ 30,00A
LEGO Jurassic WorldR$ 45,00$ 4,9975%FB
Lego Marvel CollectionR$ 34,35$ 8,9985%jogo + DLCB
LEGO Marvel Super HeroesR$ 49,75$ 4,9975%FB
Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2 Deluxe EditionR$ 25,80$ 6,9980%X,Fjogo + DLCB
LEGO Marvel’s Avengers Deluxe EditionR$ 40,00$ 5,9980%Fjogo + DLCB
LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga - Character Collection 1 & 2R$ 39,99$ 9,9960%A,X,S,PDLCB
LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga - Galactic EditionR$ 119,99$ 31,9960%A,X,Sjogo + DLCB
Lego: The IncrediblesR$ 20,00$ 5,9990%FB
Like a Dragon: Ishin! Digital Deluxe EditionR$ 244,96$ 48,9930%A,Sjogo + DLC2023-04-06 R$ 279,96A
Little Nightmares 2R$ 89,95$ 14,9950%2023-04-06 R$ 59,36W
Little Nightmares Complete EditionR$ 25,00$ 7,4975%jogo + DLC2019-12-19 R$ 15,00W
Lost JudgmentR$ 104,98$ 20,9965%X,S2023-04-06 R$ 119,98A
Lost Judgment Digital Ultimate EditionR$ 133,48$ 26,9970%X,Sjogo + DLC2023-04-06 R$ 177,98A
Madden NFL 23 X1R$ 89,70$ 17,9970%XB
Mafia Definitive EditionR$ 57,73$ 13,9965%B
Mafia: TrilogyR$ 99,96$ 23,9960%X2022-12-15 R$ 82,46W
Marvel vs. Capcom: InfiniteR$ 36,79$ 7,9980%AB
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - Deluxe EditionR$ 46,78$ 11,9980%Ajogo + DLCB
Marvel's Avengers - Edição DefinitivaR$ 29,99$ 5,9985%X,S2023-04-06 R$ 39,99A
Marvel's Midnight Suns Edição Lendária para Xbox OneR$ 249,75$ 49,9950%Xjogo + DLCB
Marvel's Midnight Suns para Xbox OneR$ 149,95$ 29,9950%XB
Mass Effect Legendary EditionR$ 74,75$ 14,9975%X,Sjogo + DLCB
Mass Effect: Andromeda - Standard Recruit EditionR$ 17,25$ 7,4975%jogo + DLCB
MASSIVE CHALICER$ 11,70$ 5,9970%2022-11-16 R$ 9,75W
Max: The Curse of BrotherhoodR$ 7,25$ 3,7475%2023-05-09 R$ 5,80W
MechaNikaR$ 11,80$ 2,9950%2021-03-09 R$ 5,61W
Mega Man 11R$ 51,70$ 9,8967%XB
Mega Man 30th Anniversary BundleR$ 130,93$ 29,9950%B
Mega Man Legacy CollectionR$ 12,20$ 5,9960%2022-03-22 R$ 11,60W
Mega Man Legacy Collection 1 & 2 Combo PackR$ 66,88$ 11,9960%B
Mega Man Legacy Collection 2R$ 54,26$ 7,9960%B
Mega Man X Legacy CollectionR$ 37,43$ 7,9960%B
Mega Man X Legacy Collection 1+2R$ 75,30$ 15,9960%B
Mega Man X Legacy Collection 2R$ 37,43$ 7,9960%B
Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy CollectionR$ 52,06$ 9,8967%2023-05-30 R$ 78,88A
MekoramaR$ 9,70$ 2,4950%2022-02-01 R$ 9,22W
Metro 2033 ReduxR$ 7,80$ 3,9980%F2023-02-21 R$ 5,85W
Metro Exodus Gold EditionR$ 15,20$ 7,9980%X,Sjogo + DLCB
Metro Saga BundleR$ 33,36$ 8,9985%jogo + DLC2023-04-06 R$ 44,49A
Metro: Last Light ReduxR$ 7,80$ 3,9980%F2023-01-03 R$ 5,85W
MHW:I - Complete BGM PackR$ 49,84$ 8,9940%XDLC2022-04-26 R$ 47,40W
MHW:I - Complete Gesture & Pose PackR$ 56,15$ 10,1940%XDLC2022-04-26 R$ 53,40W
MHW:I - Complete Hairstyle PackR$ 34,07$ 5,9940%XDLC2022-04-26 R$ 32,40W
MHW:I - Complete Handler Costume PackR$ 49,84$ 8,9940%XDLC2022-04-26 R$ 47,40W
MHW:I - Complete Pendant PackR$ 84,55$ 14,9940%XDLC2022-04-26 R$ 80,40W
MHW:I - Complete Room Decor PackR$ 84,55$ 14,9940%XDLC2022-04-26 R$ 80,40W
MHW:I - Complete Sticker PackR$ 27,76$ 4,7940%XDLC2022-04-26 R$ 26,40W
Middle Earth: The Shadow BundleR$ 52,35$ 10,4985%B
MLB The Show 23 - Digital Deluxe EditionR$ 399,20$ 79,9920%X,SA
MLB The Show 23 - Xbox One EditionR$ 194,35$ 38,9935%XA
MLB The Show 23 - Xbox Series X|S EditionR$ 244,30$ 48,9930%X,SA
Monopoly DealR$ 2,70$ 1,4970%2021-08-10 R$ 2,25W
Monopoly MadnessR$ 37,48$ 7,4975%G,XB
MONOPOLY PLUSR$ 8,70$ 4,4970%G2020-06-04 R$ 7,25W
Monster Hunter RiseR$ 92,00$ 19,9950%A,X,SB
Monster Hunter Rise Deluxe EditionR$ 114,50$ 24,9950%A,X,Sjogo + DLCB
Monster Hunter Rise Deluxe KitR$ 34,50$ 7,4950%A,X,SDLCB
Monster Hunter Rise DLC Pack 1R$ 70,50$ 14,9925%A,X,SDLCA
Monster Hunter Rise Extra DLC PackR$ 70,50$ 14,9925%A,X,SDLCA
Monster Hunter World Iceborne Capcom Collection Value PackR$ 34,07$ 5,9940%DLCB
Monster Hunter World Iceborne Seliana Room Value PackR$ 34,07$ 5,9940%DLCB
Monster Hunter World Iceborne Trendsetter Value PackR$ 34,07$ 5,9940%DLCB
