terça-feira, 30 de novembro de 2021

Promoções de segunda, 30 de novembro

Nas Americanas:

Para Xbox One:

The Division 2 por R$ 8,91 (cupom OBA10) esgotado
Kingdom Hearts III por R$ 26,91 (cupom OBA10) esgotado
Spyro Reignited Trilogy por R$ 17,91 (cupom OBA10) esgotado

Xbox Store, Games with Gold

Hoje é o último dia para assinantes Gold pegarem de graça:

Para Xbox 360, Xbox One e Xbox Series X|S:

Para Xbox One e Xbox Series X|S:

E já estão liberados os jogos da primeira quinzena de dezembro:

Para Xbox 360, Xbox One e Xbox Series X|S:

Orcs Must Die! (de 1 a 15 de dezembro)

Para Xbox One e Xbox Series X|S:

The Escapists 2 (de 1 a 31 de dezembro)

E permanece grátis para Xbox One e Xbox Series:

Kingdom Two Crowns (de 16/11 a 15/12)

segunda-feira, 29 de novembro de 2021

Xbox Store, de 30/11 a 06/12

Jogos abaixo entram em promoção esta semana na Xbox Store.

Além deles, continua valendo até quinta-feira a BLACK FRIDAY da Xbox Store.

Também foi adicionado, atendendo a pedidos, nas tabelas da Xbox Store aqui do blog, ordenação pela cor. Disponível nos posts a partir de hoje, e também no da Black Friday.

Confira sistema de cores da tabela de preços:

Amarelo: melhor preço do jogo na Xbox Store até hoje (*)
Azul: melhor preço do jogo na Xbox Store até hoje (*), porém já veio por este preço antes
Branco: jogo já apareceu mais barato na Xbox Store antes

A última coluna do lado direito contém o valor e data mais recente do menor preço. Caso o melhor preço seja agora, ela mostra o segundo menor valor que ele já apareceu.

Acompanhe as promoções também pelas redes sociais:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/promocaogames/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PromocaoGamesBR

Para Xbox 360:

NomeBRUSA%ObsTipoMelhor anteriorCor
Elements Of Destruction-$ 7,4925%G,R$ 0,99 21/11/2019W
Mars: War LogsR$ 6,74$ 3,2967%G,RR$ 4,00 10/08/2020W
OutlandR$ 5,83$ 2,9970%G,RR$ 4,75 23/06/2020W
Prince of Persia The Forgotten SandsR$ 12,48$ 4,9975%G,RR$ 12,25 23/06/2020W
Rainbow Six VegasR$ 7,36$ 4,9975%G,RR$ 7,25 23/06/2020W
RisenR$ 30,71$ 14,9925%G,RR$ 7,80 12/03/2019W
Sine MoraR$ 4,86$ 2,4975%G,RR$ 2,95 15/11/2018W
Sphinx and the Cursed MummyR$ 14,98$ 3,7475%G,XR$ 14,89 05/10/2021W
Splinter Cell Double Agent (OG Xbox)R$ 23,98$ 5,9960%G,R,XR$ 14,75 23/06/2020W
SpongeBob SquarePants Truth or SquareR$ 52,46$ 14,9925%G,RA

Para Xbox One:

NomeBRUSA%ObsTipoMelhor anteriorCor
Alwa's AwakeningR$ 18,47$ 4,9950%GB
Asdivine HeartsR$ 27,47$ 7,4950%AB
ASTRO AQUA KITTYR$ 32,97$ 8,9940%GA
Baldur's Gate and Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced EditionsR$ 73,98$ 19,9960%B
Blazing ChromeR$ 24,98$ 6,7960%GB
Blood WavesR$ 18,47$ 4,9950%B
Bonds of the SkiesR$ 27,47$ 7,4950%AB
Boom BlasterR$ 13,83$ 3,7425%A
Brunch ClubR$ 5,49$ 1,4490%GB
Cave DiggerR$ 5,49$ 1,4990%GB
Clea 2R$ 46,70$ 12,7415%R$ 43,96 09/03/2021W
Crysis 2 RemasteredR$ 84,33$ 22,4925%GR$ 78,71 15/10/2021W
Crysis 3 RemasteredR$ 84,33$ 22,4925%GR$ 78,71 15/10/2021W
CucchiR$ 14,97$ 3,9950%XA
Dark Grim MariupolisR$ 14,76$ 3,9920%R$ 15,68 02/03/2021A
Dead by Daylight: A BINDING OF KINR$ 7,90$ 3,9950%DLCA
Dead by Daylight: Capítulo A Nightmare on Elm StreetR$ 7,90$ 3,9950%DLCB
Dead by Daylight: DESCEND BEYOND ChapterR$ 7,90$ 3,9950%DLCR$ 11,08 19/01/2021A
Dead by Daylight: Ghost FaceR$ 9,22$ 2,4950%DLCB
Dead by Daylight: The SAW ChapterR$ 7,90$ 3,9950%DLCB
DeleveledR$ 22,17$ 5,9940%XR$ 24,01 13/09/2021A
Deponia CollectionR$ 14,74$ 3,9990%GB
Down in BermudaR$ 7,49$ 1,9990%G,XR$ 29,98 19/10/2021A
Farming Simulator 19 - Alpine ExpansionR$ 70,31$ 13,3933%GDLCB
Farming Simulator 19 - Platinum ExpansionR$ 29,97$ 9,9950%GDLCB
Felix the ReaperR$ 5,49$ 1,4990%GB
Flynn: Son of CrimsonR$ 61,83$ 14,9925%G,AA
Grand Prix Rock 'N Racing-$ 1,9975%B
Helheim HassleR$ 20,60$ 6,5967%G,XR$ 24,98 24/08/2021A
Just Dance 2021R$ 137,97$ 29,9940%G,SR$ 91,98 13/09/2021W
Karma. Incarnation 1R$ 28,89$ 7,7935%R$ 33,33 03/08/2021A
Lost ArtifactsR$ 14,78$ 3,9960%GR$ 11,08 23/03/2021W
Lotus Reverie: First NexusR$ 36,71$ 9,7930%GA
Mittelborg: City of MagesR$ 6,98$ 3,5960%R$ 5,23 31/08/2021W
My Aunt is a WitchR$ 22,17$ 5,9940%B
Mystik BelleR$ 14,50$ 7,4950%B
Outbreak Narrative CollectionR$ 37,47$ 9,9950%GB
Outbreak: Gwen's NightmareR$ 37,47$ 9,9950%GB
Restless NightR$ 13,83$ 3,7425%A
SolosR$ 18,47$ 4,9950%GA
Space Otter CharlieR$ 36,81$ 10,0433%G,XR$ 38,46 27/07/2021A
Tesla ForceR$ 18,73$ 5,0970%X,SB
The Crew Ultimate EditionR$ 49,17$ 13,1967%Gjogo + DLCR$ 29,80 19/05/2020W
The Infectious Madness of Doctor DekkerR$ 15,00$ 7,7940%B
The Mummy DemasteredR$ 19,50$ 9,9950%B
The Path of MotusR$ 10,99$ 2,9980%R$ 13,73 20/07/2021A
Tour de France 2017R$ 6,19$ 2,9980%GB
Tour de France 2018R$ 12,49$ 3,9980%GB
Trackmania TurboR$ 40,00$ 9,9975%GB
Trials FusionR$ 11,25$ 4,9975%GB
Tribal PassR$ 3,36$ 1,7475%R$ 5,38 31/08/2021A
UNSIGHTEDR$ 61,83$ 14,9925%G,AA
Watch Dogs Complete EditionR$ 37,48$ 9,8970%G,Fjogo + DLCB
We Should Talk.R$ 18,16$ 4,8930%XR$ 12,97 27/07/2021W
WeakWood ThroneR$ 9,22$ 2,4950%AA

G = desconto para assinantes Gold
R = retrocompatível
A = XBOX Play Anywhere
X = Otimizado para Xbox One X
S = Otimizado para Xbox Series
F = FPS Boost

Promoções de segunda, 29 de novembro

No Submarino:

Cupom SUB10: R$ 10,00 de desconto para compras acima de R$ 20,00. Veja regras no LINK.
Cupom SUB20: R$ 20,00 de desconto para compras acima de R$ 40,00. Veja regras no LINK.
Cupom FICACOM15: R$ 15,00 de desconto para compras acima de R$ 30,00. Veja regras no LINK.

sexta-feira, 26 de novembro de 2021

quinta-feira, 25 de novembro de 2021

Promoções de quinta, 25 de novembro

No Submarino:

Console Xbox Series S por R$ 1.899,15 no boleto (use cupom NIVEL10) esgotado

Para Xbox One:

Marvel Avengers a partir de R$ 54,89 (valor depende do cupom, veja abaixo)

Para PS4:

Marvel Avengers a partir de R$ 54,89 (valor depende do cupom, veja abaixo)

SUB20: primeira compra
NIVEL10: válido para todos
PRAVOLTAR: válido para quem não compra faz meses

Nas Americanas:

Para Xbox One:

Borderlands 3 por R$ 26,91 (com cupom OBA10) esgotado
Watch Dogs Legion por R$ 71,91 (com cupom OBA10)

quarta-feira, 24 de novembro de 2021

Promoções de quarta, 24 de novembro

No Submarino:

Controle Xbox Series Robot White por R$ 329,99 (com cupom SUBLOVER, válido para quem comprou no Submarino nos últimos 12 meses)

Nintendo Switch Lite por R$ 1.292,22 à vista (use cupom NIVEL10)

Nas Americanas:

Seleção de jogos por R$ 19,99 com cupom QUARTA15

Lista completa neste link. Alguns destaques:

Para Xbox One:

Zombie Army 4 por R$ 19,99
Burnout Paradise por R$ 19,99
Efootball PES2020 por R$ 19,99
We Happy Few por R$ 19,99

Para PS4:

Zombie Army 4 por R$ 19,99
We Happy Few por R$ 19,99
The Crew por R$ 19,99

Na Kabum:

Na Nuuvem:

Live Gold 12 meses por R$ 174,99 (usando cupom 25NUUBOX)

terça-feira, 23 de novembro de 2021

Promoções de terça, 23 de novembro

Nas Americanas:

Para Xbox One:

A Way Out por R$ 9,99 esgotado

Xbox Store, Games with Gold

Anunciados os jogos grátis de dezembro para assinantes Gold.

Para Xbox 360, Xbox One e Xbox Series X|S:

Orcs Must Die! (de 1 a 15 de dezembro)
Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet (de 16 a 31 de dezembro)

Para Xbox One e Xbox Series X|S:

The Escapists 2 (de 1 a 31 de dezembro)

segunda-feira, 22 de novembro de 2021

Xbox Store, de 23 a 29 de novembro

Jogos abaixo entram em promoção esta semana na Xbox Store.

Além deles, já começou a BLACK FRIDAY da Xbox Store.

Confira sistema de cores da tabela de preços:

Amarelo: melhor preço do jogo na Xbox Store até hoje (*)
Azul: melhor preço do jogo na Xbox Store até hoje (*), porém já veio por este preço antes
Branco: jogo já apareceu mais barato na Xbox Store antes

A última coluna do lado direito contém o valor e data mais recente do menor preço. Caso o melhor preço seja agora, ela mostra o segundo menor valor que ele já apareceu.