Monster Hunter World: IceborneR$ 83,40$ 19,4935%XDLC2020-08-14 R$ 73,20W
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Deluxe KitR$ 36,28$ 11,2425%XDLC2022-08-09 R$ 34,50W
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Digital DeluxeR$ 104,58$ 25,9935%XDLC2020-08-14 R$ 91,80W
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Master EditionR$ 120,67$ 29,9925%Xjogo + DLC2021-12-17 R$ 114,75W
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Master Edition Digital DeluxeR$ 163,27$ 37,4925%Xjogo + DLC2022-09-20 R$ 145,85W
MONSTER HUNTER WORLD: Kit DeluxeR$ 24,45$ 7,4925%XDLC2022-08-09 R$ 23,25W
MONSTER HUNTER: WORLDR$ 65,46$ 14,9925%X2022-04-07 R$ 62,25W
Monster Hunter: World - Coletânea DLCR$ 62,67$ 15,9960%X,ADLC2022-08-09 R$ 59,60W
Monster Hunter: World - Complete Handler Costume PackR$ 19,34$ 5,9960%DLC2022-08-09 R$ 18,40W
Monster Hunter: World - Complete Sticker PackR$ 13,04$ 3,9960%X,ADLC2022-08-09 R$ 12,40W
Monster Hunter: World - Pacote Completo de GestosR$ 32,39$ 9,9960%X,ADLC2022-08-09 R$ 30,80W
Monster TrainR$ 36,98$ 9,9960%A2023-01-03 R$ 23,11W
Moons of MadnessR$ 27,98$ 11,9960%G,XB
Mortal Kombat 11R$ 19,99$ 4,9990%X,S2023-05-09 R$ 39,99A
Mortal Kombat 11 DLC BundleR$ 39,99$ 9,9980%X,SDLCB
Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate + Injustice 2 Ed. LendáriaR$ 44,90$ 9,9990%Xjogo + DLC2023-04-06 R$ 89,80A
Mortal Kombat XLR$ 30,00$ 4,9975%jogo + DLCB
MotoGP 17R$ 9,99$ 1,9990%B
Motorbike Racing BundleR$ 21,02$ 4,9990%B
Mount & Blade II: BannerlordR$ 104,96$ 34,9930%A,SB
Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Digital CompanionR$ 27,26$ 6,9930%DLCB
Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Digital Deluxe EditionR$ 167,96$ 41,9930%A,Sjogo + DLCB
Mount & Blade: WarbandR$ 10,25$ 4,9975%2021-12-21 R$ 9,75W
Murder Mystery MachineR$ 29,98$ 7,9960%AB
Murder on the Marine ExpressR$ 9,22$ 2,4950%SB
MXGP PROR$ 13,14$ 2,4990%XB
My Friend Peppa Pig Complete EditionR$ 83,72$ 22,4950%Sjogo + DLC2023-01-17 R$ 66,98W
MY HERO ONE'S JUSTICE 2 Deluxe EditionR$ 84,11$ 19,9975%jogo + DLCB
Narita BoyR$ 26,78$ 4,9980%B
NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 4R$ 23,75$ 7,4975%B
NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM TrilogyR$ 35,00$ 9,9975%B
NASCAR 21: IgnitionR$ 52,46$ 13,9930%2022-12-15 R$ 33,72W
NASCAR Heat 3R$ 29,98$ 7,9960%2021-10-08 R$ 14,99W
NASCAR Heat 4R$ 35,71$ 9,7435%2021-12-07 R$ 21,98W
NASCAR Heat 5R$ 48,71$ 12,9935%2021-10-05 R$ 29,98W
NBA 2K23 for Xbox OneR$ 29,99$ 5,9990%X2023-05-09 R$ 44,98A
NBA 2K23 Michael Jordan EditionR$ 99,90$ 19,9980%X,S2023-05-09 R$ 124,87A
Neon AbyssR$ 36,71$ 6,9965%2022-08-23 R$ 29,97W
Neverwinter 1000 ZenR$ 29,56$ 7,9920%coin2020-07-28 R$ 15,20W
Neverwinter 2000 ZenR$ 59,96$ 15,9920%coins2018-12-21 R$ 29,25W
Neverwinter 23000 ZenR$ 595,96$ 159,9920%coin2017-06-20 R$ 267,33W
Neverwinter 500 ZenR$ 14,76$ 3,9920%coins2019-12-19 R$ 8,50W
Neverwinter 5300 ZenR$ 147,96$ 39,9920%coins2018-12-21 R$ 74,25W
Neverwinter: 11000 ZenR$ 297,96$ 79,9920%coins2018-12-21 R$ 139,30W
New Joe & Mac - Caveman NinjaR$ 73,09$ 19,4935%P,S2023-04-06 R$ 56,22W
New Tales from the BorderlandsR$ 99,75$ 19,9950%SB
NHL 23 Edição X-Factor para Xbox One e Xbox Series X|SR$ 149,70$ 29,9970%X,S,PB
Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom - The Prince's EditionR$ 239,99$ 59,9925%AB
No Man's SkyR$ 111,22$ 29,9950%X2020-09-22 R$ 49,50W
OddballersR$ 49,97$ 9,9950%S2023-05-30 R$ 74,96A
Okami HDR$ 32,07$ 9,9950%X2022-04-26 R$ 30,50W
OlliOlli World Rad EditionR$ 155,93$ 29,2435%Sjogo + DLCB
Omen of SorrowR$ 37,47$ 9,9950%GB
ONE PIECE BURNING BLOOD - Gold EditionR$ 47,16$ 12,6785%jogo + DLC2022-04-26 R$ 44,85W
ONE PIECE WORLD SEEKER - DeluxeR$ 36,80$ 8,9990%Xjogo + DLCB
ONE PIECE: PIRATE WARRIORS 4 Deluxe EditionR$ 52,04$ 13,4985%jogo + DLCB
ONE PUNCH MAN: A HERO NOBODY KNOWSR$ 39,42$ 8,9985%2022-04-26 R$ 37,48W
Onimusha: WarlordsR$ 25,65$ 7,9960%2022-04-26 R$ 24,40W
Open CountryR$ 25,00$ 5,9960%B
Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive EditionR$ 24,98$ 4,9975%2021-01-04 R$ 9,75W
Ori and the Will of the WispsR$ 42,57$ 9,8967%A,X,S2023-05-09 R$ 25,80W
Ori: The CollectionR$ 75,88$ 16,4967%X,S2023-05-09 R$ 45,99W
Outbreak: EpidemicR$ 4,84$ 1,2990%2023-02-28 R$ 9,69A
Outbreak: The Undying CollectionR$ 36,99$ 9,9980%B
Outer WildsR$ 55,47$ 14,9940%A,SB
Outer Wilds: Archaeologist EditionR$ 88,47$ 23,9940%A,Sjogo + DLCB
OutridersR$ 79,80$ 15,9960%X,S2022-01-03 R$ 65,83W
Outriders WorldslayerR$ 149,95$ 29,9950%A,X,Sjogo + DLCB
Outriders Worldslayer UpgradeR$ 107,45$ 19,9950%A,X,SDLCB
OUTRIDERS: Hell's Rangers Content PackR$ 18,47$ 3,4950%A,X,SDLCB
Overcooked: Gourmet EditionR$ 12,25$ 5,3775%jogo + DLCB
OverpassR$ 11,24$ 2,9990%2022-09-27 R$ 28,11A
Oxide Room 104R$ 46,22$ 12,4950%S2023-04-25 R$ 55,47A
Paladins Deluxe Edition 2022R$ 82,50$ 29,9950%jogo + DLCB
Paladins Gold EditionR$ 20,75$ 7,4975%jogo + DLC2021-07-23 R$ 19,40W
Paladins Starter EditionR$ 14,00$ 4,9950%Fjogo + DLC2021-08-10 R$ 12,80W
Paper Flight - Super Speed DashR$ 27,71$ 7,4925%G,XB
Payday 2 - Crimewave CollectionR$ 14,75$ 7,4975%DLC2022-01-03 R$ 11,80W
PAYDAY 2 - CRIMEWAVE EDITION - THE BIG SCORE DLC Bundle!R$ 19,75$ 9,9975%DLC2023-04-25 R$ 15,80W
Payday 2 - The Biker Character PackR$ 2,00$ 0,9980%DLCB
Payday 2 - The Biker HeistR$ 2,80$ 1,3980%DLCB
Payday 2 - The Wolf PackR$ 2,80$ 1,3980%DLCB
PAYDAY 2: CRIMEWAVE EDITION – Butcher’s Mod PackR$ 2,00$ 0,9980%DLCB
PAYDAY 2: CRIMEWAVE EDITION – Gage Russian Weapons PackR$ 2,00$ 0,9980%DLCB
PAYDAY 2: CRIMEWAVE EDITION – Gage Spec Ops PackR$ 2,00$ 0,9980%DLCB
PAYDAY 2: CRIMEWAVE EDITION – GOAT Simulator HeistsR$ 2,80$ 1,3980%DLCB
PAYDAY 2: CRIMEWAVE EDITION – John Wick Weapon PackR$ 2,00$ 0,9980%DLCB
PAYDAY 2: CRIMEWAVE EDITION – Scarface HeistsR$ 2,80$ 1,3980%DLCB
PAYDAY 2: CRIMEWAVE EDITION – Sydney Character PackR$ 2,00$ 0,9980%DLCB
PAYDAY 2: CRIMEWAVE EDITION – The Alesso HeistR$ 2,80$ 1,3980%DLCB
PAYDAY 2: CRIMEWAVE EDITION – The Butcher’s BBQ PackR$ 2,00$ 0,9980%DLCB
PAYDAY 2: CRIMEWAVE EDITION – The Butcher’s Western PackR$ 2,00$ 0,9980%DLCB
PAYDAY 2: CRIMEWAVE EDITION – The Gage Chivalry PackR$ 2,00$ 0,9980%DLCB
PAYDAY 2: CRIMEWAVE EDITION – The Gage Ninja PackR$ 2,00$ 0,9980%DLCB
PAYDAY 2: CRIMEWAVE EDITION – The Golden Grin Casino HeistR$ 2,80$ 1,3980%DLCB
PAYDAY 2: CRIMEWAVE EDITION – The Point Break HeistR$ 2,80$ 1,3980%DLCB
PAYDAY 2: CRIMEWAVE EDITION – The Sokol Character PackR$ 2,00$ 0,9980%DLCB
PAYDAY 2: CRIMEWAVE EDITION – The Yakuza Character PackR$ 2,00$ 0,9980%DLCB
Payday 2: John Wick HeistsR$ 2,80$ 1,3980%DLCB
PentimentR$ 66,96$ 13,3933%AB
Persona 3 PortableR$ 79,99$ 15,9920%AB
Persona 4 GoldenR$ 79,99$ 15,9920%AB
PGA Tour 2K23 Cross-Gen EditionR$ 122,48$ 24,4965%X,SB
PGA TOUR 2K23 for Xbox OneR$ 98,96$ 19,7967%XB
PGA Tour 2K23 Tiger Woods EditionR$ 299,75$ 59,9950%X,Sjogo + DLCB
PGA TOUR 2K23 Tiger Woods Signature Sunday PackR$ 59,92$ 11,2425%DLCB
PGA TOUR 2K23 x NBA 2K23 BundleR$ 149,85$ 29,9970%B
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney TrilogyR$ 45,11$ 9,8967%2022-04-26 R$ 65,00A
Pillars of Eternity: Complete EditionR$ 39,75$ 12,4975%2022-12-06 R$ 31,80W
PJ Masks: Heroes Of The NightR$ 66,98$ 17,9960%SB
Plants vs. Zombies Garden WarfareR$ 17,25$ 4,9975%F2021-12-17 R$ 13,80W
Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville™ Deluxe EditionR$ 29,85$ 5,9985%Fjogo + DLCB
Portal KnightsR$ 13,65$ 6,9965%XB
Portal Knights - Bibot BoxR$ 3,60$ 1,7940%DLCB
Portal Knights - Druids, Furfolk, and Relic DefenseR$ 18,47$ 4,9950%DLCB
Portal Knights - Elfos, Ladinos e FendasR$ 18,47$ 4,9950%DLCB
Portal Knights - Gold Throne PackR$ 4,80$ 2,3940%DLCB
Portal Knights - Legendary EditionR$ 89,96$ 23,9920%jogo + DLCB
Portal Knights - Portal Pioneer PackR$ 3,60$ 1,7940%DLCB
Portal Knights -Emoji BoxR$ 3,60$ 1,7940%DLCB
Portal Knights -Lobot BoxR$ 3,60$ 1,7940%DLCB
Portal Knights – Box of Grumpy RingsR$ 3,60$ 1,7940%DLCB
Portal Knights – Box of Joyful RingsR$ 3,60$ 1,7940%DLCB