Acompanhe as promoções também pelas redes sociais:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/promocaogames/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PromocaoGamesBR

Para Xbox 360:

NomeBRUSA%ObsTipoMelhor anterior
Bound By Flame-$ 1,9980%G,R
Brothers in Arms: Hell's HighwayR$ 19,98$ 3,9960%G,RR$ 12,25 23/06/2020
Bully Scholarship EditionR$ 19,98$ 5,9960%G,RR$ 19,60 03/04/2020
Civilization RevolutionR$ 19,98$ 7,4975%G,R,XR$ 15,80 22/12/2017
Darkness-$ 3,9980%G,R
Darkness 2R$ 35,99$ 5,9980%G,RR$ 17,90 22/12/2017
Duke Nukem ForeverR$ 19,99$ 3,9980%G,RR$ 9,89 17/11/2017
Faery: Legends of AvalonR$ 7,50$ 1,3980%G,R
Ghost Recon Future SoldierR$ 23,98$ 6,0070%G,RR$ 15,80 14/07/2020
Grand Theft Auto IVR$ 27,98$ 6,9965%G,RR$ 19,75 22/12/2016
I AM ALIVER$ 9,13$ 4,5070%G,RR$ 7,50 30/06/2020
Mafia IIR$ 22,48$ 7,4975%G,RR$ 17,80 30/06/2017
Midnight Club: Los Angeles CompleteR$ 53,56$ 10,0433%G,RR$ 31,60 10/10/2017
Misadventures PB Winterbottom-$ 1,9980%G,R
Red Dead RedemptionR$ 29,68$ 9,8967%G,R,XR$ 22,25 10/10/2017
Rockstar Table TennisR$ 31,98$ 5,9960%G,RR$ 15,80 22/12/2017
Splinter Cell BlacklistR$ 20,98$ 6,0070%G,R,XR$ 17,25 23/06/2020
Splinter Cell Chaos TheoryR$ 23,98$ 5,9960%G,R,XR$ 14,75 23/06/2020
The Bureau: Hangar 6 P&DR$ 2,09$ 0,9980%GDLC

Para Xbox One:

NomeBRUSA%ObsTipoMelhor anterior
8Floor Strategic CollectionR$ 14,99$ 3,9980%G
Alphadia Genesis 2R$ 38,46$ 10,4930%G,S,A
An Evil ExistenceR$ 11,11$ 2,4975%GR$ 22,22 18/05/2021
Before We LeaveR$ 79,99$ 15,9920%A,S
Caves and Castles: UnderworldR$ 11,99$ 3,2435%R$ 13,83 06/07/2021
Color Symphony 2R$ 3,80$ 1,9980%
Cruz BrothersR$ 3,98$ 1,5960%R$ 2,98 28/06/2021
CupheadR$ 52,46$ 13,9930%G,A
Dark Quest 2R$ 13,73$ 3,7475%
Deep Rock Galactic: Rival Tech PackR$ 26,95$ 7,1910%ADLC
Enter Digiton: Heart of CorruptionR$ 20,96$ 5,5930%
Escape From TethysR$ 22,17$ 5,9940%G,X
Fighter WithinR$ 19,75$ 4,9975%G
Grow UpR$ 7,60$ 3,9960%GR$ 4,75 04/06/2020
Gryphon Knight Epic: Definitive EditionR$ 24,22$ 6,4950%G
HabroxiaR$ 11,98$ 3,1960%R$ 20,96 02/03/2021
Hindsight 20/20: Wrath of the RaakshasaR$ 27,47$ 7,4950%G,S
Hunt Showdown-$ 17,9955%G$ 13,20 18/12/2020
Journey of the Broken CircleR$ 9,88$ 2,6367%AR$ 14,97 20/07/2021
Kingdom of ArcadiaR$ 15,71$ 4,1930%S
Lonely Mountains: DownhillR$ 50,21$ 13,3933%A
Lost Artifacts: Golden IslandR$ 14,78$ 3,9960%G
Mask of MistsR$ 32,97$ 8,9940%G
Masters of AnimaR$ 7,73$ 1,7475%G,XR$ 6,19 10/08/2021
May’s Mysteries: The Secret of DragonvilleR$ 41,21$ 11,2425%G
Metal Wolf Chaos XDR$ 46,22$ 12,4950%G,X
Mortal Shell: Virtuous CycleR$ 16,15$ 7,1910%X,SDLCR$ 0,00 18/08/2021
Mushroom SaviorR$ 10,14$ 2,7445%R$ 11,07 13/07/2021
Mythic OceanR$ 27,47$ 7,4950%R$ 43,96 24/08/2021
NARUTO TO BORUTO: SHINOBI STRIKER - Master Character Training Pack - DLC10 Zabuza MomochiR$ 7,95$ 1,9950%DLC
NARUTO TO BORUTO: SHINOBI STRIKER - Master Character Training Pack - DLC11 HakuR$ 7,95$ 1,9950%DLC
NARUTO TO BORUTO: SHINOBI STRIKER - Master Character Training Pack - DLC12 OhnokiR$ 7,95$ 1,9950%DLC
NARUTO TO BORUTO: SHINOBI STRIKER - Master Character Training Pack - DLC13 Eight Tails JinchurikiR$ 7,95$ 1,9950%DLC
NARUTO TO BORUTO: SHINOBI STRIKER - Master Character Training Pack - DLC14 Sasuke Uchiha (Boruto)R$ 7,95$ 1,9950%DLC
NARUTO TO BORUTO: SHINOBI STRIKER - Master Character Training Pack - DLC15 Ino YamanakaR$ 7,95$ 1,9950%DLC
NARUTO TO BORUTO: SHINOBI STRIKER - Master Character Training Pack - DLC16 Might GuyR$ 7,95$ 1,9950%DLC
NARUTO TO BORUTO: SHINOBI STRIKER - Master Character Training Pack - DLC17 Mei TerumiR$ 7,95$ 1,9950%DLC
NARUTO TO BORUTO: SHINOBI STRIKER - Master Character Training Pack - DLC18 Hokage NarutoR$ 7,95$ 1,9950%DLC
NARUTO TO BORUTO: SHINOBI STRIKER - Master Character Training Pack - DLC19 Kakashi HatakeR$ 7,49$ 1,9950%DLC
NARUTO TO BORUTO: SHINOBI STRIKER - Master Character Training Pack - DLC20 Neji HyugaR$ 7,49$ 1,9950%DLC
NARUTO TO BORUTO: SHINOBI STRIKER - Master Character Training Pack - DLC21 Shisui UchihaR$ 7,49$ 1,9950%DLC
NARUTO TO BORUTO: SHINOBI STRIKER - Master Character Training Pack - DLC22 Naruto Last BattleR$ 7,49$ 1,9950%DLC
NARUTO TO BORUTO: SHINOBI STRIKER - Master Character Training Pack - DLC23 Boruto KarmaR$ 7,49$ 1,9950%DLC
NARUTO TO BORUTO: SHINOBI STRIKER - Master Character Training Pack - DLC7 TsunadeR$ 7,50$ 1,9950%DLC
NARUTO TO BORUTO: SHINOBI STRIKER - Master Character Training Pack - DLC9 Madara UchihaR$ 7,50$ 1,9950%DLC
NARUTO TO BORUTO: SHINOBI STRIKER: Master Character Training Pack - Obito UchihaR$ 7,50$ 1,9950%DLC
NTBSS: Pacote de treinamento de personagem mestre - JiraiyaR$ 7,50$ 1,9950%DLC
NTBSS: Pacote de treinamento de personagem mestre - OrochimaruR$ 7,50$ 1,9950%DLC
NTBSS: Pct. de treino de personagem mestre - Hashirama SenjuR$ 7,50$ 1,9950%DLC
NTBSS: Pct. de treino de personagem mestre - Hiruzen SarutobiR$ 7,50$ 1,9950%DLC
NTBSS: Pct. de treino de personagem mestre - Minato NamikazeR$ 7,50$ 1,9950%DLC
NTBSS: Pct. de treino de personagem mestre - Tobirama SenjuR$ 7,50$ 1,9950%DLC
Outbreak: Lydia's NightmareR$ 37,47$ 9,9950%
Outbreak: The Undying CollectionR$ 92,47$ 24,9950%GR$ 56,22 17/11/2020
Pillar by Michael Hicks and Gonçalo Antunes-$ 1,5980%
Planescape: Torment & Icewind Dale Enhanced EditionsR$ 73,98$ 19,9960%
Quase Lá: O jogo de plataformaR$ 3,69$ 0,9990%X
QuernR$ 36,22$ 9,7450%G
Rainbow Six Siege - Emerald Weapon SkinR$ 9,00$ 2,6910%DLCR$ 5,00 30/05/2017
Rainbow Six Siege : Amethyst Weapon SkinR$ 9,00$ 2,6910%DLCR$ 5,00 30/05/2017
Rainbow Six Siege Deluxe EditionR$ 37,48$ 9,9975%Sjogo + DLCR$ 22,49 13/09/2021
RAINBOW SIX SIEGE: Beta For Pre-Order: 1200 R6 CREDITSR$ 36,85$ 8,9910%coins
RAINBOW SIX SIEGE: Beta For Pre-Order: 16000 (12000 + 4000 bonus) R6 CREDITSR$ 362,20$ 89,9910%coins
RAINBOW SIX SIEGE: Beta For Pre-Order: 2670 Credits PackR$ 71,95$ 17,9910%coins
RAINBOW SIX SIEGE: Beta For Pre-Order: 4920 Credits PackR$ 130,45$ 31,4910%coins
RAINBOW SIX SIEGE: Beta For Pre-Order: 600 R6 CREDITSR$ 17,95$ 4,4910%coins
RAINBOW SIX SIEGE: Beta For Pre-Order: 7560 Credits PackR$ 179,95$ 44,9910%coins
Rainbow Six Siege: Cobalt Weapon SkinR$ 9,00$ 2,6910%DLCR$ 5,00 30/05/2017
Rainbow Six Siege: Cyan weapon skinR$ 9,00$ 2,6910%DLCR$ 5,00 30/05/2017
Rainbow Six Siege: GEMSTONES BUNDLER$ 35,10$ 13,4910%DLCR$ 19,50 30/05/2017
Rainbow Six Siege: Platinum Weapon SkinR$ 9,00$ 2,6910%DLCR$ 5,00 30/05/2017
Rainbow Six Siege: Ruby weapon skinR$ 9,00$ 2,6910%DLCR$ 5,00 30/05/2017
Rainbow Six Siege: Topaz weapon skinR$ 9,00$ 2,6910%DLCR$ 5,00 30/05/2017
Rento FortuneR$ 13,30$ 6,9930%
Rift RacoonR$ 12,91$ 3,4930%SR$ 14,76 12/05/2021
Rogue ExplorerR$ 20,96$ 5,5930%R$ 23,96 18/08/2021
RoundguardR$ 33,72$ 8,9955%X
Seasons after FallR$ 6,19$ 1,9980%G
Shiness: The Lightning KingdomR$ 6,19$ 1,9980%G
Signs of the SojournerR$ 37,47$ 9,9950%G,AR$ 50,21 25/05/2021
SIMULACRAR$ 31,11$ 8,3930%
Skeletal AvengerR$ 43,71$ 11,8930%G,X,S
SteamWorld DigR$ 4,75$ 2,4975%
Story of a GladiatorR$ 10,23$ 2,7475%
Streets of Rage 4R$ 46,22$ 12,4950%G,AR$ 55,47 12/10/2021
TeratopiaR$ 21,98$ 5,9960%G
The BunkerR$ 11,70$ 5,9970%R$ 9,75 31/08/2021
The DivisionR$ 24,98$ 7,4975%G,X,F
The Division Gold EditionR$ 44,98$ 12,4975%G,X,Fjogo + DLC
The Skylia ProphecyR$ 18,16$ 4,8930%
The Surge - Augmented EditionR$ 40,40$ 8,2467%G,Xjogo + DLCR$ 30,61 20/11/2020
They Are BillionsR$ 56,22$ 14,9950%GR$ 67,47 20/04/2021
This is the Zodiac SpeakingR$ 19,38$ 5,1960%G
Watch DogsR$ 26,23$ 6,9965%G,F
Ys OriginR$ 15,60$ 7,9960%GR$ 11,70 12/10/2021
Zero StrainR$ 14,78$ 3,9960%G

G = desconto para assinantes Gold
R = retrocompatível
A = XBOX Play Anywhere
X = Otimizado para Xbox One X
S = Otimizado para Xbox Series
F = FPS Boost

sexta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2021

Promoções de sexta, 19 de novembro

Na Amazon:

Para PS4:

No Submarino:

Para Xbox One e Xbox Series:

Immortals: Fenyx Rising por R$ 84,90 (pelo App, usando cupom 15NOAPP )

Para PS4:

The Last of Us Part II por R$ 84,90 (pelo App, usando cupom 15NOAPP )

quinta-feira, 18 de novembro de 2021

Xbox Store, Black Friday 2021

Começa hoje e vai até o dia 02/12 a Black Friday da Xbox Store.

Confira sistema de cores da tabela de preços:

Amarelo: melhor preço do jogo na Xbox Store até hoje (*)
Azul: melhor preço do jogo na Xbox Store até hoje (*), porém já veio por este preço antes
Branco: jogo já apareceu mais barato na Xbox Store antes

A última coluna do lado direito contém o valor e data mais recente do menor preço. Caso o melhor preço seja agora, ela mostra o segundo menor valor que ele já apareceu.