Portal Knights: Emerald Throne PackR$ 4,80$ 2,3940%DLCB
Powerstar Golf - Full Game UnlockR$ 9,75$ 4,9975%B
Powerstar Golf: Burning Sands Game PackR$ 3,00$ 1,4975%DLCB
Powerstar Golf: City Park Game PackR$ 3,00$ 1,4975%DLCB
Powerstar Golf: Emperor's Garden Game PackR$ 3,00$ 1,4975%DLCB
Powerstar Golf: Rocky Ridge Game PackR$ 3,00$ 1,4975%DLCB
PreyR$ 37,48$ 7,4975%X,F2020-02-21 R$ 17,50W
Prey: Digital Deluxe EditionR$ 49,98$ 9,9975%X,Fjogo + DLC2020-02-21 R$ 22,50W
PsychonautsR$ 9,99$ 1,9980%X2021-08-18 R$ 4,99W
Psychonauts 2R$ 87,48$ 20,9965%S,A2023-01-17 R$ 82,48W
Quantum BreakR$ 19,50$ 9,9975%X2023-04-04 R$ 15,60W
Rabbids: Party of LegendsR$ 59,98$ 11,9970%2023-03-14 R$ 79,98A
Race with RyanR$ 36,98$ 9,9960%2021-07-13 R$ 33,73W
Raging JusticeR$ 14,50$ 7,4950%2023-04-21 R$ 4,35W
Rainbow Six Siege Deluxe Y8R$ 37,48$ 9,9975%2023-05-30 R$ 29,99W
Rainbow Six Siege Ultimate EditionR$ 189,97$ 49,9950%jogo + DLC2023-05-30 R$ 208,97A
Rare ReplayR$ 24,75$ 7,4975%B
ReCore Definitive EditionR$ 7,79$ 3,9980%A,X,FB
Red Dead OnlineR$ 55,99$ 9,9950%X2020-12-18 R$ 27,99W
Red Dead Redemption 2R$ 82,48$ 19,7967%XB
Red Dead Redemption 2: Story ModeR$ 104,97$ 19,9950%XB
Redout 2R$ 73,09$ 19,4935%G,S2023-03-28 R$ 56,22W
Redout 2 - Deluxe EditionR$ 83,72$ 22,4950%G,Sjogo + DLC2023-04-06 R$ 108,84A
Redout 2 - Season PassR$ 33,72$ 8,9950%DLC2023-04-06 R$ 53,96A
Redout 2 - Summer PackR$ 25,86$ 6,9930%SDLC2023-04-07 R$ 29,56A
Redout 2 - Winter PackR$ 25,86$ 6,9930%SDLC2023-04-07 R$ 29,56A
REMOTE LIFER$ 33,72$ 9,4950%G,SA
Remothered: Broken PorcelainR$ 13,09$ 2,9990%B
Resident EvilR$ 15,51$ 4,9975%2022-04-26 R$ 14,75W
Resident Evil 0R$ 15,51$ 4,9975%2022-04-26 R$ 14,75W
Resident Evil 0 Complete Costume PackR$ 9,99$ 4,9950%DLC2018-12-21 R$ 7,60W
RESIDENT EVIL 2R$ 41,80$ 9,9975%X,SB
Resident Evil 2 Claire Costume: 'Elza Walker'R$ 7,09$ 2,2425%DLC2021-04-20 R$ 6,75W
Resident Evil 2 Claire Costume: 'Military'R$ 7,09$ 2,2425%DLC2021-04-20 R$ 6,75W
Resident Evil 2 Claire Costume: 'Noir'R$ 7,09$ 2,2425%DLC2021-04-20 R$ 6,75W
RESIDENT EVIL 2 Deluxe EditionR$ 52,32$ 12,4975%Xjogo + DLCB
Resident Evil 2 Deluxe Weapon: 'Samurai Edge - Albert Model'R$ 4,73$ 1,4925%DLC2021-04-20 R$ 3,00W
Resident Evil 2 Leon Costume: 'Arklay Sheriff'R$ 7,09$ 2,2425%DLC2021-04-20 R$ 6,75W
Resident Evil 2 Leon Costume: 'Noir'R$ 7,09$ 2,2425%DLC2021-04-20 R$ 6,75W
Resident Evil 2 Pacote DLC extraR$ 23,65$ 7,4950%XDLCB
RESIDENT EVIL 2: All In-game Rewards UnlockR$ 6,30$ 1,9960%DLC2022-03-22 R$ 6,00W
RESIDENT EVIL 2: Deluxe Weapon: Samurai Edge - Chris ModelR$ 4,73$ 1,4925%DLC2021-04-20 R$ 3,00W
RESIDENT EVIL 2: Deluxe Weapon: Samurai Edge - Jill ModelR$ 4,73$ 1,4925%DLC2021-04-20 R$ 3,00W
RESIDENT EVIL 2: Original Ver. Soundtrack SwapR$ 7,09$ 2,2425%DLC2021-08-10 R$ 4,50W
RESIDENT EVIL 3R$ 51,00$ 9,9975%XB
Resident Evil 4R$ 62,67$ 7,9960%2022-04-26 R$ 59,60W
Resident Evil 5R$ 62,68$ 7,9960%2022-04-26 R$ 59,60W
Resident Evil 6R$ 62,67$ 7,9960%jogo + DLC2022-04-26 R$ 59,60W
Resident Evil 7R$ 36,60$ 7,9960%A,X,SB
RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard Gold EditionR$ 66,88$ 15,9960%A,Xjogo + DLCB
Resident Evil 7 Gold Edition & Village Gold EditionR$ 192,00$ 39,9950%jogo + DLCB
Resident Evil 7 Season PassR$ 38,70$ 11,9960%A,X,SDLC2022-03-22 R$ 36,80W
Resident Evil 7: End of ZoeR$ 18,92$ 5,9960%A,X,SDLC2022-03-22 R$ 18,00W
Resident Evil 7: Gravação Proibida Vol. 1R$ 13,04$ 3,9960%A,X,SDLC2021-04-20 R$ 12,40W
Resident Evil 7: Gravação Proibida Vol. 2R$ 19,34$ 5,9960%A,X,SDLC2021-04-20 R$ 18,40W
Resident Evil RevelationsR$ 54,26$ 7,9960%jogo + DLC2022-04-26 R$ 51,60W
Resident Evil Revelations 1 & 2 BundleR$ 75,30$ 15,9960%jogo + DLC2022-04-22 R$ 71,60W
Resident Evil Revelations 2 Deluxe EditionR$ 54,26$ 11,9960%jogo + DLC2019-10-24 R$ 42,57W
Resident Evil Triple PackR$ 103,76$ 19,6367%jogo + DLC2022-04-22 R$ 98,67W
Resident Evil VillageR$ 92,00$ 19,9950%X,SB
Resident Evil Village Extra Content Shop All Access VoucherR$ 8,41$ 1,9960%X,SDLC2022-03-22 R$ 15,00A