Acompanhe as promoções também pelas redes sociais:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/promocaogames/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PromocaoGamesBR

Para Xbox 360:

NomeBRUSA%ObsTipoMelhor anteriorCor
Castlevania Harmony of Despair-$ 4,9467%R$ 3,74 12/04/2019W
Castlevania Lords of ShadowR$ 32,48$ 4,9975%RB
Castlevania Mirror of Fate HDR$ 7,61$ 3,7475%RR$ 6,00 07/06/2018W
Castlevania Symphony of the NightR$ 20,47$ 5,0050%RR$ 19,95 30/06/2020W
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2R$ 32,48$ 10,0075%RR$ 25,80 07/06/2018W
Fallout 3R$ 20,98$ 4,5070%RB
Fallout: New VegasR$ 8,95$ 4,4970%RB
Fight Night ChampionR$ 15,99$ 3,9980%RR$ 11,99 27/04/2021W
LEGO Batman 2R$ 10,23$ 4,9975%RR$ 2,43 12/10/2021W
METAL GEAR RISING: REVENGEANCER$ 17,48$ 5,0075%RR$ 17,25 28/04/2020W
Metal Gear Solid HD CollectionR$ 10,23$ 4,9975%RR$ 9,75 28/04/2020W
Silent Hill: HD CollectionR$ 19,98$ 7,5075%RR$ 19,75 30/06/2020W
SKATE.3R$ 19,98$ 4,9975%R,XR$ 11,99 25/05/2021W
The Witcher 2: Assassins of KingsR$ 13,49$ 3,0085%R,XR$ 13,35 04/06/2020W

Para Xbox One:

NomeBRUSA%ObsTipoMelhor anteriorCor
A Way OutR$ 32,70$ 8,9970%XR$ 21,80 05/10/2021W
AbzuR$ 13,65$ 6,9965%R$ 9,75 01/09/2021W
Ace Combat 7: Skies UnkownR$ 62,50$ 14,9975%B
Ace Combat 7: Skies Unkown: Deluxe EditionR$ 87,50$ 21,2475%jogo + DLCB
Aces of the Luftwaffe - SquadronR$ 5,80$ 2,9980%R$ 8,70 05/10/2021A
Adam’s Venture: OriginsR$ 5,59$ 2,9980%R$ 2,79 20/11/2020W
Adventure Time: Pirates of the EnchiridionR$ 23,60$ 7,9960%R$ 14,75 23/06/2020W
Agatha Christie - The A.B.C. MURDERSR$ 7,80$ 3,9980%B
Age of Wonders: PlanetfallR$ 46,23$ 12,4975%XB
Age of Wonders: Planetfall Deluxe EditionR$ 55,61$ 14,9975%Xjogo + DLCR$ 73,40 20/11/2020A
Agents of Mayhem - Total Mayhem BundleR$ 5,90$ 2,9990%Xjogo + DLCR$ 8,85 23/07/2021A
Alekhine's GunR$ 14,99$ 3,9980%R$ 11,24 28/04/2020W
America’s Greatest Game Shows: Wheel of Fortune & Jeopardy!R$ 26,25$ 13,9965%R$ 18,75 01/09/2020W
American Ninja Warrior: Challenge-$ 7,4975%$ 4,50 18/12/2020W
Ancestors: The Humankind OdysseyR$ 52,36$ 15,9960%B
AnthemR$ 35,85$ 8,9985%X,FR$ 23,90 08/10/2021W
Apex Legend - Gibraltar EditionR$ 74,25$ 14,9925%XDLCB
Apex Legends - Bloodhound Edition for Apex LegendsR$ 74,25$ 14,9925%XDLCR$ 43,45 14/08/2020W
Apex Legends - Champion Content BundleR$ 119,40$ 23,9940%XDLCR$ 129,35 19/10/2021A
Apex Legends - Edição PathfinderR$ 74,25$ 14,9925%XDLCR$ 51,35 18/12/2020W
Apex Legends - Lifeline and Bloodhound Double PackR$ 115,50$ 29,2425%XDLCR$ 84,70 14/08/2020W
Apex Legends - Lifeline Edition for Apex LegendsR$ 74,25$ 14,9925%XDLCR$ 43,45 14/08/2020W
Apex Legends - MirageR$ 74,25$ 14,9925%XDLCB
Apex Legends - Octane EditionR$ 74,25$ 14,9925%DLCR$ 51,35 18/12/2020W
Arcade Classics Anniversary CollectionR$ 29,75$ 4,9975%B
ARK: Survival EvolvedR$ 37,10$ 9,8967%A,XR$ 27,60 11/04/2017W
ARK: Ultimate Survivor EditionR$ 177,96$ 47,9920%Sjogo + DLCR$ 200,20 15/06/2021A
Ary and the Secret of SeasonsR$ 39,98$ 9,9975%B
Assassin's Creed Legendary CollectionR$ 180,00$ 59,9970%B
Assassin's Creed OdysseyR$ 49,75$ 14,9975%XR$ 39,80 08/10/2020W
Assassin's Creed Odyssey - Deluxe EditionR$ 57,25$ 19,9975%Xjogo + DLCB
Assassin's Creed Odyssey - Gold EditionR$ 69,75$ 24,9975%Xjogo + DLCR$ 55,80 06/10/2020W
Assassin's Creed Odyssey - Season PassR$ 50,00$ 19,9950%XDLCB
Assassin's Creed Odyssey - Ultimate EditionR$ 74,75$ 29,9975%Xjogo + DLCB
Assassin's Creed OriginsR$ 49,75$ 14,9975%XR$ 39,80 19/10/2021W
Assassin's Creed Origins - GOLD EDITIONR$ 74,75$ 24,9975%Xjogo + DLCR$ 59,80 19/10/2021W
Assassin's Creed Origins - Season PassR$ 39,60$ 15,9960%XDLCB
Assassin's Creed Triple Pack: Black Flag, Unity, SyndicateR$ 74,75$ 22,4975%B
Assassin's Creed ValhallaR$ 111,98$ 23,9960%X,SR$ 139,97 19/10/2021A
Assassin's Creed Valhalla + Immortals Fenyx Rising BundleR$ 174,98$ 38,4965%X,SR$ 224,97 16/11/2021A
Assassin's Creed Valhalla - DELUXE EDITIONR$ 137,98$ 31,9960%X,Sjogo + DLCR$ 172,47 19/10/2021A
Assassin's Creed Valhalla - Season PassR$ 82,47$ 19,9950%X,SDLCR$ 107,21 19/10/2021A
Assassin's Creed Valhalla Gold EditionR$ 164,98$ 39,9960%X,Sjogo + DLCR$ 206,22 19/10/2021A
Assassin's Creed Valhalla Ultimate EditionR$ 199,98$ 47,9960%X,Sjogo + DLCR$ 249,97 19/10/2021A
Assassin's Creed Valhalla, Assassin's Creed Odyssey e Assassin's Creed OriginsR$ 199,48$ 47,9970%XR$ 219,43 16/11/2021A
Assassin’s Creed Antiquity PackR$ 82,50$ 24,9975%XB
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey – Legado da Primeira LâminaR$ 30,00$ 12,4950%XDLCB
Assassin’s Creed Origins - DELUXE EDITIONR$ 57,25$ 17,4975%Xjogo + DLCR$ 45,80 19/10/2021W
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla + Watch Dogs: Legion BundleR$ 164,98$ 36,2967%X,SR$ 199,98 16/11/2021A
Assetto CorsaR$ 11,80$ 5,9980%B
Assetto Corsa CompetizioneR$ 33,80$ 13,1967%R$ 40,98 19/10/2021A
Assetto Corsa Ultimate EditionR$ 15,80$ 7,9980%jogo + DLCB
Astérix & Obélix XXL 2R$ 19,80$ 9,9980%B
Asterix & Obelix XXL: RomasteredR$ 67,47$ 17,9940%AB
Asterix & Obelix XXL3: The Crystal MenhirR$ 33,73$ 8,9970%B
Attack on Titan 2R$ 59,50$ 29,9950%XB
Attack on Titan 2 Deluxe EditionR$ 99,50$ 49,9950%Xjogo + DLCB
Attack on Titan 2: Final BattleR$ 71,40$ 35,9940%Xjogo + DLCR$ 83,30 02/04/2021A
Attack on Titan 2: Final Battle Upgrade PackR$ 47,40$ 23,9940%XDLCR$ 55,30 02/04/2021A
ATV Drift & Tricks Definitive EditionR$ 11,80$ 5,9980%B
Back 4 BloodR$ 209,99$ 41,9930%X,SA
Back 4 Blood DeluxeR$ 314,99$ 62,9930%X,Sjogo + DLCA
Back 4 Blood Season PassR$ 139,30$ 27,9930%X,SDLCA
Back 4 Blood UltimateR$ 349,99$ 69,9930%X,Sjogo + DLCA
Batman Return to ArkhamR$ 25,00$ 4,9975%jogo + DLCB
Batman: Arkham KnightR$ 36,00$ 3,9980%R$ 45,00 15/10/2021A
Batman: Arkham Knight Season PassR$ 20,00$ 3,9980%DLCR$ 25,00 15/10/2021A
Battle Chasers: NightwarR$ 14,75$ 7,4975%X,FR$ 11,80 13/09/2021W
BattletoadsR$ 24,98$ 4,9975%AB
Beast QuestR$ 7,49$ 1,9990%R$ 14,99 05/10/2021A
Ben 10R$ 15,60$ 7,9960%R$ 9,75 23/06/2020W
Ben 10: Power TripR$ 58,98$ 15,9960%R$ 73,72 13/07/2021A
Big Buck Hunter ArcadeR$ 9,75$ 4,9975%R$ 5,85 18/12/2020W
Big Rumble Boxing: Creed ChampionsR$ 73,72$ 19,9950%A
BioShock: The CollectionR$ 41,58$ 9,9980%jogo + DLCB
Black Desert: Explorer EditionR$ 83,16$ 19,9960%Xjogo + DLCB
Black Desert: Traveler EditionR$ 49,96$ 11,9960%B
Blackguards 2R$ 18,73$ 4,9975%B
Blacksad: Under the SkinR$ 29,49$ 9,9980%B
Bleeding EdgeR$ 32,25$ 7,4975%B
Blizzard Arcade CollectionR$ 39,95$ 9,9950%R$ 47,94 05/10/2021A
Bloodstained: Ritual of the NightR$ 71,98$ 15,9960%XB
Book of DemonsR$ 51,50$ 12,4950%B
Borderlands 3R$ 62,50$ 14,9975%X,SR$ 82,50 12/10/2021A
Borderlands 3 Season Pass 2R$ 64,93$ 19,4935%X,SDLCB
Borderlands 3 Super Deluxe EditionR$ 133,20$ 31,9960%X,Sjogo + DLCR$ 149,85 12/10/2021A
Borderlands 3: Season PassR$ 50,49$ 16,4967%X,SDLCB
Borderlands: Game of the Year EditionR$ 42,90$ 9,8967%XB
Brothers: a Tale of Two SonsR$ 16,00$ 3,9980%B
Bulletstorm: Full Clip EditionR$ 10,65$ 5,9985%XR$ 7,10 14/08/2020W
Burnout Paradise RemasteredR$ 19,75$ 4,9975%XB
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Digital Pro EditionR$ 103,60$ 39,9960%jogo + DLCR$ 77,70 15/09/2020W
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Digital Deluxe EditionR$ 119,60$ 39,9960%Xjogo + DLCR$ 98,67 28/04/2020W
Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War - Cross-GenR$ 159,95$ 34,9950%X,Sjogo + DLCB
Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War - StandardR$ 139,95$ 29,9950%XB
Call Of Duty: Black Ops III - Zombies ChroniclesR$ 46,00$ 14,9950%DLCB
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Zombies DeluxeR$ 119,60$ 39,9960%Xjogo + DLCR$ 89,70 14/08/2020W
Call of Duty: Ghosts Digital Hardened EditionR$ 131,60$ 39,9960%jogo + DLCR$ 98,70 15/09/2020W
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare - Digital Legacy EditionR$ 119,60$ 31,9960%Xjogo + DLCR$ 149,50 24/09/2019A
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare - Launch EditionR$ 82,17$ 19,7967%XB
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare - Edição Digital PadrãoR$ 114,50$ 29,9950%XB
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare RemasteredR$ 74,50$ 19,9950%R$ 59,60 16/07/2019W
Capcom Arcade Stadium Game Packs 1, 2, 3R$ 126,75$ 29,9925%jogo + DLCB
Capcom Arcade Stadium Pack 1R$ 46,50$ 11,2425%jogo + DLCB
Capcom Arcade Stadium Pack 2R$ 46,50$ 11,2425%jogo + DLCB
Capcom Arcade Stadium Pack 3R$ 46,50$ 11,2425%jogo + DLCB
Car Mechanic SimulatorR$ 56,22$ 14,9950%B
Cartoon Network: Battle CrashersR$ 9,75$ 4,9975%R$ 5,85 18/12/2020W
Castlevania Anniversary CollectionR$ 29,75$ 4,9975%B
Chicken PoliceR$ 48,71$ 12,9935%R$ 52,46 05/10/2021A
Chronos: Before the AshesR$ 38,47$ 16,4945%R$ 41,97 13/09/2021A
Cities: Skylines - Season PassR$ 39,50$ 19,9950%XDLCB
Cities: Skylines - Season Pass 2R$ 39,50$ 19,9950%DLCB
Cities: Skylines - Xbox One EditionR$ 19,75$ 9,9975%XB
Civilization VI Anthology UpgradeR$ 172,18$ 32,4935%DLCR$ 132,45 07/09/2021W
Cobra Kai: The Karate Kid Saga ContinuesR$ 58,98$ 15,9960%R$ 73,72 08/10/2021A
Code VeinR$ 49,98$ 11,9980%XB
Commandos 2 - HD RemasterR$ 37,47$ 9,9950%R$ 56,21 18/12/2020A
Conan Exiles - Standard EditionR$ 42,57$ 16,4967%X,SB
Conan Exiles Complete Edition October 2021R$ 258,71$ 97,4925%A,X,Sjogo + DLCA
Contra Anniversary CollectionR$ 19,75$ 4,9975%B
CONTRA: ROGUE CORPSR$ 31,98$ 7,9980%XB
ControlR$ 38,70$ 8,9970%XR$ 32,25 25/05/2021W
Control - Season PassR$ 18,75$ 4,4970%XDLCR$ 31,25 22/10/2021A
Control Ultimate EditionR$ 53,70$ 11,9970%Xjogo + DLCR$ 71,60 26/10/2021A
Corra com o Ryan Viagem na Estrada Edição DeluxeR$ 51,60$ 13,9965%jogo + DLCR$ 58,98 05/10/2021A
Crackdown 3R$ 74,97$ 14,9950%XR$ 59,98 08/10/2019W
Crash Bandicoot - Pacote QuadrilogiaR$ 180,00$ 44,9950%R$ 198,00 05/10/2021A
Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About TimeR$ 125,00$ 29,9950%SB
Crash Bandicoot Bundle - N. Sane Trilogy + CTR Nitro-FueledR$ 149,50$ 37,4950%B
Crash Bandicoot N. Sane TrilogyR$ 75,00$ 19,9950%XB
Crash Bandicoot- Pacote de CrashiversárioR$ 224,55$ 53,9955%R$ 249,50 05/10/2021A
Crash Team Racing Nitro-FueledR$ 72,00$ 15,9960%XR$ 63,00 18/12/2020W
Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled + Spyro Game BundleR$ 119,60$ 29,9960%B
Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled - Nitros Oxide EditionR$ 92,00$ 23,9960%Xjogo + DLCR$ 80,50 18/12/2020W
Crash™ + Spyro™ Triple Play BundleR$ 175,00$ 49,9950%B
Crayola ScootR$ 11,80$ 5,9980%XR$ 8,85 23/06/2020W
Cris TalesR$ 139,71$ 25,9935%R$ 171,96 08/10/2021A
Cyberpunk 2077R$ 124,50$ 29,9950%XR$ 166,83 22/10/2021A
Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First SinR$ 74,50$ 19,9950%R$ 37,25 23/07/2021W
Dark Souls IIIR$ 124,50$ 29,9950%FR$ 62,25 23/07/2021W
Dark Souls III: Deluxe EditionR$ 174,50$ 42,4950%Fjogo + DLCR$ 87,25 23/07/2021W
Dark Souls III: Season PassR$ 49,50$ 12,4950%FDLCR$ 39,60 17/11/2017W
Dark Souls: RemasteredR$ 90,00$ 19,9950%XR$ 54,00 13/11/2020W
Darksiders III – Blades & Whip EditionR$ 69,80$ 19,9980%Xjogo + DLCB
Dead Island Definitive CollectionR$ 15,80$ 5,9980%jogo + DLCB
Dead Island Definitive EditionR$ 7,80$ 3,9980%FR$ 9,75 07/09/2021A
Dead Island: Riptide Definitive EditionR$ 5,85$ 2,9985%FR$ 7,80 07/09/2021A
Dead or Alive 6R$ 29,75$ 14,9975%XR$ 35,70 10/06/2021A
DEAD OR ALIVE 6 Digital Deluxe EditionR$ 39,75$ 19,9975%Xjogo + DLCR$ 47,70 10/06/2021A
DEAD OR ALIVE 6 Season Pass 1R$ 92,50$ 46,4950%XDLCR$ 129,50 10/06/2021A
DEAD OR ALIVE 6 Season Pass 2R$ 148,72$ 39,9950%DLCR$ 208,21 10/06/2021A
DEAD OR ALIVE 6 Season Pass 3R$ 148,72$ 39,9950%DLCR$ 208,21 10/06/2021A
DEAD OR ALIVE 6 Season Pass 4R$ 167,47$ 44,9950%DLCR$ 234,46 10/06/2021A
Degrees of SeparationR$ 20,70$ 5,9970%R$ 10,35 14/04/2020W
Desperados IIIR$ 73,72$ 29,9950%SB
Desperados III Season PassR$ 20,32$ 8,2445%SDLCR$ 18,47 10/08/2021W
Destiny 2: Beyond LightR$ 59,99$ 19,9950%X,SDLCR$ 71,99 22/10/2021A
Destiny 2: Beyond Light +1 SeasonR$ 74,99$ 24,9950%X,SDLCR$ 89,99 22/10/2021A
Destiny 2: Beyond Light Deluxe EditionR$ 119,99$ 41,9940%X,SDLCR$ 133,99 22/10/2021A
Destiny 2: Legendary EditionR$ 107,99$ 31,9960%X,Sjogo + DLCR$ 134,99 22/10/2021A
Destiny 2: RenegadosR$ 30,50$ 8,2467%XDLCB
Destiny 2: ShadowkeepR$ 30,50$ 8,2467%XDLCB
Deus Ex: Mankind DividedR$ 16,05$ 4,4985%FB
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - Digital Deluxe EditionR$ 25,95$ 6,7485%Fjogo + DLCB
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - Season PassR$ 9,00$ 2,9980%FDLCB
Devil May Cry 4 Special EditionR$ 14,70$ 7,4970%B
Devil May Cry 5 + VergilR$ 90,30$ 20,9930%B
Devil May Cry 5 Deluxe + VergilR$ 126,75$ 29,9925%B
Devil May Cry HD Collection & 4SE BundleR$ 86,00$ 22,4950%B
Diablo 2: Resurrected - Prime Evil UpgradeR$ 160,30$ 34,9930%X,Sjogo + DLCA
Diablo 2: Resurrected - StandardR$ 149,25$ 29,9925%X,SA
Diablo Prime Evil CollectionR$ 195,93$ 41,9930%X,SB
Dirt 4R$ 18,73$ 4,9975%FB
Dirt 5R$ 77,98$ 17,9970%X,SR$ 64,98 07/09/2021W
DIRT 5 - Gameplay Booster PackR$ 10,22$ 2,9950%X,SDLCB
DIRT 5 - Year One UpgradeR$ 64,97$ 19,9950%X,SDLCB
DIRT 5 Year One EditionR$ 100,48$ 23,9970%X,Sjogo + DLCR$ 83,73 07/09/2021W
DiRT RallyR$ 18,73$ 4,9975%R$ 15,80 10/12/2019W
DiRT Rally 2.0R$ 28,11$ 7,4975%XB
DiRT Rally 2.0 Super Deluxe EditionR$ 46,23$ 12,4975%Xjogo + DLCB
DiRT Rally 2.0 Year One PassR$ 37,47$ 9,9950%XDLCB
Dishonored 2R$ 29,99$ 5,9980%XR$ 22,49 10/08/2021W
Dishonored Definitive EditionR$ 24,98$ 4,9975%Fjogo + DLCR$ 21,00 18/12/2020W
Dishonored: Death of the OutsiderR$ 44,98$ 8,9970%X,FDLCR$ 17,50 19/12/2019W
Dishonored: Death of the Outsider Deluxe BundleR$ 59,99$ 11,9980%X,Fjogo + DLCR$ 44,99 10/08/2021W
Disneyland AdventuresR$ 29,98$ 7,9960%AR$ 18,73 04/06/2020W
DOOMR$ 18,60$ 5,9970%XR$ 15,50 10/08/2021W
DOOM (1993)R$ 2,98$ 1,4970%B
DOOM 3R$ 5,68$ 2,9970%XR$ 4,73 10/08/2021W
DOOM 64R$ 2,98$ 1,4970%B
DOOM Eternal Deluxe EditionR$ 87,25$ 22,4975%Xjogo + DLCB
DOOM Eternal Season PassR$ 49,97$ 14,9950%XDLCB
DOOM Eternal Standard EditionR$ 62,25$ 14,9975%XB
DOOM II (Classic)R$ 2,98$ 1,4970%B
Dragon Age: Inquisition - Game of the Year Edition-$ 9,9975%FB
Dragon Ball FighterzR$ 37,50$ 8,9985%XB
Dragon Ball FighterZ: Edição UltimateR$ 67,50$ 16,4985%Xjogo + DLCB
Dragon Ball Xenoverse Super BundleR$ 52,35$ 12,7485%B
DRAGON BALL Z: KAKAROTR$ 82,46$ 19,7967%B
DRAGON BALL Z: KAKAROT Deluxe EditionR$ 139,96$ 33,9960%jogo + DLCB
Dragon's Dogma: Dark ArisenR$ 44,70$ 8,9970%R$ 49,17 28/09/2021A
Dragons Dawn of New RidersR$ 31,60$ 15,9960%R$ 19,75 18/12/2020W
DreamWorks Spirit Lucky's Big AdventureR$ 88,47$ 23,9940%R$ 103,21 07/09/2021A
Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World TourR$ 6,15$ 2,9985%R$ 3,90 14/08/2020W
Dungeon of the EndlessR$ 5,99$ 2,9975%A
Dungeons 3R$ 44,98$ 11,9960%R$ 24,75 24/10/2019W
Dying Light Platinum EditionR$ 82,47$ 24,9950%Fjogo + DLCB
Dying Light: Season PassR$ 36,80$ 11,9960%FDLCB
Dying Light: The FollowingR$ 24,80$ 7,9960%FDLCB
DYNASTY WARRIORS 9 Complete EditionR$ 157,47$ 42,4950%jogo + DLCR$ 188,97 29/04/2021A
DYNASTY WARRIORS 9 Season PassR$ 19,60$ 9,9960%DLCR$ 24,50 29/04/2021A
DYNASTY WARRIORS 9 Season Pass 2R$ 44,50$ 22,4950%DLCR$ 53,40 29/04/2021A
DYNASTY WARRIORS 9 Season Pass 3R$ 53,40$ 26,9940%DLCR$ 62,30 29/04/2021A
DYNASTY WARRIORS 9 Special Scenario EditionR$ 91,22$ 24,4950%jogo + DLCR$ 109,47 29/04/2021A
DYNASTY WARRIORS 9 Special Weapon EditionR$ 83,72$ 22,4950%jogo + DLCR$ 100,47 29/04/2021A
DYNASTY WARRIORS 9: All Season Passes SetR$ 140,97$ 37,7940%DLCR$ 164,46 29/04/2021A
ElexR$ 49,75$ 14,9975%XB
Elite Dangerous Standard EditionR$ 14,75$ 7,4975%XB
EmbrR$ 56,21$ 14,9925%SA
Empire of Sin - Deluxe EditionR$ 92,47$ 24,9950%jogo + DLCR$ 129,46 02/04/2021A
Era do Gelo Aventura Maluca do Scrat!R$ 58,98$ 15,9960%B
Extinction: Deluxe EditionR$ 22,11$ 5,9985%jogo + DLCB
F1 2021R$ 149,50$ 29,9950%SR$ 194,35 19/10/2021A
F1 2021 Deluxe EditionR$ 184,50$ 37,4950%Sjogo + DLCR$ 239,85 19/10/2021A
F1 2021 Deluxe Upgrade PackR$ 49,50$ 9,9950%DLCR$ 64,35 19/10/2021A
Fallout 4R$ 39,98$ 7,9960%X,FR$ 21,00 18/12/2020W
Fallout 4 Season PassR$ 74,98$ 13,9960%X,FDLCR$ 28,11 10/08/2021W
Fallout 4: Game of the Year EditionR$ 65,98$ 13,1967%X,Fjogo + DLCR$ 45,00 20/10/2020W
Fallout 76R$ 38,73$ 9,9975%X,FB
Fallout 76: Steel Dawn Deluxe EditionR$ 99,98$ 23,9960%X,Fjogo + DLCB
Far Cry 3-4-5-6R$ 247,47$ 67,4955%A
Far Cry 4 + Far Cry Primal BundleR$ 63,98$ 19,9960%FR$ 31,99 18/06/2021W
Far Cry 5R$ 49,75$ 14,9975%X,FR$ 29,85 10/08/2021W
Far Cry 6 Gold EditionR$ 276,34$ 66,9933%X,Sjogo + DLCA
Far Cry 6 Standard EditionR$ 187,56$ 40,1933%X,Sjogo + DLCA
Far Cry 6 Ultimate EditionR$ 334,96$ 80,3933%X,Sjogo + DLCA
Far Cry New DawnR$ 45,00$ 11,9970%X,FR$ 37,50 18/06/2021W
Far Cry PrimalR$ 32,98$ 9,8967%FR$ 19,99 18/06/2021W
FIFA 22 para Xbox OneR$ 179,40$ 35,9940%XA
FIFA 22 Ultimate Edition Xbox One & Xbox Series X|SR$ 324,35$ 64,9935%X,SR$ 374,25 26/10/2021A
FlashbackR$ 7,80$ 3,9980%AB
For Honor - Marching Fire ExpansionR$ 23,70$ 8,9970%XDLCB
For Honor Complete EditionR$ 74,98$ 24,9975%Xjogo + DLCB
FOR HONOR Standard EditionR$ 24,98$ 7,4975%XR$ 19,99 28/07/2020W
Forgotton AnneR$ 24,80$ 7,9960%B
Forza Horizon 4R$ 82,17$ 19,7967%A,X,SR$ 97,47 11/11/2020A
Forza Horizon 4 - Pacote de Complementos SupremoR$ 79,60$ 19,9960%A,X,SDLCR$ 71,60 11/11/2020W
Forza Horizon 4 Car PassR$ 47,60$ 11,9960%A,X,SDLCB
Forza Horizon 4 Deluxe EditionR$ 108,15$ 27,9965%A,Xjogo + DLCR$ 121,22 11/11/2020A
Forza Horizon 4 Fortune IslandR$ 29,60$ 7,9960%A,X,SDLCR$ 22,98 08/09/2020W
Forza Horizon 4 LEGO Speed ChampionsR$ 29,60$ 7,9960%A,X,SDLCR$ 23,98 08/09/2020W
Forza Horizon 4 Ultimate EditionR$ 139,65$ 34,9965%A,Xjogo + DLCR$ 156,22 11/11/2020A
Forza Horizon 4: Hot Wheels Legends Car PackR$ 27,30$ 6,9930%X,A,SDLCB
G.I. Joe: Operation BlackoutR$ 36,86$ 9,9975%R$ 51,60 07/09/2021A
G.I. Joe: Operation Blackout - Digital DeluxeR$ 46,23$ 12,4975%jogo + DLCR$ 64,73 07/09/2021A
Garfield Kart Furious RacingR$ 33,73$ 8,9970%B
Gears 5R$ 49,75$ 9,9975%X,S,AB
Gears 5 Game of the YearR$ 62,25$ 14,9975%X,S,Ajogo + DLCR$ 99,60 22/10/2021A
Gears 5: HivebustersR$ 49,50$ 9,9950%X,S,ADLCB
Gears of War 4R$ 49,50$ 9,9950%A,X,FR$ 36,86 12/04/2019W
Gears of War Ultimate Edition Deluxe VersionR$ 49,50$ 9,9950%jogo + DLCB
Gears TacticsR$ 49,75$ 9,9975%A,X,SR$ 79,60 22/10/2021A
Gears Triple BundleR$ 77,25$ 19,9975%X,S,AR$ 108,15 22/10/2021A
Generation ZeroR$ 39,35$ 10,4965%XR$ 37,10 16/02/2021W
Generation Zero: Unrest BundleR$ 74,97$ 19,9950%jogo + DLCR$ 49,48 16/02/2021W
Ghost Recon BreakpointR$ 34,50$ 8,9985%X,SB
Ghost Recon Breakpoint DeluxeR$ 53,99$ 13,9980%X,Sjogo + DLCB
Ghost Recon Breakpoint UltimateR$ 91,99$ 23,9980%X,Sjogo + DLCB
Ghost Recon WildlandsR$ 44,75$ 12,4975%XB
Ghost Recon Wildlands: Ultimate EditionR$ 74,75$ 29,9975%Xjogo + DLCB
GhostrunnerR$ 39,60$ 11,9960%B
Gigantosaurus: The GameR$ 58,98$ 15,9960%B
Going UnderR$ 20,99$ 6,9965%R$ 29,99 13/09/2021A
Golf With Your FriendsR$ 49,97$ 9,9950%FB
Goosebumps: The GameR$ 7,25$ 3,7475%R$ 4,35 18/12/2020W
Green HellR$ 73,96$ 19,9920%A
GRIDR$ 28,11$ 7,4975%XB
GRID Ultimate EditionR$ 36,86$ 9,9975%Xjogo + DLCB
GRID Ultimate Edition UpgradeR$ 18,47$ 4,9950%XDLCB
GTA V: Pacote dinheiro MegalodonteR$ 169,15$ 84,9915%coinR$ 159,20 10/10/2017W
GTA V: Premium Online EditionR$ 74,97$ 14,9950%R$ 49,48 21/11/2019W
GTA V: Premium Online Edition & Megalodon Shark Card BundleR$ 149,98$ 35,9960%R$ 124,50 07/06/2019W
Halo 3: ODSTR$ 5,00$ 2,4950%X,SDLCB
Halo 5: GuardiansR$ 39,60$ 7,9960%XR$ 39,50 14/10/2020W
Halo Wars 2R$ 34,75$ 9,9975%A,X,FB
Halo Wars 2: Complete EditionR$ 49,75$ 14,9975%A,X,Fjogo + DLCB
Halo Wars: Definitive EditionR$ 10,00$ 4,9975%AR$ 9,73 13/09/2021W
Halo: ReachR$ 24,50$ 4,9950%X,SDLCB
Halo: The Master Chief CollectionR$ 64,50$ 19,9950%X,SB
HITMAN 2R$ 62,25$ 14,9975%XR$ 37,35 08/10/2021W
HITMAN 2 - Gold EditionR$ 70,00$ 19,9980%Xjogo + DLCR$ 52,50 12/10/2021W
Homefront: The Revolution 'Freedom Fighter' BundleR$ 15,80$ 7,9980%X,Fjogo + DLCR$ 11,85 07/09/2021W
Hotel Transylvania 3: Monsters OverboardR$ 23,60$ 7,9960%R$ 14,75 27/10/2020W
How To Survive 2R$ 5,80$ 2,9980%B
How to Survive: Storm Warning EditionR$ 7,80$ 3,9980%B
Human Fall FlatR$ 12,54$ 6,5967%R$ 11,60 18/12/2020W
Hunt: Showdown Gold Edition-$ 20,9970%jogo + DLC$ 24,49 07/09/2021A
Hunting Simulator 2 Deluxe EditionR$ 103,98$ 23,9960%jogo + DLCB
Hunting Simulator 2 Elite Edition Xbox OneR$ 129,97$ 34,9950%jogo + DLCB
Immortal Realms: Vampire WarsR$ 66,35$ 17,9955%R$ 73,72 08/10/2021A
IMMORTALS FENYX RISINGR$ 92,38$ 19,7967%X,SR$ 111,98 19/10/2021A
IMMORTALS FENYX RISING GOLDR$ 136,10$ 32,9967%X,SR$ 164,98 28/09/2021A
Immortals Feynx Rising Season PassR$ 82,47$ 19,9950%DLCB
IndivisibleR$ 44,98$ 9,9975%B
Indivisible: Razmi ChallengesR$ 14,97$ 3,9950%DLCB
Injustice 2R$ 30,00$ 9,9975%XR$ 24,00 16/07/2021W
Injustice 2: Pack UltimateR$ 38,25$ 9,9975%XDLCR$ 30,60 10/08/2021W
It Takes TwoR$ 119,40$ 23,9940%SR$ 129,35 19/10/2021A
Jagged Alliance: Rage!R$ 11,80$ 5,9980%XB
Journey to the Savage PlanetR$ 59,98$ 11,9960%B
Jumanji: The Video GameR$ 58,98$ 15,9960%XB
Jump ForceR$ 37,50$ 8,9985%XR$ 62,50 23/07/2021A
Jump Force: Ultimate EditionR$ 60,00$ 14,9985%Xjogo + DLCR$ 100,00 23/07/2021A
Jurassic World EvolutionR$ 24,75$ 12,4975%XB
Jurassic World Evolution - Deluxe BundleR$ 27,25$ 13,7475%Xjogo + DLCB
Jurassic World Evolution: Jurassic Park EditionR$ 60,61$ 16,2475%jogo + DLCR$ 72,73 18/12/2020A
Just Cause 3R$ 14,20$ 3,9980%R$ 10,65 08/10/2021W
Just Cause 3: XXL EditionR$ 21,40$ 5,9980%jogo + DLCR$ 16,05 08/10/2021W
Just Cause 4 - Edição CompletaR$ 58,49$ 13,9980%Xjogo + DLCB
Just Cause 4 - Gold EditionR$ 49,99$ 11,9980%Xjogo + DLCB
Just Dance 2022 Deluxe EditionR$ 181,96$ 38,9935%X,Sjogo + DLCA
Just Dance 2022 Standard EditionR$ 143,97$ 29,9940%X,SA
Just Dance 2022 Ultimate EditionR$ 230,96$ 52,4930%X,Sjogo + DLCA
Kaze and the WildmasksR$ 39,97$ 14,9950%B
Kerbal Space Program Complete EditionR$ 94,32$ 26,9955%jogo + DLCB
Kerbal Space Program Enhanced EditionR$ 37,25$ 9,9975%R$ 19,75 14/04/2020W
Killer Instinct: Definitive EditionR$ 36,86$ 9,9975%A,Xjogo + DLCR$ 19,75 02/04/2021W
King of SeasR$ 76,50$ 14,9940%R$ 95,62 17/08/2021A
King's Bounty 2 - Lords EditionR$ 145,47$ 38,9940%jogo + DLCR$ 181,83 12/10/2021A
Kingdom Come Deliverance Royal EditionR$ 38,70$ 11,9970%Xjogo + DLCR$ 32,25 07/09/2021W
Kingdoms of Amalur Re-ReckoningR$ 47,47$ 19,9950%B
Knockout CityR$ 49,50$ 9,9950%SB
Knockout City Deluxe EditionR$ 74,50$ 14,9950%Sjogo + DLCB
Lawn Mower SimulatorR$ 84,33$ 22,4925%R$ 95,58 10/08/2021A
LEGO Batman 3 Season PassR$ 5,80$ 2,9980%FDLCB
LEGO Batman 3: Beyond GothamR$ 24,75$ 4,9975%FR$ 19,80 13/07/2021W
LEGO CITY UndercoverR$ 24,00$ 5,9980%B
LEGO DC Super-VillainsR$ 46,00$ 11,9980%XB
LEGO DC Super-Villains Season PassR$ 10,00$ 2,9980%XDLCB
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2R$ 19,75$ 4,9975%X,FB
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2: Season PassR$ 14,70$ 4,4970%X,FDLCB
LEGO Marvel's AvengersR$ 45,00$ 4,9975%FB
LEGO Marvel’s Avengers Season PassR$ 9,00$ 2,9970%DLCR$ 7,50 15/11/2018W
LEGO STAR WARS: The Force AwakensR$ 25,00$ 4,9975%FB
LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens Season PassR$ 16,00$ 3,9960%DLCR$ 10,00 15/11/2018W
Lichdom: BattlemageR$ 7,39$ 1,9980%R$ 5,54 10/03/2020W
Life Is Strange 2 Complete SeasonR$ 38,40$ 12,7860%X,FB
Life is Strange True ColorsR$ 194,96$ 38,9935%AA
Life is Strange True Colors Deluxe EditionR$ 227,46$ 45,4935%Ajogo + DLCA
Life is Strange True Colors Ultimate EditionR$ 317,96$ 63,9920%Ajogo + DLCA
Little Big WorkshopR$ 48,71$ 12,9935%B
Little Nightmares 2R$ 120,53$ 20,0933%B
LivelockR$ 8,40$ 2,9970%B
Lock's QuestR$ 3,90$ 1,9990%R$ 5,85 19/12/2019A
Lords of the FallenR$ 7,90$ 1,9990%FB
Lords of the Fallen Digital Complete EditionR$ 9,90$ 2,9990%Fjogo + DLCB
Lost In RandomR$ 119,20$ 23,9920%B
Lost JudgmentR$ 209,96$ 41,9930%X,SA
Lost Judgment Digital Deluxe EditionR$ 227,46$ 45,4935%X,Sjogo + DLCA
Lost Judgment Digital Ultimate EditionR$ 266,97$ 53,9940%X,Sjogo + DLCA
Lost WordsR$ 31,25$ 7,4950%R$ 40,62 05/10/2021A
Madden NFL 22 MVP EditionR$ 249,50$ 49,9950%SR$ 299,40 02/11/2021A
Madden NFL 22 Xbox OneR$ 149,50$ 29,9950%R$ 194,35 15/10/2021A
Mafia Definitive EditionR$ 82,47$ 19,9950%R$ 98,97 28/09/2021A
Mafia III: Definitive EditionR$ 41,23$ 9,8967%XB
Mafia: TrilogyR$ 124,95$ 29,9950%XR$ 137,44 28/09/2021A
Marvel vs. Capcom: InfiniteR$ 43,73$ 9,9975%AB
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - Deluxe EditionR$ 66,73$ 17,9970%Ajogo + DLCR$ 73,40 08/10/2019A
Marvel's AvengersR$ 79,98$ 15,9960%X,SR$ 99,97 05/10/2021A
Marvel's Avengers Endgame EditionR$ 116,77$ 26,9955%X,Sjogo + DLCB
Marvel's Guardians of the GalaxyR$ 194,96$ 38,9935%X,SA
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Digital Deluxe EditionR$ 227,46$ 45,4935%X,Sjogo + DLCA
Mass Effect Legendary EditionR$ 164,45$ 32,9945%X,Sjogo + DLCB
Maximum Football 2020-$ 5,9980%$ 14,99 05/10/2021A
Memories of MarsR$ 18,73$ 4,9975%B
Metal Gear SurviveR$ 24,75$ 7,4975%XB