Resident Evil Village Gold EditionR$ 137,40$ 29,9940%X,Sjogo + DLCB
Resident Evil Village Winters' ExpansionR$ 70,50$ 14,9925%X,SDLCB
Resident Evil: Deluxe Origins BundleR$ 32,33$ 9,9975%2022-04-22 R$ 30,75W
Resident Evil: RACCOON CITY EDITIONR$ 78,61$ 14,9975%XB
Riders Republic GoldR$ 103,11$ 24,9975%X,Sjogo + DLCB
Riders Republic UltimateR$ 124,98$ 29,9975%X,Sjogo + DLCB
RiMS Racing x WRC 10 Xbox OneR$ 50,24$ 13,4985%2022-09-20 R$ 167,47A
Road 96R$ 29,22$ 6,9965%A,SB
Road 96 Mile 0R$ 60,00$ 10,3920%A,SA
Road 96 Mile 0 - Full Journey BundleR$ 94,20$ 16,1940%AA
Rock of Ages 3: Make & BreakR$ 13,09$ 2,9990%2023-04-21 R$ 19,63A
Rogue Company Radioactive RevenantR$ 27,43$ 10,0433%SDLCB
Rogue Company Rogue EditionR$ 27,98$ 9,9960%Sjogo + DLCB
Rogue Company Ultimate EditionR$ 55,98$ 19,9960%Sjogo + DLCB
Rogue StormersR$ 8,20$ 3,9980%2022-08-09 R$ 3,90W
Rush: A Disney Pixar AdventureR$ 24,73$ 6,5967%A,X2023-05-09 R$ 18,73W
RustlerR$ 16,86$ 4,4985%2023-04-21 R$ 11,24W
Ryse: Legendary EditionR$ 49,75$ 7,4975%jogo + DLCB
Saints Row Gold EditionR$ 225,00$ 44,9950%X,Sjogo + DLC2023-04-06 R$ 270,00A
Saints Row IV: Re-ElectedR$ 7,80$ 3,9980%2022-08-30 R$ 5,85W
Saints Row Platinum EditionR$ 250,00$ 49,9950%X,Sjogo + DLC2023-04-18 R$ 300,00A
Saints Row the Third RemasteredR$ 15,49$ 7,9980%SB
Scars AboveR$ 144,01$ 26,7933%S2023-04-06 R$ 161,21A
Scott PilgrimR$ 23,08$ 4,9467%G2023-05-30 R$ 20,98W
Scrabble-$ 7,4950%G2020-06-04 $ 3,74W
ScreamRideR$ 34,75$ 7,4975%B
Scribblenauts Mega PackR$ 22,50$ 5,9985%B
SD Gundam Battle Alliance - Deluxe EditionR$ 214,95$ 42,4950%A,Sjogo + DLC2023-04-06 R$ 300,93A
Sea of ThievesR$ 44,99$ 19,9950%X,S,AB
Sea of Thieves Deluxe EditionR$ 59,50$ 24,9950%A,X,Sjogo + DLCB
Serial CleanersR$ 49,50$ 12,4950%2023-04-06 R$ 69,30A
ShelteredR$ 15,98$ 2,9980%2022-02-22 R$ 5,80W
Shenmue I & IIR$ 22,35$ 4,4985%2023-04-06 R$ 29,80A
Sherlock Holmes Chapter One Deluxe EditionR$ 87,15$ 20,9965%S,Pjogo + DLC2023-04-06 R$ 74,70W
Sherlock Holmes Essential BundleR$ 99,75$ 24,9975%2023-04-06 R$ 119,70A
Sherlock Holmes The AwakenedR$ 135,20$ 31,9920%SA
Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments ReduxR$ 33,80$ 7,9980%2021-08-10 R$ 29,49W
Shiness: The Lightning KingdomR$ 6,19$ 1,9980%GB
Shining Resonance RefrainR$ 25,99$ 5,9980%XB
Sid Meier's Civilization VIR$ 29,90$ 5,9980%XB
Sid Meier's Civilization VI Anthology UpgradeR$ 105,96$ 19,9960%XDLCB
SifuR$ 119,25$ 29,9925%A,SA
Sifu Deluxe Cosmetic PackR$ 13,83$ 3,7425%A,SDLCA
Sims 4 High School Years Expansion PackR$ 129,35$ 25,9935%DLCB
Sine Mora ExR$ 7,80$ 3,9980%2022-08-16 R$ 3,90W
SkullyR$ 19,63$ 4,4985%2023-04-21 R$ 32,72A
Skyrim Anniversary EditionR$ 109,98$ 19,9960%X,Sjogo + DLCB
Skyrim Anniversary Edition + Fallout 4 G.O.T.Y BundleR$ 158,98$ 31,9960%X,Sjogo + DLCB
Sleepin' Guy Deluxe EditionR$ 19,34$ 4,9445%X2023-01-31 R$ 21,10A
Slime RancherR$ 10,25$ 4,9975%XB
Slime Rancher Secret Style PackR$ 18,88$ 4,7940%ADLC2022-02-01 R$ 22,46A
Slime-san Superslime EditionR$ 8,70$ 4,4970%2023-01-31 R$ 10,15A
SMITE - Almighty ArchonR$ 27,50$ 9,9950%DLC2023-04-06 R$ 33,00A
SMITE Code Slasher BundleR$ 27,50$ 9,9950%2023-04-25 R$ 33,00A
SMITE Curious CourierR$ 27,50$ 9,9950%DLC2023-04-06 R$ 33,00A
SMITE Ultimate God Pack BundleR$ 20,75$ 7,4975%FDLC2020-12-18 R$ 16,50W
SMITE Year 10 Deluxe EditionR$ 82,50$ 29,9950%DLCA
SnowRunner - 2-Year Anniversary EditionR$ 279,46$ 51,9935%G,Xjogo + DLCB
Sombras da Guerra Edição DefinitivaR$ 29,24$ 8,9985%X,Ajogo + DLCB
Sombras de Mordor: GOTYR$ 45,00$ 4,9975%jogo + DLC2017-07-11 R$ 36,00W
Sonic FrontiersR$ 179,97$ 35,9940%S2023-04-06 R$ 200,96A
Soul Hackers 2 - Digital Deluxe EditionR$ 139,98$ 27,9960%A,Sjogo + DLC2023-04-06 R$ 174,97A
South Park: The Fractured but WholeR$ 39,98$ 12,4975%B
South Park: The Fractured but Whole - Gold EditionR$ 57,48$ 19,9975%jogo + DLCB
South Park: The Stick of Truth + The Fractured but WholeR$ 49,98$ 17,4975%B
Spacewing WarR$ 15,57$ 4,1940%S2022-10-18 R$ 18,16A