Metro ExodusR$ 16,80$ 8,9970%X,SB
Metro Exodus - Expansion PassR$ 11,60$ 5,9960%X,SDLCB
Metro Exodus Gold EditionR$ 22,80$ 11,9970%Xjogo + DLCR$ 25,08 12/10/2021A
Metro Redux BundleR$ 14,75$ 7,4975%R$ 11,80 02/04/2021W
Metro Saga BundleR$ 77,85$ 20,9965%jogo + DLCR$ 88,98 12/10/2021A
MLB The Show 21 Edição Digital DeluxeR$ 174,10$ 34,9965%X,Sjogo + DLCR$ 298,47 26/10/2021A
MLB The Show 21 Edição Jackie RobinsonR$ 148,73$ 29,7465%X,Sjogo + DLCR$ 276,21 26/10/2021A
MLB The Show 21 Xbox One Standard EditionR$ 44,99$ 8,9985%XR$ 98,98 26/10/2021A
MLB The Show 21: Stubs (67,500)R$ 92,47$ 24,9950%X,ScoinsB
MLB The Show 21:Stubs (150,000)R$ 186,22$ 49,9950%X,ScoinsB
MLB The Show 21:Stubs (24,000)R$ 44,97$ 11,9940%X,ScoinsB
MONOPOLY PLUSR$ 8,70$ 4,4970%R$ 7,25 04/06/2020W
Monster Energy Supercross - The Official Videogame 3R$ 39,99$ 7,9980%B
Monster Energy Supercross 3 - Special EditionR$ 59,99$ 11,9980%Fjogo + DLCB
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Master EditionR$ 114,75$ 29,9925%Xjogo + DLCB
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Master Edition Digital DeluxeR$ 155,25$ 37,4925%Xjogo + DLCB
Monster Jam Steel Titans 2R$ 67,47$ 23,9940%XR$ 75,34 13/09/2021A
MONSTER TRUCK CHAMPIONSHIPR$ 44,23$ 11,9970%R$ 58,98 17/08/2021A
MONSTER TRUCK CHAMPIONSHIP DELUXE EDITIONR$ 55,48$ 14,9970%jogo + DLCR$ 73,98 17/08/2021A
Moons of MadnessR$ 27,98$ 11,9960%XR$ 34,97 20/04/2021A
Mortal Kombat 11 - Pacote de Kombate 2R$ 23,60$ 5,9960%X,SDLCB
Mortal Kombat 11 AftermathR$ 47,70$ 11,9970%X,SDLCB
Mortal Kombat 11 Kombat PackR$ 39,50$ 9,9950%XDLCB
Mortal Kombat 11 UltimateR$ 83,70$ 17,9970%X,Sjogo + DLCR$ 97,65 22/10/2021A
Mortal Kombat XR$ 32,50$ 4,9975%B
Mortal Kombat X: XL PackR$ 17,00$ 4,9980%DLCB
Moto Racer 4R$ 7,80$ 3,9980%B
MotoGP 20R$ 29,99$ 5,9985%FR$ 39,99 17/08/2021A
MX vs ATV All OutR$ 17,70$ 8,9970%XR$ 14,75 20/10/2020W
MY HERO ONE'S JUSTICE 2R$ 82,46$ 19,7967%B
My Universe - My BabyR$ 56,22$ 14,9950%B
My Universe - School TeacherR$ 56,22$ 14,9950%AB
NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 4R$ 47,50$ 14,9950%R$ 23,75 31/01/2020W
NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 4 ROAD TO BORUTOR$ 60,00$ 14,9970%jogo + DLCR$ 50,00 15/02/2021W
NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM TrilogyR$ 56,00$ 15,9960%R$ 35,00 15/02/2019W
Naruto To Boruto: Shinobi Striker Deluxe EditionR$ 35,00$ 8,9990%jogo + DLCB
NBA 2K22R$ 149,95$ 29,9950%XR$ 200,93 19/10/2021A
NBA 2K22 NBA 75th Anniversary EditionR$ 334,66$ 66,9933%X,SR$ 399,60 19/10/2021A
Need for Speed HeatR$ 35,85$ 8,9985%XR$ 59,75 19/10/2021A
Need for Speed Heat Edição DeluxeR$ 41,85$ 10,4985%Xjogo + DLCR$ 69,75 19/10/2021A
Need for Speed PaybackR$ 29,75$ 4,9975%XB
Need for Speed RivalsR$ 20,00$ 4,9975%B
Need for Speed™ Hot Pursuit RemasteredR$ 49,75$ 9,9975%R$ 99,50 19/10/2021A
Neighbours back From HellR$ 26,61$ 9,7435%R$ 27,43 05/10/2021A
Neon AbyssR$ 35,97$ 11,9940%B
NHL 22 X-Factor Edition para Xbox One e Xbox Series X|SR$ 274,45$ 54,9945%X,SA
NHL 22 Xbox OneR$ 179,40$ 35,9940%XA
Nickelodeon All-Star BrawlR$ 129,46$ 34,9930%X,SA
Nickelodeon Kart Racers 2: Grand PrixR$ 58,98$ 15,9960%R$ 73,72 05/10/2021A
Nickelodeon: Kart RacersR$ 19,75$ 9,9975%R$ 11,85 18/12/2020W
Ninjin: Clash of CarrotsR$ 7,39$ 1,9980%R$ 3,69 29/12/2020W
No Man's SkyR$ 111,22$ 29,9950%XR$ 49,50 22/09/2020W
OctahedronR$ 16,00$ 5,1960%B
Offroad Racing - Buggy X ATV X MotoR$ 33,73$ 8,9970%B
Oh My GodheadsR$ 9,20$ 2,9980%B
Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 - The Official Video GameR$ 99,97$ 19,9950%R$ 149,96 07/09/2021A
ONE PIECE: PIRATE WARRIORS 4 Deluxe EditionR$ 108,86$ 29,6967%jogo + DLCB
Open CountryR$ 31,25$ 7,4950%B
Orcs Must Die! 3R$ 84,33$ 22,4925%X,SA
Ori and the Will of the WispsR$ 42,57$ 9,8967%A,X,SB
Ori: The CollectionR$ 59,38$ 11,5467%X,SB
OutridersR$ 92,36$ 19,7967%X,SB
Overcooked! 2R$ 17,15$ 8,7465%FB
Overcooked! All You Can EatR$ 72,00$ 23,9940%SB
OverrideR$ 26,23$ 4,9975%XR$ 13,65 14/04/2020W
Override 2: Super Mech LeagueR$ 39,97$ 7,4975%SR$ 52,76 07/09/2021A
Override 2: Super Mech League — Ultraman Deluxe EditionR$ 49,87$ 9,9975%Sjogo + DLCR$ 65,83 12/10/2021A
Override: Mech City Brawl - Super Charged Mega EditionR$ 32,48$ 7,4975%Xjogo + DLCR$ 18,15 14/04/2020W
Overwatch: Legendary EditionR$ 55,61$ 14,9975%B
Paladins Digital Deluxe Edition 2021R$ 97,00$ 29,9950%jogo + DLCB
Paladins Gold EditionR$ 32,01$ 9,8967%jogo + DLCR$ 19,40 23/07/2021W
Paladins Season Pass 2021R$ 67,80$ 20,9940%jogo + DLCR$ 73,45 23/07/2021A
Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Definitive EditionR$ 39,86$ 11,9970%jogo + DLCB
Paw PatrolR$ 39,50$ 19,9950%R$ 31,60 13/07/2021W
PAW Patrol The Movie: Adventure City CallsR$ 110,58$ 29,9925%A
Paw Patrol: Mighty Pups save Adventure BayR$ 73,72$ 19,9950%B
Payday 2 - Crimewave CollectionR$ 11,80$ 5,9980%DLCB
PGA Tour 2K21R$ 82,46$ 19,7967%XB
PGA TOUR 2K21 Baller EditionR$ 139,96$ 31,9960%A
PGA Tour 2K21 Digital DeluxeR$ 95,66$ 23,0967%Xjogo + DLCB
Plants vs. Zombies Garden WarfareR$ 13,80$ 3,9980%FB
Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2R$ 13,80$ 3,9980%FB
Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for NeighborvilleR$ 29,80$ 5,9980%X,FB
Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville™ Deluxe EditionR$ 29,85$ 5,9985%Fjogo + DLCB
Port Royale 4R$ 110,97$ 29,9940%SR$ 120,21 12/10/2021A
Port Royale 4 Extended CutR$ 122,97$ 32,9940%jogo + DLCB
Portal KnightsR$ 15,60$ 7,9960%XR$ 13,65 14/04/2020W
Portal Knights - Legendary EditionR$ 89,96$ 23,9920%jogo + DLCB
Praetorians - HD RemasterR$ 37,47$ 9,9950%R$ 56,21 18/12/2020A
PreyR$ 37,48$ 7,4975%X,FR$ 17,50 21/02/2020W
Prey: Digital Deluxe EditionR$ 59,98$ 11,9970%X,Fjogo + DLCR$ 22,50 21/02/2020W
Prison Architect: Xbox One EditionR$ 14,75$ 7,4975%R$ 11,80 26/01/2021W
Professor Rubik's Brain FitnessR$ 44,98$ 11,9960%AR$ 56,22 23/07/2021A
Project CarsR$ 13,73$ 3,7475%B
Project CARS 3R$ 74,97$ 17,9970%XB
Project CARS 3 - Deluxe EditionR$ 118,47$ 28,4970%Xjogo + DLCB
Project CARS 3 - Season PassR$ 74,95$ 17,4950%DLCB
Project Highrise: Architect's EditionR$ 28,11$ 7,4975%B
Psychonauts 2R$ 174,96$ 41,9930%S,AA
QuakeR$ 20,98$ 3,9960%AA
Quantum BreakR$ 19,50$ 9,9975%XB
Race with RyanR$ 44,98$ 11,9960%R$ 33,73 13/07/2021W
Rage 2R$ 59,70$ 17,9970%XR$ 39,80 04/08/2020W
RAGE 2: Deluxe EditionR$ 80,70$ 23,9970%Xjogo + DLCR$ 53,80 04/08/2020W
Railway EmpireR$ 37,47$ 9,9950%XB
Rainbow Six Siege Deluxe EditionR$ 37,48$ 9,9975%Sjogo + DLCR$ 22,49 13/09/2021W
Rainbow Six Siege Operator EditionR$ 104,98$ 27,9965%Sjogo + DLCB
Rainbow Six Siege Ultimate EditionR$ 151,98$ 39,9960%Sjogo + DLCB
Rapala Fishing Pro SeriesR$ 9,75$ 4,9975%R$ 5,85 18/12/2020W
Rare ReplayR$ 24,75$ 7,4975%B
Real Farm - Gold EditionR$ 59,97$ 14,9950%jogo + DLCA
Realm Royale Bass Drop BundleR$ 6,99$ 3,7475%FR$ 13,99 21/11/2019A
ReCore Definitive EditionR$ 9,73$ 4,9975%A,X,FB
Red Dead OnlineR$ 55,99$ 9,9950%XR$ 27,99 18/12/2020W
Red Dead Redemption 2R$ 99,98$ 23,9960%XB
Red Dead Redemption 2: Story ModeR$ 104,97$ 19,9950%XR$ 136,46 12/10/2021A
Red Dead Redemption 2: Story Mode and Ultimate Edition ContentR$ 179,99$ 35,9955%XB
Red Dead Redemption 2: Ultimate EditionR$ 149,98$ 29,9970%Xjogo + DLCR$ 139,60 22/09/2020W
Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-teredR$ 11,80$ 5,9980%B
Resident EvilR$ 14,75$ 4,9975%B
Resident Evil 0R$ 14,75$ 4,9975%B
RESIDENT EVIL 2R$ 63,60$ 15,9960%XB
RESIDENT EVIL 2 Deluxe EditionR$ 79,60$ 19,9960%Xjogo + DLCB
RESIDENT EVIL 3R$ 74,70$ 17,9970%XR$ 82,17 20/10/2021A
Resident Evil 4R$ 59,60$ 7,9960%B
Resident Evil 5R$ 59,60$ 7,9960%B
Resident Evil 6R$ 59,60$ 7,9960%jogo + DLCB
Resident Evil 7R$ 43,50$ 9,9950%A,XB
RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard Gold EditionR$ 79,50$ 19,9950%A,Xjogo + DLCB
Resident Evil RevelationsR$ 51,60$ 7,9960%jogo + DLCB
Resident Evil Revelations 1 & 2 BundleR$ 71,60$ 15,9960%jogo + DLCB
Resident Evil Revelations 2 Deluxe EditionR$ 51,60$ 11,9960%jogo + DLCR$ 42,57 24/10/2019W
Resident Evil Triple PackR$ 98,67$ 19,6367%jogo + DLCB
Resident Evil VillageR$ 124,50$ 29,9950%X,SR$ 166,83 20/10/2021A
Resident Evil Village Complete BundleR$ 220,35$ 51,9935%X,SR$ 254,25 20/10/2021A
Resident Evil Village Deluxe EditionR$ 179,40$ 41,9940%X,SR$ 224,25 20/10/2021A
Resident Evil: Deluxe Origins BundleR$ 30,75$ 9,9975%B
Resident Evil: RACCOON CITY EDITIONR$ 108,40$ 26,3967%XR$ 131,40 20/10/2021A
RIDE 3R$ 22,49$ 5,9985%XB
RIDE 3 - Gold EditionR$ 35,99$ 10,4985%Xjogo + DLCB
Riders Republic GoldR$ 276,34$ 66,9933%X,Sjogo + DLCA
Riders Republic StandardR$ 187,56$ 40,1933%X,SA
Riders Republic UltimateR$ 334,96$ 80,3933%X,Sjogo + DLCA
Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20 Year CelebrationR$ 25,99$ 5,9980%Xjogo + DLCB
Risk of RainR$ 5,25$ 2,4975%R$ 6,59 14/08/2020A
Risk of Rain 1 + 2 BundleR$ 28,91$ 7,4975%R$ 41,25 14/08/2020A
Risk of Rain 2R$ 26,29$ 6,2475%R$ 35,47 14/08/2020A
Road RageR$ 14,99$ 3,9980%R$ 11,24 28/04/2020W
Rock of Ages 3: Make & BreakR$ 32,72$ 7,4975%B
Rocket League Red Hot BundleR$ 78,50$ 14,9950%DLCA
Rogue Company Rogue EditionR$ 32,98$ 9,9960%Sjogo + DLCR$ 41,22 23/07/2021A
Rogue Company Ultimate EditionR$ 64,98$ 19,9960%Sjogo + DLCR$ 81,22 23/07/2021A
Rogue Company Year 1 PassR$ 49,47$ 14,9940%Sjogo + DLCR$ 53,59 23/07/2021A
Rush: A Disney Pixar AdventureR$ 29,98$ 7,9960%A,XR$ 18,73 04/06/2020W
RustlerR$ 73,09$ 19,4935%A
Ryse: Legendary EditionR$ 49,75$ 7,4975%jogo + DLCB
Saints Row IV: Re-ElectedR$ 9,75$ 4,9975%R$ 7,80 02/04/2021W
Saints Row IV: Re-Elected & Gat out of HellR$ 14,75$ 7,4975%R$ 11,80 25/05/2021W
Saints Row the Third RemasteredR$ 23,23$ 11,9970%R$ 30,98 13/09/2021A
Saints Row: Gat out of HellR$ 7,25$ 3,7475%R$ 5,80 23/07/2021W
SCARLET NEXUSR$ 167,94$ 35,9940%X,SB
SCARLET NEXUS Deluxe EditionR$ 227,69$ 47,9940%X,Sjogo + DLCB
Scott PilgrimR$ 34,97$ 7,4950%B
ScreamRideR$ 34,75$ 7,4975%B
Sea of Thieves: Anniversary EditionR$ 119,97$ 23,9940%X,AR$ 69,98 08/10/2021W
Sekiro: Shadows Die TwiceR$ 129,35$ 38,9935%XR$ 99,50 10/06/2021W
Session: Skateboarding Sim GameR$ 56,21$ 14,9925%B
Shadow of the Tomb Raider Definitive EditionR$ 65,98$ 13,1967%X,Fjogo + DLCR$ 62,48 16/03/2021W
Shadow of the Tomb Raider Definitive Edition Extra ContentR$ 18,73$ 5,9970%X,FDLCB
Shadows: AwakeningR$ 44,98$ 11,9960%R$ 33,73 14/08/2020W
Sid Meier's Civilization VIR$ 44,85$ 8,9970%XB
Skater XLR$ 110,58$ 29,9925%R$ 117,96 07/09/2021A
SkelattackR$ 22,47$ 4,9975%B
SkullyR$ 32,72$ 7,4975%B
Skydrift InfinityR$ 43,96$ 11,9920%R$ 49,45 05/10/2021A
Skyrim Special EditionR$ 65,98$ 13,1967%X,Fjogo + DLCR$ 29,70 14/08/2020W
Sleeping Dogs Definitive EditionR$ 29,85$ 4,4985%FB
SMITE Season Pass 2021R$ 83,85$ 25,9935%DLCB
SMITE Ultimate God Pack BundleR$ 32,01$ 9,8967%FDLCR$ 16,50 18/12/2020W
Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 Season Pass EditionR$ 20,85$ 5,9985%jogo + DLCB
Sniper Ghost Warrior ContractsR$ 44,98$ 9,9975%B
Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2R$ 88,47$ 23,9940%B
Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2 Deluxe Arsenal EditionR$ 110,97$ 29,9940%jogo + DLCB
Sombras da GuerraR$ 29,49$ 9,9980%X,AB
Sombras da Guerra: Expansão de História "A Desolação de Mordor"R$ 14,98$ 4,9975%X,ADLCB
Sombras da Guerra: Expansão de História "A Lâmina de Galadriel"R$ 11,11$ 3,7475%X,ADLCB
Sombras da Guerra: Expansão Nêmesis Tribo da MatançaR$ 11,11$ 3,7475%X,ADLCB
Sombras da Guerra: Expansão Nêmesis Tribo MarginalR$ 11,11$ 3,7475%X,ADLCB
Sombras da Guerra: Expansion PassR$ 19,11$ 5,9985%X,ADLCB
Sombras da Guerra: Passe Expansão de História de Terra-médiaR$ 19,36$ 6,2475%X,ADLCB
Sonic Colors: UltimateR$ 149,96$ 29,9925%A
Sonic Colors: Ultimate - Digital DeluxeR$ 168,33$ 33,7425%jogo + DLCA
Soulcalibur VIR$ 37,50$ 8,9985%XB
Soulcalibur VI Deluxe EditionR$ 70,00$ 17,9980%Xjogo + DLCB
South Park: The Fractured but WholeR$ 47,98$ 14,9970%R$ 39,98 19/05/2020W