Star RenegadesR$ 27,73$ 7,4970%B
STAR WARS Battlefront II: Celebration EditionR$ 39,75$ 9,9975%X,F2022-03-15 R$ 23,85W
STAR WARS Battlefront Ultimate EditionR$ 27,65$ 6,9965%Fjogo + DLC2022-03-15 R$ 15,80W
State of Decay 2R$ 63,72$ 14,9950%A,XB
State of Decay: Breakdown Year-OneR$ 3,50$ 1,7475%DLCB
State of Decay: Lifeline Year-OneR$ 3,50$ 1,7475%DLCB
State of Decay: Year-One Survival EditionR$ 24,75$ 4,9975%B
STEEPR$ 15,80$ 5,9980%X,FB
Street Fighter 30th Anniversary CollectionR$ 43,20$ 9,8967%B
StriderR$ 9,15$ 4,4970%2022-04-26 R$ 5,80W
Sunset OverdriveR$ 32,67$ 6,5967%2023-04-06 R$ 19,80W
Sunset Overdrive Deluxe EditionR$ 49,17$ 9,8967%jogo + DLC2023-04-06 R$ 29,80W
Super Animal Royale Super EditionR$ 31,43$ 10,4930%DLCB
SWORD ART ONLINE Alicization LycorisR$ 39,42$ 8,9985%B
Sword of the VagrantR$ 28,46$ 7,4925%G2023-01-10 R$ 30,36A
Synchro Hedgehogs BundleR$ 17,97$ 4,7940%2023-01-31 R$ 19,46A
Taiko no Tatsujin: The Drum MasterR$ 84,09$ 19,9960%A,SB
Tales of Aravorn: Seasons of the WolfR$ 37,47$ 9,9950%G,SB
TALES OF ARISE - ULTIMATE EDITIONR$ 189,58$ 36,2967%jogo + DLC2023-04-06 R$ 229,79A
Tanky TanksR$ 13,47$ 3,5940%XB
TEKKEN 7 - Edição OriginaisR$ 74,92$ 14,9985%jogo + DLCB
The Amazing American CircusR$ 22,48$ 5,9970%G2023-02-21 R$ 26,23A
The AscentR$ 29,70$ 8,9970%A,X,S2023-02-14 R$ 34,65A
The Bard's Tale IV: Director's CutR$ 48,65$ 13,1967%X,A2023-04-06 R$ 36,86W
The Bard's Tale TrilogyR$ 9,55$ 4,9467%A2023-05-09 R$ 5,79W
The Bard’s Tale ARPGR$ 9,23$ 4,9975%2023-04-06 R$ 7,39W
The Bioware BundleR$ 52,25$ 14,9975%jogo + DLC2022-09-20 R$ 41,80W
THE CREW 2 - Gold EditionR$ 29,99$ 8,9990%X,Sjogo + DLC2023-05-09 R$ 59,99A
The Dark Pictures Anthology: The Devil in MeR$ 149,62$ 29,9925%SB
The Disney Afternoon CollectionR$ 16,03$ 4,9975%2023-03-07 R$ 12,82W
The Division 2R$ 29,98$ 8,9970%X,S2020-02-25 R$ 9,95W
The Division 2 - Warlords of New York - Ultimate EditionR$ 83,98$ 23,9970%X,Sjogo + DLC2023-05-02 R$ 41,99W
The Division Franchise BundleR$ 49,98$ 13,7475%X,F2022-02-15 R$ 39,99W
The Elder Scrolls OnlineR$ 18,60$ 5,9970%X,SB
The Escapists: Supermax EditionR$ 12,40$ 6,2980%jogo + DLCB
The Escapists: The Walking DeadR$ 9,75$ 4,9975%2022-12-20 R$ 7,80W
The Explorer Of NightR$ 10,14$ 2,7445%2023-01-31 R$ 11,07A
The Game of Life 2 - Deluxe Life BundleR$ 73,09$ 19,4935%jogo + DLCA
The House of the Dead: RemakeR$ 32,35$ 8,7465%G2023-04-25 R$ 46,22A
The Jackbox Party Pack 5R$ 32,45$ 16,4945%2022-03-22 R$ 29,50W
The Jackbox Party Pack 8R$ 67,47$ 17,9940%X,S,PB
The Jackbox Party QuadpackR$ 119,40$ 59,9940%B
The Jackbox Party QuintpackR$ 119,40$ 59,9940%B
The Journey Down TrilogyR$ 19,75$ 9,9975%2022-04-05 R$ 7,90W
The Last CampfireR$ 13,99$ 2,9980%B
The Last DivinityR$ 14,78$ 4,7960%ADLCA
The LEGO Movie 2 VideogameR$ 23,85$ 5,9985%FB
The Outer Worlds: Board-Approved BundleR$ 211,92$ 39,9920%Xjogo + DLC2023-02-14 R$ 198,85W
The ParkR$ 10,00$ 5,1960%2018-10-24 R$ 7,50W
The Quarry – Pacote de Conteúdo Bônus da DeluxeR$ 47,94$ 8,9940%DLCB
The Quarry para Xbox OneR$ 115,46$ 19,7967%2023-05-09 R$ 139,96A
The Shadow Warrior TrilogyR$ 223,08$ 59,9925%A
The Sims 4 - Pacote de Expansão Vida CampestreR$ 99,50$ 19,9950%DLC2022-12-15 R$ 89,55W
The Sims 4 City LivingR$ 99,50$ 19,9950%DLC2019-05-07 R$ 64,50W
The Sims 4 Discover UniversityR$ 99,50$ 19,9950%DLC2021-08-03 R$ 79,50W
The Sims 4 Eco LifestyleR$ 99,50$ 19,9950%DLC2021-08-03 R$ 79,50W
The Sims 4 Get to WorkR$ 79,60$ 15,9960%DLC2019-06-07 R$ 39,75W
The Sims 4 Ilhas TropicaisR$ 99,50$ 19,9950%DLC2021-08-03 R$ 79,50W
The Sims 4 Junte-se à GaleraR$ 79,60$ 15,9960%DLC2021-08-03 R$ 79,50W
The Sims 4 Rumo à FamaR$ 79,60$ 15,9960%DLC2021-08-03 R$ 79,50W
The Sims 4 SeasonsR$ 99,50$ 19,9950%DLC2020-10-13 R$ 74,50W
The SIMS 4 Snowy Escape Expansion PackR$ 99,50$ 19,9950%DLC2021-05-04 R$ 79,60W
The Sims 4: Cats and Dogs Plus My First Pet Stuff BundleR$ 79,50$ 19,9950%DLC2022-12-15 R$ 71,55W
The Sinking CityR$ 36,99$ 9,9980%2023-04-06 R$ 27,74W
The Sorrowvirus - A Faceless Short StoryR$ 32,97$ 8,9940%G,SB