South Park: The Stick of Truth + The Fractured but WholeR$ 65,98$ 23,0967%B
Spacebase Startopia Standard EditionR$ 92,47$ 24,9950%SR$ 110,97 05/10/2021A
Spyro + Crash Remastered Game BundleR$ 134,50$ 37,4950%B
Spyro Reignited TrilogyR$ 63,00$ 13,9965%B
STAR WARS Battlefront IIR$ 24,75$ 4,9975%X,FB
STAR WARS Battlefront II: Celebration EditionR$ 31,80$ 7,9980%X,FB
STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order Edição DeluxeR$ 111,60$ 19,9960%XB
STAR WARS: SQUADRONSR$ 69,65$ 13,9965%X,SB
State of Decay 2: Juggernaut EditionR$ 76,47$ 17,9940%A,XR$ 63,72 21/11/2019W
Stranded DeepR$ 37,47$ 9,9950%B
Street OutlawsR$ 36,86$ 9,9975%R$ 22,11 18/12/2020W
Street Outlaws 2R$ 92,47$ 24,9950%R$ 147,96 21/09/2021A
Street Outlaws 2: Winner Takes All – Digital DeluxeR$ 111,22$ 29,9950%Sjogo + DLCR$ 177,96 21/09/2021A
Sudden Strike 4 - European Battlefields EditionR$ 44,98$ 11,9960%XR$ 19,75 30/04/2019W
Sunset OverdriveR$ 24,75$ 4,9975%B
Sunset Overdrive Deluxe EditionR$ 37,25$ 7,4975%jogo + DLCB
Super Bomberman RR$ 37,50$ 9,9975%B
Super Mega Baseball 3R$ 83,72$ 22,4950%R$ 100,47 02/02/2021A
Super Monkey Ball Banana ManiaR$ 149,62$ 29,9925%X,SA
Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania Digital Deluxe EditionR$ 187,12$ 37,4925%X,Sjogo + DLCA
SuperliminalR$ 37,47$ 9,9950%R$ 44,97 17/08/2021A
Surviving MarsR$ 17,70$ 8,9970%XR$ 14,75 24/08/2021W
Surviving Mars - Digital Deluxe EditionR$ 23,70$ 11,9970%Xjogo + DLCB
Surviving Mars - Season PassR$ 34,50$ 17,4950%DLCB
SWORD ART ONLINE Alicization LycorisR$ 99,96$ 23,9960%B
SWORD ART ONLINE Alicization Lycoris - Deluxe EditionR$ 239,94$ 62,9940%jogo + DLCB
SWORD ART ONLINE: FATAL BULLETR$ 40,00$ 9,9975%XR$ 32,00 31/01/2020W
TALES OF ARISER$ 223,64$ 41,9930%A
Tales of Vesperia: Edição DefinitivaR$ 40,00$ 9,9980%XB
Tekken 7R$ 40,00$ 9,9980%B
Tell Me WhyR$ 49,97$ 9,9950%R$ 0,00 01/06/2021W
TerrariaR$ 15,60$ 7,9960%R$ 7,80 30/06/2017W
The AscentR$ 74,25$ 22,4925%A,X,SR$ 89,10 22/10/2021A
The Bioware BundleR$ 41,80$ 11,9980%jogo + DLCB
The Blizzard 30 Year Celebration CollectionR$ 67,47$ 17,9940%R$ 73,09 05/10/2021A
The Bluecoats: North & SouthR$ 56,22$ 14,9950%AB
THE CREW 2 - Gold EditionR$ 59,99$ 17,9980%jogo + DLCB
The Crew 2 - Season PassR$ 47,98$ 15,9960%XDLCR$ 39,60 02/03/2021W
THE CREW 2 - Standard EditionR$ 35,99$ 9,9980%XB
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little HopeR$ 79,95$ 14,9950%B
The Disney Afternoon CollectionR$ 15,25$ 4,9975%B
The Division 2 - Warlords of New York - ExpansionR$ 29,98$ 8,9970%X,SDLCB
The Division 2 - Warlords of New York - Ultimate EditionR$ 83,98$ 23,9970%X,Sjogo + DLCB
The Division 2 - Warlords of New York EditionR$ 68,98$ 17,9970%X,Sjogo + DLCB
The Elder Scrolls OnlineR$ 18,60$ 5,9970%XR$ 24,80 05/10/2021A
The Elder Scrolls Online: Blackwood CE UpgradeR$ 87,43$ 16,4967%DLCR$ 132,47 05/10/2021A
The Elder Scrolls Online: Blackwood UpgradeR$ 70,93$ 13,1967%DLCR$ 107,47 05/10/2021A
The Elder Scrolls Online: Collection BlackwoodR$ 98,98$ 19,7967%Sjogo + DLCR$ 149,97 05/10/2021A
The Elder Scrolls Online: Collection Blackwood CER$ 131,15$ 26,3967%Sjogo + DLCR$ 198,72 05/10/2021A
The Evil WithinR$ 16,00$ 3,9980%B
The Evil Within 2R$ 30,99$ 7,9980%X,FB
The Evil Within Digital BundleR$ 28,00$ 5,9980%jogo + DLCR$ 42,00 23/07/2021A
The Evil Within Season PassR$ 14,00$ 3,9960%DLCR$ 10,50 18/12/2020W
The Inner World - The Last Wind MonkR$ 33,72$ 8,9955%R$ 29,50 10/10/2018W
The Jackbox Party Pack 3R$ 31,85$ 16,2435%R$ 24,50 21/04/2020W
The Jackbox Party Pack 8R$ 84,33$ 22,4925%X,SA
The Last Kids on Earth and the Staff of DoomR$ 88,47$ 23,9940%R$ 103,21 27/07/2021A
The LEGO NINJAGO Movie Video GameR$ 22,50$ 7,4985%B
The Outer WorldsR$ 82,48$ 19,7967%XB
The Outer Worlds: Murder on EridanosR$ 63,99$ 11,9920%X,SDLCB
The Outer Worlds: Peril on GorgonR$ 51,99$ 9,7435%X,SDLCB
The Sims 4R$ 23,85$ 5,9985%R$ 15,90 16/06/2020W
The Sims 4 + Gatos e Cães – BundleR$ 79,60$ 19,9960%Xjogo + DLCR$ 49,75 18/12/2020W
The Sims 4 - Pacote de Jogo Decoração dos SonhosR$ 74,25$ 14,9925%DLCB
The Sims 4 - Pacote de Expansão Vida CampestreR$ 149,25$ 29,9925%DLCB
The Sims 4 Aventuras na SelvaR$ 74,25$ 14,9925%DLCR$ 59,25 15/06/2021W
The Sims 4 Bebês Coleção de ObjetosR$ 36,75$ 7,4925%DLCR$ 19,50 17/09/2019W
The Sims 4 City LivingR$ 99,50$ 19,9950%DLCR$ 64,50 07/05/2019W
The Sims 4 Coleção de Objetos Terraço PerfeitoR$ 36,75$ 7,4925%DLCR$ 19,50 17/09/2019W
The Sims 4 Coleção de Objetos Vida CompactaR$ 36,75$ 7,4925%DLCB
The Sims 4 Cozinha Maneira Coleção de ObjetosR$ 36,75$ 7,4925%DLCR$ 19,50 17/09/2019W
The Sims 4 Deluxe Party EditionR$ 29,85$ 7,4985%jogo + DLCR$ 19,90 16/06/2020W
The Sims 4 Dia de Lavar as Roupas Coleção de ObjetosR$ 36,75$ 7,4925%DLCR$ 19,50 17/09/2019W
The Sims 4 Dia de SpaR$ 74,25$ 14,9925%DLCR$ 39,50 01/10/2019W
The Sims 4 Dine OutR$ 74,25$ 14,9925%DLCR$ 39,50 01/10/2019W
The Sims 4 Diversão no Quintal Coleção de ObjetosR$ 36,75$ 7,4925%DLCR$ 19,50 17/09/2019W
The Sims 4 Eco LifestyleR$ 99,50$ 19,9950%DLCR$ 79,50 03/08/2021W
The Sims 4 Festa Luxuosa Coleção de ObjetosR$ 36,75$ 7,4925%DLCR$ 19,50 17/09/2019W
The Sims 4 Fitness Coleção de ObjetosR$ 36,75$ 7,4925%DLCR$ 19,50 17/09/2019W
The Sims 4 Get to WorkR$ 99,50$ 19,9950%DLCR$ 39,75 07/06/2019W
The Sims 4 Ilhas TropicaisR$ 99,50$ 19,9950%DLCR$ 79,50 03/08/2021W
The Sims 4 Junte-se à GaleraR$ 99,50$ 19,9950%DLCR$ 79,50 03/08/2021W
The Sims 4 Moschino Coleção de ObjetosR$ 36,75$ 7,4925%DLCB
The Sims 4 Noite de Boliche Coleção de ObjetosR$ 36,75$ 7,4925%DLCR$ 19,50 17/09/2019W
The Sims 4 Noite de Cinema Coleção de ObjetosR$ 36,75$ 7,4925%DLCR$ 19,50 17/09/2019W
The Sims 4 Quarto das Crianças Coleção de ObjetosR$ 36,75$ 7,4925%DLCR$ 19,50 17/09/2019W
The Sims 4 Reino da MagiaR$ 74,25$ 14,9925%DLCR$ 47,40 04/05/2021W
The Sims 4 Retiro ao Ar LivreR$ 74,25$ 14,9925%DLCR$ 39,50 01/10/2019W
The Sims 4 Romantic Garden StuffR$ 36,75$ 7,4925%DLCR$ 19,50 17/09/2019W
The Sims 4 Rumo à FamaR$ 99,50$ 19,9950%DLCR$ 79,50 03/08/2021W
The Sims 4 SeasonsR$ 99,50$ 19,9950%DLCR$ 74,50 13/10/2020W
The SIMS 4 Snowy Escape Expansion PackR$ 99,50$ 19,9950%DLCR$ 79,60 04/05/2021W
The Sims 4 Sobrenatural Coleção de ObjetosR$ 36,75$ 7,4925%DLCB
The Sims 4 Spooky StuffR$ 36,75$ 7,4925%DLCR$ 19,50 17/09/2019W
The Sims 4 Star Wars: Journey to Batuu Game PackR$ 74,25$ 14,9925%DLCR$ 59,40 30/04/2021W
The Sims 4 StrangerVilleR$ 74,25$ 14,9925%DLCR$ 39,50 01/10/2019W
The Sims 4 Truques de Tricô Coleção de ObjetosR$ 36,75$ 7,4925%DLCB
The Sims 4 VampiresR$ 74,25$ 14,9925%DLCR$ 39,50 01/10/2019W
The Sims 4 Vida em FamíliaR$ 74,25$ 14,9925%DLCR$ 51,75 15/06/2021W
The Sims 4 Vintage Glamour StuffR$ 36,75$ 7,4925%DLCR$ 19,50 17/09/2019W
The Sims 4: Cats and Dogs Plus My First Pet Stuff BundleR$ 79,50$ 19,9950%DLCB
The Sims™ 4 Discover UniversityR$ 99,50$ 19,9950%DLCR$ 79,50 03/08/2021W
The SurvivalistsR$ 17,15$ 8,7465%R$ 19,60 12/10/2021A
The Witcher 3R$ 28,60$ 7,9980%XB
The Witcher 3: Complete EditionR$ 38,00$ 9,9980%Xjogo + DLCB
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Blood and WineR$ 33,60$ 11,9940%DLCR$ 16,80 22/10/2021W
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Hearts of StoneR$ 16,80$ 5,9940%DLCR$ 8,40 22/10/2021W
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Expansion PassR$ 39,00$ 14,9940%DLCR$ 19,50 22/10/2021W
Thehunter: Call Of The WildR$ 20,65$ 10,4965%XR$ 23,60 23/07/2021A
theHunter: Call of the Wild - 2021 EditionR$ 133,34$ 35,7445%jogo + DLCR$ 121,22 22/06/2021W
Thornebreaker: The Witcher TalesR$ 16,79$ 5,9970%B
Titan QuestR$ 14,75$ 7,4975%XB
Titanfall 2R$ 19,75$ 4,9975%X,FR$ 11,85 08/10/2020W
Titanfall 2: Ultimate EditionR$ 29,75$ 7,4975%X,Fjogo + DLCR$ 11,90 23/07/2021W
TokiR$ 14,99$ 3,9980%B
Tomb Raider: Definitive EditionR$ 12,36$ 2,9985%FB
Tomb Raider: Definitive Survivor TrilogyR$ 99,98$ 19,9960%Xjogo + DLCB
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 + 2 Cross Gen BundleR$ 114,50$ 24,9950%X,SR$ 137,40 05/10/2021A
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 + 2 Standard EditionR$ 99,50$ 19,9950%XR$ 119,40 05/10/2021A
Torchlight IIR$ 22,48$ 5,9970%B
Torchlight IIIR$ 36,86$ 9,9975%R$ 73,72 23/07/2021A
Tour de France 2021R$ 73,72$ 19,9950%R$ 98,79 06/07/2021A
TRANSFORMERS: BATTLEGROUNDSR$ 51,60$ 13,9965%R$ 73,72 07/09/2021A
TRANSFORMERS: BATTLEGROUNDS Digital Deluxe EditionR$ 64,73$ 17,4965%jogo + DLCR$ 73,98 05/10/2021A
Trine 4: The Nightmare PrinceR$ 32,48$ 7,4975%B
Trine: Ultimate CollectionR$ 68,98$ 14,9970%B
Trollhunters: Defenders of ArcadiaR$ 44,23$ 11,9970%B
Tropico 6R$ 73,98$ 19,9960%XR$ 88,98 20/04/2021A
Truck DriverR$ 69,50$ 19,9950%XR$ 97,30 29/04/2021A
Two Point Hospital Jumbo EditionR$ 32,97$ 23,9940%jogo + DLCR$ 35,71 05/10/2021A
Two Point Hospital: JUMBO Edition UpgradeR$ 62,94$ 11,9940%FDLCR$ 68,18 05/10/2021A
UFC 4R$ 89,70$ 17,9970%X,FB
UFC 4 DELUXE HOLIDAY EDITIONR$ 101,70$ 20,9970%X,Fjogo + DLCB
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3R$ 30,80$ 9,9960%B
Underworld AscendantR$ 28,11$ 7,4975%B
Unravel 2R$ 19,75$ 4,9975%X,FR$ 15,80 13/09/2021W
UnturnedR$ 41,56$ 9,9960%R$ 51,95 22/10/2021A
Valhalla Hills - Definitive EditionR$ 33,72$ 8,9955%R$ 19,75 10/10/2018W
Vikings - Wolves of MidgardR$ 44,98$ 11,9960%R$ 36,86 14/08/2020W
VirginiaR$ 4,75$ 2,4975%R$ 3,80 14/08/2020W
Warhammer 40.000 MechanicusR$ 51,60$ 13,9965%R$ 58,98 05/10/2021A
Wasteland 3 Colorado CollectionR$ 149,70$ 29,9940%X,Sjogo + DLCA
Watch Dogs 2R$ 36,49$ 9,9980%FR$ 18,24 08/10/2020W
Watch Dogs 2 - Gold EditionR$ 47,99$ 17,9980%Fjogo + DLCR$ 35,99 08/10/2020W
Watch Dogs 2 - Season PassR$ 39,60$ 15,9960%FDLCR$ 29,70 22/12/2017W
Watch Dogs LegionR$ 69,98$ 14,9975%X,SR$ 92,38 13/09/2021A
Watch Dogs Legion - DELUXE EDITIONR$ 124,98$ 27,9960%X,Sjogo + DLCR$ 103,10 13/09/2021W
Watch Dogs Legion - ULTIMATE EDITIONR$ 124,98$ 29,9975%X,Sjogo + DLCR$ 164,98 13/09/2021A
Watch Dogs: Legion - Gold EditionR$ 103,11$ 24,9975%X,Sjogo + DLCR$ 136,10 13/09/2021A
Watch Dogs: Legion: Legion - Season PassR$ 82,47$ 19,9950%S,XDLCB
We Happy FewR$ 24,90$ 5,9990%A,XR$ 37,35 23/07/2021A
We Happy Few Digital DeluxeR$ 46,05$ 11,9985%A,Xjogo + DLCB
Werewolf The Apocalypse Earthblood Champion of Gaia Xbox OneR$ 88,98$ 23,9960%jogo + DLCB
Werewolf The Apocalypse Earthblood Xbox OneR$ 73,98$ 19,9960%B
Who Wants to be a Millionaire?R$ 67,47$ 17,9940%R$ 73,09 23/07/2021A
Wolfenstein IIR$ 30,99$ 7,9980%XR$ 46,48 10/08/2021A
Wolfenstein II: Digital Deluxe EditionR$ 49,99$ 11,9980%Xjogo + DLCB
Wolfenstein II: The Freedom Chronicles Season PassR$ 32,00$ 9,9960%XDLCR$ 24,00 18/12/2020W
Wolfenstein: The New OrderR$ 20,00$ 4,9975%R$ 24,00 10/08/2021A
Wolfenstein: The Old BloodR$ 16,00$ 4,9975%R$ 19,20 10/08/2021A
Wolfenstein: YoungbloodR$ 29,98$ 5,9970%XB
Wolfenstein: Youngblood Deluxe EditionR$ 37,48$ 7,4975%XR$ 46,50 18/12/2020A
Worms W.M.DR$ 13,80$ 5,9980%R$ 17,25 12/10/2021A
WRC 10 Deluxe EditionR$ 148,72$ 39,9950%X,Sjogo + DLCA
WRC 10 Xbox OneR$ 92,47$ 24,9950%X,SA
Wreckfest Complete EditionR$ 68,72$ 24,9950%jogo + DLCR$ 75,59 08/10/2021A
WWE 2K BattlegroundsR$ 89,59$ 15,9960%B
WWE 2K Battlegrounds Digital Deluxe EditionR$ 111,99$ 19,9960%jogo + DLCB
WWE 2K20R$ 62,48$ 14,9975%XR$ 82,48 14/08/2020A
XCOM 2 CollectionR$ 54,00$ 14,9985%Xjogo + DLCR$ 72,00 12/10/2021A
XIII RemakeR$ 92,47$ 24,9950%B
Yakuza: Like a DragonR$ 124,97$ 29,9950%X,SR$ 149,97 13/09/2021A
Yakuza: Like a Dragon Hero EditionR$ 144,95$ 34,9950%X,Sjogo + DLCR$ 173,94 13/09/2021A
Yakuza: Like a Dragon Legendary Hero EditionR$ 186,95$ 44,9950%X,Sjogo + DLCR$ 224,34 13/09/2021A
Yesterday OriginsR$ 14,99$ 3,9980%R$ 11,70 21/12/2018W
Yooka-LayleeR$ 17,00$ 7,9980%R$ 21,25 19/10/2021A
Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the DuelistR$ 15,60$ 7,9960%B
Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist:Link EvolutionR$ 71,96$ 15,9960%B
Zombieland: Double Tap - Road TripR$ 36,86$ 9,9975%R$ 22,11 18/12/2020W
Zoo Tycoon: Ultimate Animal CollectionR$ 29,98$ 7,9960%AR$ 18,73 04/06/2020W

Para Xbox Series:

NomeBRUSA%ObsTipoMelhor anteriorCor
Control - Ultimate Edition - Xbox Series X|SR$ 38,70$ 11,9970%SR$ 51,60 10/06/2021A
Devil May Cry 5 Special EditionR$ 123,00$ 29,9925%SB
FIFA 22 para Xbox Series X|SR$ 237,30$ 48,9930%SA
Greak: Memories of AzurR$ 35,99$ 11,9940%SR$ 44,99 12/10/2021A
Hell Let LooseR$ 149,25$ 29,9925%SA
Hunting Simulator 2 Elite Edition Xbox Series X|SR$ 129,97$ 34,9950%jogo + DLCB
Madden NFL 22 Xbox Series X|SR$ 203,40$ 41,9940%SR$ 237,30 15/10/2021A
MLB The Show 21 Xbox Series X|S Standard EditionR$ 104,98$ 20,9970%SR$ 122,48 26/10/2021A
Monster Truck ChampionshipR$ 58,98$ 15,9960%SR$ 73,72 17/08/2021A
Monster Truck Championship - Rebel Hunter EditionR$ 73,98$ 19,9960%Sjogo + DLCR$ 92,47 13/09/2021A
NBA 2K22R$ 174,95$ 34,9950%SR$ 234,43 19/10/2021A
NHL 22 Xbox Series X|SR$ 237,30$ 48,9930%SA
Tour de France 2021 Xbox SeriesR$ 110,97$ 29,9940%SB
Werewolf The Apocalypse Earthblood Champion of Gaia Xbox SeriesR$ 111,22$ 29,9950%Sjogo + DLCB
Werewolf The Apocalypse Earthblood Xbox SeriesR$ 92,47$ 24,9950%SB
WRC 10 Xbox Series X|SR$ 111,22$ 29,9950%SA

G = desconto para assinantes Gold
R = retrocompatível
A = XBOX Play Anywhere
X = Otimizado para Xbox One X
S = Otimizado para Xbox Series
F = FPS Boost