The Surge - Augmented EditionR$ 36,73$ 7,4970%G,Xjogo + DLC2020-11-20 R$ 30,61W
The Surge 2 - Premium EditionR$ 64,48$ 11,9970%G,Xjogo + DLCB
The Whispered Dreams Side Quest PackR$ 43,20$ 10,3920%SDLCA
Them's Fightin' HerdsR$ 37,47$ 9,9950%B
Them's Fightin' Herds Deluxe EditionR$ 73,72$ 19,9950%jogo + DLCB
ThiefR$ 5,85$ 2,9985%B
Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon KeepR$ 26,95$ 4,9950%XB
Tiny Tina's WonderlandsR$ 119,96$ 23,9960%2023-05-09 R$ 149,95A
Tiny Tina's Wonderlands: Chaotic Great EditionR$ 179,96$ 35,9960%Sjogo + DLC2023-05-09 R$ 224,95A
Tiny Tina's Wonderlands: Next-Level EditionR$ 139,96$ 27,9960%Sjogo + DLC2023-05-09 R$ 174,95A
Tiny Tina's Wonderlands: Season PassR$ 89,70$ 17,9940%DLC2023-05-09 R$ 97,17A
Titanfall 2: Ultimate EditionR$ 17,85$ 4,4985%X,Fjogo + DLC2021-07-23 R$ 11,90W
TokiR$ 14,99$ 3,9980%B
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Extraction United BundleR$ 92,38$ 19,7967%X,Sjogo + DLCB
Tomb Raider: Definitive Survivor TrilogyR$ 105,14$ 19,9960%Xjogo + DLC2022-04-07 R$ 99,98W
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 + 2 Cross Gen BundleR$ 91,60$ 19,9960%X,SB
Torment: Tides of NumeneraR$ 37,10$ 9,8967%2022-05-24 R$ 11,24W
Tormented SoulsR$ 41,22$ 10,9945%G,S2023-04-25 R$ 44,97A
Trackmania TurboR$ 32,00$ 7,9980%GB
TransferenceR$ 14,75$ 6,2475%B
TRANSFORMERS: BATTLEGROUNDS - Complete EditionR$ 33,73$ 8,9970%Ajogo + DLCB
Transport Fever 2R$ 147,96$ 39,9920%SA
Trek to YomiR$ 44,97$ 11,9940%S2023-02-14 R$ 48,71A
Trivial Pursuit NextR$ 23,73$ 4,9975%B
UFC 4R$ 59,80$ 11,9980%X,FB
UFC 4 DELUXE HOLIDAY EDITIONR$ 67,80$ 13,9980%X,Fjogo + DLCB
UnderDungeonR$ 20,98$ 5,5960%B
UnoR$ 7,60$ 3,9960%2023-05-30 R$ 5,70W
UnturnedR$ 36,36$ 8,7465%2023-04-06 R$ 31,17W
Valkyria Chronicles 4: Complete EditionR$ 39,98$ 12,4975%Xjogo + DLCB
VanquishR$ 32,98$ 7,4970%2023-04-06 R$ 38,48A
VirginiaR$ 6,65$ 3,4965%2020-08-14 R$ 3,80W
VoyageR$ 32,97$ 8,9940%G,SA
Wasteland 2: Director's CutR$ 17,23$ 8,9970%2022-06-10 R$ 11,49W
Wasteland RemasteredR$ 19,98$ 3,7475%A2022-07-15 R$ 7,99W
Watch Dogs 1 + Watch Dogs 2 Gold Editions BundleR$ 56,99$ 14,9985%Fjogo + DLC2023-04-06 R$ 75,99A
Watch Dogs 1 + Watch Dogs 2 Standard Editions BundleR$ 45,99$ 11,9980%FB
Watch Dogs 2R$ 27,36$ 7,4985%F2022-06-17 R$ 18,24W
Watch Dogs 2 - Gold EditionR$ 35,99$ 13,4985%Fjogo + DLCB
Watch Dogs Complete EditionR$ 24,99$ 6,5980%Fjogo + DLC2023-03-07 R$ 37,48A
Watch Dogs LegionR$ 41,99$ 8,9985%X,S2023-05-30 R$ 27,99W
Watch Dogs: Legion - Gold EditionR$ 82,49$ 19,9980%X,Sjogo + DLC2023-01-31 R$ 32,99W
Werewolf The Apocalypse Earthblood Xbox OneR$ 18,49$ 4,9990%2023-03-14 R$ 36,99A
White Day: A Labyrinth Named SchoolR$ 84,33$ 22,4925%G,S2023-04-25 R$ 89,96A
Wobbly LifeR$ 48,33$ 13,5920%A
Wolfenstein IIR$ 23,24$ 5,9985%XB
World War ZR$ 67,47$ 17,9940%G,X2020-12-15 R$ 28,11W
World War Z: AftermathR$ 149,97$ 23,9940%G2023-04-06 R$ 124,97W
World War Z: Aftermath - Deluxe EditionR$ 149,97$ 24,9950%Gjogo + DLCB
World War Z: Aftermath - Raven Weapons Skin PackR$ 14,76$ 3,9920%XDLC2023-04-07 R$ 11,99W
World War Z: Aftermath Explorer Weapons PackR$ 14,76$ 3,9920%XDLC2023-04-07 R$ 11,99W
World War Z: Upgrade to AftermathR$ 44,97$ 11,9940%DLC2023-04-06 R$ 37,47W
WRC 10 Xbox OneR$ 22,11$ 5,9985%X,SB
WWE 2K23 Cross-Gen Digital EditionR$ 267,66$ 46,8933%S2023-04-21 R$ 299,62A
WWE 2K23 for Xbox OneR$ 234,43$ 40,1933%2023-04-21 R$ 262,42A
WWE 2K23 Icon EditionR$ 401,66$ 80,3933%Sjogo + DLC2023-04-21 R$ 449,62A
XCOM 2 CollectionR$ 36,00$ 9,9990%Xjogo + DLC2022-04-07 R$ 18,00W
XIII RemakeR$ 58,98$ 15,9960%2023-04-06 R$ 44,23W
Xuan-Yuan Sword 7R$ 92,47$ 24,9950%2023-01-10 R$ 110,97A
Yakuza: Like a DragonR$ 62,48$ 14,9975%A,X,S2023-04-06 R$ 74,98A
Yakuza: Like a Dragon Legendary Hero EditionR$ 93,47$ 22,4975%A,X,Sjogo + DLC2023-04-06 R$ 112,17A
Yesterday OriginsR$ 14,99$ 3,9980%2018-12-21 R$ 11,70W
Zoo TycoonR$ 45,87$ 6,5967%2023-05-09 R$ 34,75W
Zoo Tycoon: Ultimate Animal CollectionR$ 24,73$ 6,5967%A2023-05-09 R$ 18,73W

Para Xbox Series:

NomeBRUSA%ObsTipoMelhor anteriorCor
Anno 1800R$ 149,96$ 29,9925%SA
Dead Space Remake Deluxe EditionR$ 279,30$ 55,9930%Sjogo + DLC2023-03-14 R$ 319,20A
Dead Space Remake Standard EditionR$ 237,30$ 48,9930%SB
DeathloopR$ 98,98$ 19,7967%A,SB
DEATHLOOP: Deluxe EditionR$ 131,15$ 26,3967%S,Ajogo + DLCB
Devil May Cry 5 Special EditionR$ 68,99$ 15,9960%S2022-05-06 R$ 82,00A
Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition - 1 Blue OrbR$ 4,20$ 0,7920%coin2023-03-07 R$ 3,94W
Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition - 3 Blue OrbR$ 9,26$ 1,5920%coin2023-03-07 R$ 8,68W
Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition - Complete In-Game BundleR$ 43,38$ 7,4925%DLC2022-03-22 R$ 41,25W
Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition Super Vergil UnlockR$ 13,96$ 2,3920%SDLCA
Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition Taunt QuartetR$ 29,98$ 5,2425%SDLCA
Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition V & Vergil Alt ColorsR$ 9,26$ 1,5920%SDLCA
Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition Vergil Battle Track 4-PackR$ 9,26$ 1,5920%SDLCA
Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition Vergil EX ProvocationR$ 9,26$ 1,5920%SDLCA
DMC5SE - Super Character 4-PackR$ 34,71$ 5,9925%SDLCB
EA SPORTS PGA TOURR$ 203,40$ 41,9940%SB
EA SPORTS PGA TOUR Deluxe EditionR$ 257,40$ 50,9940%Sjogo + DLCB
FIFA 23 Series X/SR$ 135,60$ 27,9960%SB
Ghostwire: TokyoR$ 119,98$ 23,9960%A,SA
Ghostwire: Tokyo Deluxe EditionR$ 158,98$ 31,9960%A,Sjogo + DLCA
Ghostwire: Tokyo Deluxe Upgrade PackR$ 49,97$ 9,9950%A,SDLCA
Gotham Knights Deluxe EditionR$ 148,49$ 29,6967%Sjogo + DLC2023-04-06 R$ 179,99A
Grand Theft Auto VR$ 107,45$ 19,9950%SB
Hi-Fi RushR$ 119,96$ 23,9920%A,S2023-04-06 R$ 134,95A
Hi-Fi Rush Deluxe EditionR$ 149,96$ 29,9925%P,S,Ajogo + DLC2023-04-06 R$ 159,96A
Hi-Fi Rush Deluxe UpgradeR$ 38,76$ 7,9920%P,S,ADLC2023-04-06 R$ 41,18A
Hunting Simulator 2 - Bear Hunter Edition Xbox Series X|SR$ 33,36$ 8,9985%Sjogo + DLCB
In Sound MindR$ 28,18$ 5,2485%B
JudgmentR$ 79,98$ 15,9960%SB
Just Dance 2023 - Deluxe EditionR$ 148,47$ 31,4955%Sjogo + DLCB
Madden NFL 23 Series X/SR$ 101,70$ 20,9970%SB
Marvel's Midnight Suns Enhanced EditionR$ 174,95$ 34,9950%SB
Marvel's Midnight Suns Legendary EditionR$ 249,75$ 49,9950%SB
NBA 2K23 for Xbox Series X|SR$ 34,99$ 6,9990%S2023-05-09 R$ 52,48A
Need for Speed UnboundR$ 101,70$ 20,9970%S2023-05-18 R$ 169,50A
Need for Speed Unbound Edição PalaceR$ 119,70$ 23,9970%Sjogo + DLC2023-04-25 R$ 199,50A
ONE PIECE ODYSSEY DELUXE EDITIONR$ 297,15$ 59,4930%Sjogo + DLC2023-04-06 R$ 339,60A
Q.U.B.E. 10th AnniversaryR$ 37,47$ 9,9950%G,A,SA
Q.U.B.E. 2 Ultimate EditionR$ 49,97$ 12,9950%G,SA
Return to Monkey IslandR$ 64,71$ 17,4930%S,A2023-03-28 R$ 69,33A
RiMS Racing x WRC 10 Xbox Series X|SR$ 55,86$ 14,9985%S2022-09-20 R$ 186,22A
Slime Rancher 2 (Game Preview)R$ 86,21$ 22,4925%A,SA
TemtemR$ 112,19$ 30,1433%S2023-04-18 R$ 125,58A
Temtem - Deluxe EditionR$ 259,59$ 43,5433%Sjogo + DLC2023-04-18 R$ 290,58A
The ChantR$ 86,00$ 15,9960%S2023-04-06 R$ 96,75A
THE KING OF FIGHTERS XV Deluxe EditionR$ 113,75$ 21,2475%Sjogo + DLCB
The King of Fighters XV Standard EditionR$ 79,99$ 14,9975%SB
The Lucid Dreamer BundleR$ 99,90$ 23,9970%S2023-04-25 R$ 116,55A
The Quarry – Pacote de Conteúdo Bônus da DeluxeR$ 47,94$ 8,9940%SDLCB
The Quarry para Xbox Series X|SR$ 131,83$ 23,0967%S2023-05-09 R$ 159,80A
The Sinking City Xbox Series X|S Deluxe EditionR$ 67,25$ 16,2475%Sjogo + DLCB
Werewolf The Apocalypse Earthblood Xbox SeriesR$ 18,49$ 4,9990%S2023-03-14 R$ 36,99A
Wild Hearts Karakuri EditionR$ 269,40$ 53,9940%Sjogo + DLC2023-04-06 R$ 359,20A
Wild Hearts Standard EditionR$ 203,40$ 41,9940%S2023-05-09 R$ 237,30A
WRC 10 Xbox Series X|SR$ 22,11$ 5,9985%SB

G = desconto para assinantes Gold
R = retrocompatível
A = XBOX Play Anywhere
X = Otimizado para Xbox One X
S = Otimizado para Xbox Series
F = FPS Boost